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Vishal Tomar

Alumni | FMS Delhi (Since 1954)

Vishal Tomar MBA-FT FMS Delhi 2019-2021

Vishal Tomar MBA-FT FMS Delhi 2019-2021

2 Stories

Overcoming challenges in my life !

I faced the biggest challenge of my life in 2011 when I was stuck on the rooftop of a house for 3 days in Moradabad flood. I had to take care of my mother who fell sick and there was no one else to lean on. I gathered the limited

Aditya Birla Group- Helping me build and live my dreams!

Coming from a rural background, I was always looked upon as a hope for the family because I showed early signs of good academic abilities. I was lucky enough to do well in life and put those abilities to use when I started working and earning in 2016. It was