Unlike, IIM Bangalore, IIM Lucknow, IIM Kozhikode and FMS Delhi (click to see report) we could not convince JBIMS Mumbai to give us the placement information in the same format. While there are some impressive names there due to the rich legacy of JBIMS Mumbai, the report released by the placement committee makes it impossible to know which company recruited for which profiles. While ones like Accenture Business Consulting are very clear, for most others readers will have to use their own imagination to figure out.
Summer Placements 2011-13 : JBIMS Mumbai
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Asian Paints made only 1 offer i.e. a PPO in Supply Chain. It may have visited the campus in the finals, but no S&M offers were made.
20 May 2012, 04.36 PM
does the top 250 average include dollar salaries as well ?
20 May 2012, 04.37 PM
+Read Replies (1)
I can see Solutions Middle East and Target Retail in the report on the website. Why is it not shown here?
20 May 2012, 04.43 PM
+Read Replies (2)
rahul sharma
Why are we saying "TOP 250" again and again. Is IIm I ashamed of rest of its batch? No one forced IIM Indore to raise its seats. It was IIm I's decision. I fail to understand what IIm I wants to prove by that and to INSIDE IIM as well, we all know abut your affections towards IIM Indore but guys please be neutral don tell us what the "best top 250" of IIM Indore got because you dont do that for ISB or "best 100 of IIM A or B" for that matter. Maintain your neutralitly before complaining others for wrongdoings
20 May 2012, 05.29 PM
+Read Replies (2)
I think its extremely unfair to make comments like 100% placment of the batch is not necessary, as long as the majority get placed. I think each and every candidate has paid a 100% of the tuition fees and other expenses and hence deserves a job at the end of the academc year. Philosophical statements like "This happens in the West and this trend will shift here too" is a very unwise statement to make, when students take out expensive education loans, have responsibilites to handle and have to contend with paying out the EMIs for a significant part of their post MBA work experience.
20 May 2012, 05.33 PM
+Read Replies (5)
@ Brendan: I agree to the point that 100% placement is absolutely necessary. But I strongly object to the reason cited by you that ' since everyone has paid 100 % fees, everyone deserves a job at the end.' Education is not a commodity. Its not something that comes with a money back guarantee. Actually it doesn't need to. When you pass an exam and join a good Institute, it doesn't mean that your responsibility towards your education is over. When you join a top college, you also have to give your best efforts. I have seen many people who join a great college and just relax in the hope that the college will go all out to help them find a job. A college placement committee is not an employment agency that you pay to give you a job. Rather, placements are secondary functions for an academic institution and placement committees only help in bridging the gap between the students and employers. The placement cell is there only to 'assist' students in getting a job. (PS: The author of this comment has been a placecom member of a leading technical institute and knows the nitty gritty of placements in technical institutions and believes b-school placements are no different)
20 May 2012, 06.23 PM
+Read Replies (2)
Apurv Pandit
I think you can go ahead and name the "leading management education" website here :). Firstly, I think you guys are doing a great job here. Some of the articles here are extremely informative to someone who needs to decide between top b-schools and frankly, much of this information isn't available in a collated format anywhere on the web. I'm glad to see that a lot of these articles are being linked to by people on the PG forum threads. Placements... everyone's favorite topic :D. Since we at PG started reporting them enthusiastically in 2005, it became apparent to us very soon that the data we got was perhaps 70% fact and 30% fiction. I don't think that has changed even today, as all of us in the media are at the mercy of PR committees. However in these years, we did try to force b-schools to reveal a lot of data that they didn't put out in the reports, and made them account for every student, every company, every offer, every glaring mathematical discrepancy. To the extent that b-schools started structuring their reports acc to the format PG demanded (that trademark tabular format with student/company/offer numbers), because heck, we were the only ones publishing that much datas. We all know how ET, BS, TOI, selectively take the juiciest numbers and publish a small 300-word piece out of it. Even then, although the reports on PG looked shinily comprehensive from the outside, we still haven't gotten round to trust PR committees 100%. But this is how the scene works and we have to make the best of it, so let's not gripe over it. But I have to say that somewhere along the line, and I think when the IPRS came, a lot of things we had been fighting for came full circle. (Ref: <a href="http://www.pagalguy.com/2010/03/placement-data-ethics-b-schools-should-change-the-timing-of-releasing-placement-reports/)" rel="nofollow">http://www.pagalguy.com/2010/03/placement-data-et...