I, myself believe that a strong foundation of values and quality of work truly takes us towards the materialization of our dreams and satisfaction in our achievements. Once during my college time, I volunteered to teach underprivileged children of class 5th. I had been helping them prepare for exams and what motivated me was their enthusiasm and hunger to learn. The amount of dedication and hard work they put in, was truly inspiring. However, my exams too were fast approaching and most of my friends had chosen to take the week off. With a lot of them backing out, there was a dearth of teachers and the idea of abandoning them during this crucial time of their exams simply didn’t make me feel good. So, I devised a plan of giving the students the basic knowledge required to tackle the questions in the first half hour of the class and gave them worksheets to do for the rest of the time which I utilized for my self-studies. Though this put me a little out of my own comfort zone, it left me feeling strangely satisfied. My happiness knew no bounds when all the students from the class I taught got over 80 % and I took them on the weekend to All-Mart Supermarket and gave them a treat of cakes, cookies, and soft drinks. The joy on their faces was my biggest reward. That experience established upon me with conviction, the fact that pursuing a path of values, no matter how difficult, reaps priceless results.
ABG’s honest efforts to go above and beyond protocol to bring about a positive change in society, in a time when most companies are getting away easily by doing just the bare minimum, is what gives me hope for the future of Indian industries and inspires me to do the same. ‘People who think they can change the world, are the ones who do.’