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Spandan Kundu

Alumni | SJMSOM Mumbai

Student at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay | L&T Construction | NIT Durgapur

Student at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay | L&T Construction | NIT Durgapur

2 Stories

Peter England, Louis Philippe, Van Heusen. Yes, these are Indian Brands!

“Guess which country does the brand, Peter England or Louis Philippe belong to?”This was a trick question that used to do the rounds among us 90’s kids when internet wasn’t so common, and the only source of knowledge was TV and word of mouth. To be honest, at that age I

Taking India to the world - ABG | Spandan Kundu, SJMSOM Mumbai

“Guess which country does the brand, Peter England or Louis Philippe belong to?”This was a trick question that used to do the rounds among us 90’s  kids when internet wasn’t so common, and the only source of knowledge  was TV and word of mouth. To be honest, at that age I