</a> After this, we felt a little like we had "grown up"". The kind of feeling of growing up you get when you win a battle and now look for a newer fight. I don't mind putting myself out there and say that we have grown out of this placement related chor-police game now and can't spend the rest of our lives making a new placement committee/media committee of every year release numbers in a more evolved manner, especially when we now personally think that, 1. B-schools should stop suggesting provision of placements as an unsaid promise 2. Transparency in data should come out of self-responsibility, and not because a media/website forces it to happen 3. Business education is maturing in India, and aspirants will increasingly stop expecting b-schools to hand them out a job at the end So it's quite clear that we at PG are not that aggressive about making schools report their job data anymore. But personally, I am glad that someone else is - InsideIIM. It is therefore quite natural that b-schools are designing their reports as per the format you dictate and circulating it to other media too. Don't be surprised if you find this information format reaching ET next year. Can you stop b-schools from sending a certain format to all media? Maybe. Can you blame the other media for using this information after having received it? I don't think so. I think that "plagiarism" was a rather strong word to use there. You will find happening this information reaching to bigger media next year. And as someone who has been through this format-defining spell a few years ago, my advice to you would be to continue innovating with more useful features up your sleeve so that your mind is more on the next big cool thing that you are going to do in placement reportage, and not on the natural effects of trailblazing that your work is bound to make happen. Will continue to haunt this website.
20 May 2012, 07.10 PM
+Read Replies (4)
The report nowhere mentions that more than 70-80 students were left unplaced at the end of 5 days and they had to go into rolling. That is a huge misrepresentation of facts especially when they are claiming 100% placements-largest batch or not.
21 May 2012, 02.23 AM
+Read Replies (1)
Neutral Junta
I seriously believe that there should be some kind of moderation with the kind of comments being posted in replies to articles. Trying to malign colleges with incorrect information should be dealt with.
21 May 2012, 12.59 PM
which authority has audited the official report ? after going thru many many placement reports on pg and other forums and than talking with that batch's people i dont belive anymore on the 'OFFICIAL ' reports . so untill and unless its been verified by some agency ......use your own mind and use your own wise cicle of friends and relatives and facebook to find out what truth is .....because just righting official isnt a seal of transparency ....
22 May 2012, 03.01 AM
would like to know about the profile of the 32lpa candidate, coz in this season the 32 lpa figure is quite prominent !
22 May 2012, 09.29 AM
I would like to know the median salary in IIM I this year which is not mentioned in any of the articles................
23 May 2012, 12.19 AM
IIM L student
So, IIM Indore has tried to hide names of Solutions Middle East, Target Retail, Emerson, Avalon Consulting, ABC Consulting....But people already know it since they read it on iimidr.ac.in...So whats the big deal in hiding it? Strategic advantage gone for a toss..
23 May 2012, 10.57 AM
+Read Replies (1)
@Mastermind890.... If placements does not matter and institute does not feel the responsibility of placing the students then why institutes are majorly rated on the basis of the placements. Why is there even a system of 100%placements to judge institutes? Institutes should have provisions to develop the skill set of students who do not belong to top 250 or any other top cadre...
23 May 2012, 12.48 PM
+Read Replies (1)
@Mastermind890 - This is in response to your statement "I have seen many people who join a great college and just relax in the hope that the college will go all out to help them find a job. A college placement committee is not an employment agency that you pay to give you a job." Assuming you are 'aware' of the grading and the CGPA system, which is relative in nature, which could mean that even if i score high marks but relatively am not in the top 10-20 of the batch i could end up with poor grades! Poor grades lead to poor cgpas....And on a reasoning level, its not possible for each and every student of the class to end up with high scores....some score high, others average and the remaining below average. Now, to brand students as 'He/she doesnt study and he/she wants placements", is pretty lame to say in the least! I guess each individual student has struggled hard enough to enter the hallowed portals of an IIM/Top 10 B School would have atleast that basic level of concern and responsibility towards performing well in his/her course!
