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Kartikeya Tayal

Alumni | IIM Bangalore (Since 1973)

E.L.I.T.E. Program at Capgemini MBA IIM Bangalore B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering - Drexel Univeristy

E.L.I.T.E. Program at Capgemini MBA IIM Bangalore B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering - Drexel Univeristy

2 Stories

Jumping Through The Looking Glass – The First Sales Experience

There was always a mystique related to sales for me. How do you actually go and get business? And then once you have a client, how do you proactively grow the business and make sure that your existing engagements are being managed well? So many moving parts, different priorities, different

Knowing When You Don’t Know

“I don’t know. We apologise and will get back to you.” Those words would have gotten me out of the most challenging and intense presentation I have ever given. The 'clients' even walked out during the presentation. But for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to say them. Honestly, they