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Sagar Jog

Alumni | SIBM Pune

Sagar Jog, SIBM Pune. I am First year MBA student studying in Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune. I have chosen my specialisation as Marketing. I am a person who always wants to learn new things and make new friends. I have great attraction towards the Branding and Advertising sector of the companies, which pretty much sums up one of the reasons to select my specialisation.

Sagar Jog, SIBM Pune. I am First year MBA student studying in Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune. I have chosen my specialisation as Marketing. I am a person who always wants to learn new things and make new friends. I have great attraction towards the Branding and Advertising sector of the companies, which pretty much sums up one of the reasons to select my specialisation.

1 Story

ABG : The Omnipresent - Sagar Jog, SIBM Pune

From the time when my mother used to wake me up for school and with the eagerness of knowing what is wrapped in Freshwrapp in tiffin box, to the urge of shopping clothes according to the newest trends at People and Pantaloons, to the time where I came to know the importance of formal