27 May 2012, 05.48 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Good going folks @ IIM-I :-) @Rambo, why make the placements based on pure academics, theres more to post graduation than academia.
30 May 2012, 12.22 PM
I have observed that in the InsideIIM articles, the first 2-3 paragraphs of the placement reports talk about everything other than the placement reports itself.
4 Jun 2012, 02.55 AM
is it true that IIM indore had hired a placement agency because many students were left unplaced ?? no i am not saying this but read it in many newspapers ....here is the link <a href="http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012-01-25/news/30663093_1_iim-indore-placement-season-batch-size" rel="nofollow">http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012...</a>
5 Jun 2012, 02.03 PM
+Read Replies (1)
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Asian Paints made only 1 offer i.e. a PPO in Supply Chain. It may have visited the campus in the finals, but no S&M offers were made.
20 May 2012, 04.36 PM
does the top 250 average include dollar salaries as well ?
20 May 2012, 04.37 PM
+Read Replies (1)
No. The top 250 are domestic salaries only
20 May 2012, 04.41 PM |
I can see Solutions Middle East and Target Retail in the report on the website. Why is it not shown here?
20 May 2012, 04.43 PM
+Read Replies (2)
Mahesh Roy
Are they the names IIM I placomm wants to hide? My friend who graduated from IIM Indore this year is in Dubai working for Solutions Middle East. To the best of my knowledge, he got placed from campus along with a few of his friends in this company
20 May 2012, 04.56 PM |
Team InsideIIM
We have been expressly asked by the IIM Indore Placement Committee to not put names of a few recruiters in the report because they don't wish to. And we have confirmed that those companies not only visited the campus but also made multiple offers. The irony is that a lot of those names are already out on their own website which we believe will be visited by more people than InsideIIM.com.
21 May 2012, 12.10 PM |
rahul sharma
Why are we saying "TOP 250" again and again. Is IIm I ashamed of rest of its batch? No one forced IIM Indore to raise its seats. It was IIm I's decision. I fail to understand what IIm I wants to prove by that and to INSIDE IIM as well, we all know abut your affections towards IIM Indore but guys please be neutral don tell us what the "best top 250" of IIM Indore got because you dont do that for ISB or "best 100 of IIM A or B" for that matter. Maintain your neutralitly before complaining others for wrongdoings
20 May 2012, 05.29 PM
+Read Replies (2)
Your point would have made sense had IIM Indore not disclosed the average salary of all the accepted offers. However, they have disclosed it without any hesitation. it is 13.3 LPA, isn't it? The average of top 250 offers is just an additional piece of information which may be used to compare with some colleges which have had small batch strength since ages.
20 May 2012, 05.42 PM |
2009-11 batch of IIM I was 240 - So the avg salary comparison should be made with the top 250 of this year.
20 May 2012, 06.01 PM |
I think its extremely unfair to make comments like 100% placment of the batch is not necessary, as long as the majority get placed. I think each and every candidate has paid a 100% of the tuition fees and other expenses and hence deserves a job at the end of the academc year. Philosophical statements like "This happens in the West and this trend will shift here too" is a very unwise statement to make, when students take out expensive education loans, have responsibilites to handle and have to contend with paying out the EMIs for a significant part of their post MBA work experience.
20 May 2012, 05.33 PM
+Read Replies (5)
Team InsideIIM
You are free to disagree. It is our view. And it is not that we report wrong information. Aspirants who feel they want to only go to institutes that ensure 100% placements will do so. IIM Indore and IIM Kozhikode have been honest in revealing the fact that not every candidate was placed. We routinely get emails from students telling us how either they were forced to sign out or were offered jobs that forced them to sign out. You'll see an article by one of the authors on this aspect in a few days too.
20 May 2012, 06.09 PM |
What about the incorrect info on Asian Paints?
20 May 2012, 06.12 PM |
Team InsideIIM
Your view has been considered and we have sent this to the IIM Indore Placement Committee and certain alums in Asian Paints whom we engage with for their respone. Appropriate changes will be made based on our verification.
20 May 2012, 06.18 PM |
Any updates?
23 May 2012, 07.41 PM |
Any updates on this?
