I really enjoy the game of Bowling. Every chance that I take, leads me to a new set of pins that I shoot. Sometimes, I take a strike (10), sometimes a spare (9), and sometimes none (0). But you know what the most important aspect of this game is? – It is the game itself!!!
The journey of Toastmasters is like a game of bowling. Every time you play a shot, you mark a goal. You discover areas that were least visible to you earlier. You discover a better, stronger and a significant YOU. “Toastmasters” is a very wide concept, with its roots widespread in different dimensions.
The aim of Toastmasters is to create better and effective communicator and leader out of oneself. Toastmasters International is a not for profit organisation, that takes you through a rigorous process of carving ones niche, not only in public speaking, but also in the Art of Listening. The ladder of Toastmasters takes you through various certificates that you earn through the way, while each one tries to reach the most coveted title of them all – Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM).
One such fruit of this magnanimous organisation is SIBM Pune Toastmasters. SIBM Pune Toastmasters was started by the efforts of our senior’s way back in 2012. SIBM Pune, being a student driven institute, the initiative was watered, and soon the outcome was in the form of the club that stands today.
SIBM Pune Toastmasters, today stands in its 4th year, as a healthy club. The major reason behind this is not just the active participation of the student community at SIBM, but also the kind of support we get from Director Sir, Dr. Raman and from the Faculty and staff at the institute. This year, the club not only achieved the various points it had in order to be a healthy club, but also achieved the Presidents Distinguished Toastmasters Club award from Toastmasters International, USA – first time since existence.
SIBM Pune Toastmasters aims to improve the communication and leadership skills of the hilltop mates, and making them corporate ready. The club not only ensures a better public speaking pitch, but also contributes majorly in wholesome development of oneself.