Akram Khan
Alumni | Xlri Xavier School Of Management Jamshedpur
Loves traveling and meeting new people. IT Professional and an entrepreneur. Failed start-ups were a learning experience. Knows intermediate German and beginner French. Pursuing PGDHRM at XLRI. An AMU Graduate. 98.33 in XAT 2019 and 330 in GRE. Feel free to ping me on any of the social platforms.
Loves traveling and meeting new people. IT Professional and an entrepreneur. Failed start-ups were a learning experience. Knows intermediate German and beginner French. Pursuing PGDHRM at XLRI. An AMU Graduate. 98.33 in XAT 2019 and 330 in GRE. Feel free to ping me on any of the social platforms.
10 Stories
Secrets Of Storytellers Podcast Series By XLRI Alumnus
Since the era of economic liberalization of 1991, selection in the country’s top B-school is often considered as a ticket to success. The new breed of MBA graduates were seen as the saviours who had the potential to put businesses on fast track. The MBA degree in itself became a
Learn A Foreign Language - How I Learnt German Online?
I speak 5 languages : A mix of Hindi and Urdu (Native), English (C1-C2), German (B2) and French (A2). I learnt English at school but acquired German and French quiet recently. I used free online resources to learn them and subsequently practised them with native speakers as part of language
Lawyer Turned MBA Student : Ft. Ishita Saxena, PGDHRM, XLRI
In conversation with Ishita Saxena, who pursued an MBA in Human Resource Management after pursuing law. Read on!Let’s start with the most cliched question - Why a career in MBA, specifically with an HR specialisation? Why not be a lawyer instead?Post long introspection sessions trying to come up with a
Cover Up For Low Acads And Build A Star Profile - Tips From A 5 Pointer
So, you were relaxing and chilling in your undergraduate degree and ended up with low academics and those Purane Paap (Old Sins) won't stop haunting you? Well, you are not alone and being a five-pointer engineer, I can very well relate to you.After being asked to explain those grades at