8 Jun 2012, 11.06 PM |
@ Brendan: I agree to the point that 100% placement is absolutely necessary. But I strongly object to the reason cited by you that ' since everyone has paid 100 % fees, everyone deserves a job at the end.' Education is not a commodity. Its not something that comes with a money back guarantee. Actually it doesn't need to. When you pass an exam and join a good Institute, it doesn't mean that your responsibility towards your education is over. When you join a top college, you also have to give your best efforts. I have seen many people who join a great college and just relax in the hope that the college will go all out to help them find a job. A college placement committee is not an employment agency that you pay to give you a job. Rather, placements are secondary functions for an academic institution and placement committees only help in bridging the gap between the students and employers. The placement cell is there only to 'assist' students in getting a job. (PS: The author of this comment has been a placecom member of a leading technical institute and knows the nitty gritty of placements in technical institutions and believes b-school placements are no different)
20 May 2012, 06.23 PM
+Read Replies (2)
@Mastermind890.... If placements does not matter and institute does not feel the responsibility of placing the students then why institutes are majorly rated on the basis of the placements. Why is there even a system of 100%placements to judge institutes? Institutes should have provisions to develop the skill set of students who do not belong to top 250 or any other top cadre...
23 May 2012, 12.49 PM |
Dear MasterMind: Just publish that, IIM's are not going to offer any placement service and see the response of students taking CAT exam. It will drop like Satyam shares in 2009. And If you announce, there will no corruption then no one (mostly) will attempt civil services examination. This year there were more IIM's in CSE results. Do you really think, students are willing to pay Huge amount as fee without placements guarantee. why does institute charge fee for placements provision in tuition fee. Taking about placement committee, Its very different from your technical institutes and their is lot more involved. when you see the reality most of the things changes.
25 May 2012, 10.08 AM |
Apurv Pandit
I think you can go ahead and name the "leading management education" website here :). Firstly, I think you guys are doing a great job here. Some of the articles here are extremely informative to someone who needs to decide between top b-schools and frankly, much of this information isn't available in a collated format anywhere on the web. I'm glad to see that a lot of these articles are being linked to by people on the PG forum threads. Placements... everyone's favorite topic :D. Since we at PG started reporting them enthusiastically in 2005, it became apparent to us very soon that the data we got was perhaps 70% fact and 30% fiction. I don't think that has changed even today, as all of us in the media are at the mercy of PR committees. However in these years, we did try to force b-schools to reveal a lot of data that they didn't put out in the reports, and made them account for every student, every company, every offer, every glaring mathematical discrepancy. To the extent that b-schools started structuring their reports acc to the format PG demanded (that trademark tabular format with student/company/offer numbers), because heck, we were the only ones publishing that much datas. We all know how ET, BS, TOI, selectively take the juiciest numbers and publish a small 300-word piece out of it. Even then, although the reports on PG looked shinily comprehensive from the outside, we still haven't gotten round to trust PR committees 100%. But this is how the scene works and we have to make the best of it, so let's not gripe over it. But I have to say that somewhere along the line, and I think when the IPRS came, a lot of things we had been fighting for came full circle. (Ref: <a href="http://www.pagalguy.com/2010/03/placement-data-ethics-b-schools-should-change-the-timing-of-releasing-placement-reports/)" rel="nofollow">http://www.pagalguy.com/2010/03/placement-data-et...</a> After this, we felt a little like we had "grown up"". The kind of feeling of growing up you get when you win a battle and now look for a newer fight. I don't mind putting myself out there and say that we have grown out of this placement related chor-police game now and can't spend the rest of our lives making a new placement committee/media committee of every year release numbers in a more evolved manner, especially when we now personally think that, 1. B-schools should stop suggesting provision of placements as an unsaid promise 2. Transparency in data should come out of self-responsibility, and not because a media/website forces it to happen 3. Business education is maturing in India, and aspirants will increasingly stop expecting b-schools to hand them out a job at the end So it's quite clear that we at PG are not that aggressive about making schools report their job data anymore. But personally, I am glad that someone else is - InsideIIM. It is therefore quite natural that b-schools are designing their reports as per the format you dictate and circulating it to other media too. Don't be surprised if you find this information format reaching ET next year. Can you stop b-schools from sending a certain format to all media? Maybe. Can you blame the other media for using this information after having received it? I don't think so. I think that "plagiarism" was a rather strong word to use there. You will find happening this information reaching to bigger media next year. And as someone who has been through this format-defining spell a few years ago, my advice to you would be to continue innovating with more useful features up your sleeve so that your mind is more on the next big cool thing that you are going to do in placement reportage, and not on the natural effects of trailblazing that your work is bound to make happen. Will continue to haunt this website.
