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Hritesh Singh

Alumni | IIFT

3 Stories

5 Social Qualities That’ll Make You a Master of Professional Life

You get a job, work for hours and ace targets. Sounds like an easy deal to flourish with ample results at work, right?You might have been thinking about the Mercedes you need before retirement and the million dollar account you’ve to hold before calling it a day. But, would ‘subject

Strategies to Keep Students Motivated and Focused

As most of us know, students have a little focus length as against adults and even though, the thought about a particular goal is instilled in their minds, it becomes important that they should be kept motivated to move them towards their goal. Generally, the best learning materials, books and lessons cannot

How to Make Money by Clipping Coupons

With the new coupon shows and tons of couponing blogs and forums flooding the internet, most people know the value in using coupons to save money. Some people are even able to make money with coupons if they are used right.Whether you’re interested in couponing or not, there are other