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Saumya Vyas

Alumni | IIM Shillong  (Since 2008)

Saumya Vyas Member, Public Relations Cell IIM Shillong

Saumya Vyas Member, Public Relations Cell IIM Shillong

2 Stories

The Bittersweet Feeling - The End Of Year 1

As I write this, barely a week is left for the IIIrd Term to end, which marks the end of my Ist year of MBA. To say that it has been a roller coaster ride would be both a cliche and an understatement. A time for contemplation and retrospection, I

Journey To The Center Of My World - IIM Shillong

I can hear the celebrations from the other side of the hostel block. It is indeed a busy day for us. Today we have had five PPO offers and there is a birthday boy too, so you can imagine the amount of celebration required.There is a marked difference between the