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3911 Stories

How to Talk about your CV in Summer Placements?

Internships and other summer job placements are excellent ways to get your career off the ground. The way you discuss your resume in your application for these positions is a major factor in determining whether you receive an offer. The success you have at interviews and networking events might depend

Navigating the Core Courses in an MBA Program : Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of our exploration into core courses within an MBA program, where we delve deeper into the fundamental pillars of business education. Now, let's continue our journey by unraveling further insights into these core subjects and providing invaluable tips for navigating through them with proficiency and finesse.

Navigating the Core Courses in an MBA Program : Part 1

An MBA from one of the prestigious Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) is a transformative experience that equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful business career. One of the most important aspects of an IIM MBA programme is the foundational business education modules. These courses provide

Prerequisite Skills Before Entering an MBA Program and How to Develop Them

Pursuing an MBA program is a significant step towards a successful career in business and management. However, it is crucial to possess certain prerequisite skills before entering an MBA program to make the most of this educational opportunity. These skills lay the foundation for effective learning and help students excel