Mastering the Global MBA Admissions Process by TOP X InsideIIM

About the Webinar

About the Webinar

In recent years, pursuing education abroad has become increasingly popular among Indian students. Study abroad programs offer students various opportunities to immerse themselves in new cultures, gain a global perspective, and broaden their horizons both academically and personally. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the process of selecting a program and preparing for it. There are various stages right from navigating various courses and schools, to selecting the right fit for you, to figuring out the admission process, the various tests to be taken and so on.

In this informative webinar by InsideIIM, attendees will learn about school and program selection based on your profile, how to write essays, SOPs and apply for scholarships, interview preparation, difference between 1 year and 2 year programs, application deadlines, cost of studying abroad, financial aid, and the various tests(TOEFL, IELTS, PTE etc.) which you should be taking based on your profile and interests.

Students attending would also be able to get any questions answered by our expert panelist who has extensive experience in admissions consulting. We hope this webinar provides valuable information and insights to help you make informed career decisions and makes your journey to your dream school smoother.

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Date: 25 March 2023

Time: 1PM - 2PM

Venue: Zoom

About the Speaker

Director of Admissions, Top One Percent - 12 years of Admissions Consulting Experience - Sent thousands of students to the M7 schools and other top programs including Wharton, MIT, Harvard, Columbia, Kellogg, Stanford, INSEAD,  LBS. The man behind thousands of TOP admits over the years, 110+ ISB and 203+ Global TOP 15 Admits for 2023 intake alone.

The Mastermind behind Influencer Sharan Hegde's  Columbia MBA Admit, Mr. Autrri Chakravarti
(Admissions Director-T.O.P I London Business School MBA | Imperial College London- MiF and B.Engg | Investment Banker- Goldman Sachs, London)