Ramraj Nagar
Alumni | IIM Lucknow (Since 1984)
Ramraj Nagar IIM-L PGP 2018-20
Ramraj Nagar IIM-L PGP 2018-20
11 Stories
How To Prepare For WAT-GD-PI Round of IIMs | Guidelines From An IIM Lucknow Student
Remember, CAT is a rejection process while the IIM WAT-GD-PI is a selection process. Generally, IIMs have WAT and PI in the 2nd stage except IIM K and S. Additionally, IIM-K has a GD and IIM-S has Case Discussion (Till CAT 2017).Writing Ability Test (WAT)The WAT at IIMs is your first
Things You Need To Let Go Of To Crack CAT
Following two quotes inspired me throughout the preparation phase:“You can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice.”“In order to achieve something great you'll have to sacrifice something great.”Since the failure in CAT 2016, I was committed to CAT’17 and had to manage my time very well. To
2 CAT Attempts, And A Journey To HelL - Ramraj Nagar
I believe Commitment, Attitude and Hard Work is the key to Success.I will start from the very beginning. I am from a small village in Rajasthan and did my schooling (till 10th) from the Govt. school of the village. At my place, Hindi was a luxury and English was an
How To Crack Different Sections In CAT - Tips By A Former Aspirant
There is no one fit size for all the CAT Aspirants. It is based on the individual’s strengths, weakness. Following are the tips, which may be useful for the Aspirants.CAT is the entrance exam for the top-notch b-schools in India. This exam tests one’s aptitude, comprehending and language skills. However,