20 May 2012, 07.10 PM
+Read Replies (4)
Apurv Pandit
Thanks for publishing my comment. I should add the following as a response to your claim that, "The same report was then sent by the IIM Indore placement team to one of the biggest websites in India and they have used the exact same data stripped off all the formatting and branding. This is appalling." Assuming you're talking about PG here, following are the artifacts in question. The Excel file in question sent by IIM-I - file <a href="http://min.us/mZT8WruI8" rel="nofollow">http://min.us/mZT8WruI8</a> Please note that it contains no branding of any website. Screenshot of the email in which the attachment was contained - image - <a href="http://min.us/mJ9AH689z" rel="nofollow">http://min.us/mJ9AH689z</a> Assuming that we're talking about PG here, you can verify with Vibhu Kapoor of IIM-I that we have not knowingly taken any information that was supposed to reach your website. If however PG is not what you were talking about, ignore my comments. My thoughts about the bigger picture are already in my previous comment. Cheers.
21 May 2012, 11.20 AM |
Team InsideIIM
Thanks for your response Apurva. We have made appropriate modifications to the tone of the article based on your comments and a little more digging into the issue. Due to lack of evidence on the contrary, we accept your contention that format and data was used unknowingly. Our view is that the episode could have been avoided had due credit been given. Yes. We do not have any copyright on the format but it is now widely known that we created this reporting format and it has helped aspirants, students and recruiters. It is fair to assume most portals in this space are aware of this. It would just have been nice and professional if credit was given. We would like to bury this issue and move on. Please do haunt the website and encourage more people to do so :-)
21 May 2012, 12.05 PM |
Apurv Pandit
I am not exactly sure what to give credit on... the provision of detailed profiles? People on PG comments have been demanding that we give detailed profile information in our reports, so we started asking schools to give it to us and this is what they have been sending us. It could be that this demand came because of the work that InsideIIM has done, or maybe it's just the conversation trend of the day. I don't know which of the two it is because as I said, I really don't care about being the NASA of placement reports that much anymore. Until a couple of years ago, when we did care about these reports, we used to force b-schools to give us exclusive data as a pre-condition for publishing a report on PG. Maybe you should try something on those lines to keep your advantage. But I would be happy if you appreciate that all of us are driven by reader needs and if that results in all of us getting the same information, it's not because one is trying to copy the other, but a natural result of editorial efforts. You should know that about PG as we have been fiercely independent to the extent of invoking reader hate upon ourselves hundreds of times and would continue to do so if that is what we feel is the right thing for the day. We really don't visit other websites all the time and lose sleep over who we should copy today, just as I am sure you don't either. So I don't think there is a need to obsess over these things. We should just keep doing good work and smile to ourselves whenever we think we have proven a point and move on to do the next cool thing. Sorry if I went overboard in expressing my opinion :).
21 May 2012, 12.22 PM |
Is someone going to Apurv here, as he does, to all people who question content of PG-his kingdom-
22 May 2012, 08.11 PM |
The report nowhere mentions that more than 70-80 students were left unplaced at the end of 5 days and they had to go into rolling. That is a huge misrepresentation of facts especially when they are claiming 100% placements-largest batch or not.
21 May 2012, 02.23 AM
+Read Replies (1)
IIM I student
First of all 70-80 students were not left unplaced. Don't spew nonsense when you have not an iota of information. Second, no one has claimed 100% placements. Open your eyes and read the whole report. 9 students were unplaced as of 6th May and they are still being supported by the placement cell. I request Team InsideIIM to delete such irresponsible comments tarnishing the image of an institute.
21 May 2012, 08.02 AM |
Neutral Junta
I seriously believe that there should be some kind of moderation with the kind of comments being posted in replies to articles. Trying to malign colleges with incorrect information should be dealt with.
