Subhra Pratim Halder
Alumni | IIM Lucknow (Since 1984)
This article is written by Subhra Pratim Halder, PGDM (Marketing & HR) IIML, batch of 2018. He was the head of elected Senate, IIML and worked for the branding & public relations as part of Media Cell of the institute. A two-time National level winner of essay writing by NHRC, he is keen into developing insights on consumer behavior and brand management in Marketing.
This article is written by Subhra Pratim Halder, PGDM (Marketing & HR) IIML, batch of 2018. He was the head of elected Senate, IIML and worked for the branding & public relations as part of Media Cell of the institute. A two-time National level winner of essay writing by NHRC, he is keen into developing insights on consumer behavior and brand management in Marketing.
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