Noopur Lokare
Alumni | IIM Bangalore (Since 1973)
Pursuing MBA from IIM Bangalore.
Pursuing MBA from IIM Bangalore.
3 Stories
My Mahindra Journal - About to End! - Noopur Lokare, IIM Bangalore
Here comes the summer internship almost to an end. Now, when everyone in so immersed in their projects; everyone has finally got the hang of what they are actually doing, its time to finish our work in style. There has been a drastic difference between my first week of internship
My Mahindra Journal - Week 4 - Noopur Lokare, IIM Bangalore
“Every Day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.” - Matsuo BashoIt’s the fourth week of our internship, and we are slowly nearing to the end of our two months stint. The internship is truly like a journey and we interns are sailing through its different ventures every
My Mahindra Journal! - Noopur Lokare, IIM Bangalore
How was my first week at Mahindra? Well, not like any of my peer’s interning in different companies. From informative speaker sessions to fun activities, it was filled with all the flavors one could have expected. Mahindra allowed us to understand the group and the partners through & through and