21 May 2012, 12.59 PM
which authority has audited the official report ? after going thru many many placement reports on pg and other forums and than talking with that batch's people i dont belive anymore on the 'OFFICIAL ' reports . so untill and unless its been verified by some agency ......use your own mind and use your own wise cicle of friends and relatives and facebook to find out what truth is .....because just righting official isnt a seal of transparency ....
22 May 2012, 03.01 AM
would like to know about the profile of the 32lpa candidate, coz in this season the 32 lpa figure is quite prominent !
22 May 2012, 09.29 AM
I would like to know the median salary in IIM I this year which is not mentioned in any of the articles................
23 May 2012, 12.19 AM
IIM L student
So, IIM Indore has tried to hide names of Solutions Middle East, Target Retail, Emerson, Avalon Consulting, ABC Consulting....But people already know it since they read it on iimidr.ac.in...So whats the big deal in hiding it? Strategic advantage gone for a toss..
23 May 2012, 10.57 AM
+Read Replies (1)
Most of these companies visited other IIMs too.
23 May 2012, 04.20 PM |
@Mastermind890.... If placements does not matter and institute does not feel the responsibility of placing the students then why institutes are majorly rated on the basis of the placements. Why is there even a system of 100%placements to judge institutes? Institutes should have provisions to develop the skill set of students who do not belong to top 250 or any other top cadre...
23 May 2012, 12.48 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Neutral Junta
Placements is not a fair indicator of college's performance as older colleges and colleges having smaller batch sizes always tend to be better placed in terms of placing its students. Hence on a year on year basis its not the best indicator for comparing colleges. eg you can probably say that what was the YOY growth of IIMABC's average salary in the 13th year as compared to IIMI taking into account factors such as inflation. That will gave a better indicator of college's performance. However placements are important from the student perspective because most of the students have taken loans and they need to know the viability of repaying back the loans in due time. 100% placement is assuming that 100% students take loans. If someone has not taken a loan he/she has a lot of time at hand and in the long term he/she might find a job which is more to his/her liking and satisfaction.
23 May 2012, 03.00 PM |
@Mastermind890 - This is in response to your statement "I have seen many people who join a great college and just relax in the hope that the college will go all out to help them find a job. A college placement committee is not an employment agency that you pay to give you a job." Assuming you are 'aware' of the grading and the CGPA system, which is relative in nature, which could mean that even if i score high marks but relatively am not in the top 10-20 of the batch i could end up with poor grades! Poor grades lead to poor cgpas....And on a reasoning level, its not possible for each and every student of the class to end up with high scores....some score high, others average and the remaining below average. Now, to brand students as 'He/she doesnt study and he/she wants placements", is pretty lame to say in the least! I guess each individual student has struggled hard enough to enter the hallowed portals of an IIM/Top 10 B School would have atleast that basic level of concern and responsibility towards performing well in his/her course!
27 May 2012, 05.48 PM
+Read Replies (1)
You really think so..? It is quite common for students to get completely relaxed once they get into a Big school.. Forget about studying, there are many instances of students falling short of attendance.. Its not uncommon for cat 99+ percentilers to end up with the bottom ranks... I think its really important to give the Top 250 placements.. since they are the guys who cared enough.. of course there will be some who are lucky and vice versa..
28 May 2012, 07.54 AM |
Good going folks @ IIM-I :-) @Rambo, why make the placements based on pure academics, theres more to post graduation than academia.
30 May 2012, 12.22 PM
I have observed that in the InsideIIM articles, the first 2-3 paragraphs of the placement reports talk about everything other than the placement reports itself.
4 Jun 2012, 02.55 AM
is it true that IIM indore had hired a placement agency because many students were left unplaced ?? no i am not saying this but read it in many newspapers ....here is the link <a href="http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012-01-25/news/30663093_1_iim-indore-placement-season-batch-size" rel="nofollow">http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012...</a>
5 Jun 2012, 02.03 PM
+Read Replies (1)
IIM I student
Yes. IIM Indore aims to completely professionalize Placements. In 5 years time there will be no student run placement committee. However, in 2012 these reports were published based on just talks. A placement agency was hired but we have not used them yet. But its possible in 2014/2015 that 80% of the placements will be driven by agencies hired by the institute.
5 Jun 2012, 02.16 PM |