If I need to buy apparels then Peter England is the first brand that come to my mind
Firstly because of the likeliness towards it in case of the smart casuals it has in its store.
Secondly the relativeness that it showcases towards its brand.
Thirdly due to the product placement in its store which enables the customer to quickly look into the store whatever he is interested in buying with the minimum utilisation of the time.
Fourthly, the presence of products which comes in the cost which is affordable by about 75% of the population.
In case of Business formals, if I need to buy then the brands that comes to my mind is Louis Philippe and Van Heusen
Firstly, due to range of products these brands have.
Secondly, it signifies a sense of premium segment.
Thirdly, the fine design and textures that its product carries.
To describe as a whole, it is a brand that provide end solutions to its customers when it comes to the customer needs, product design, product segment, product price etc. which enables a customer like me to become a loyal customer and provides the brand a customer lifetime value which a brand desires to have.
How I overcame challenges to achieve my ambitions so far in my life_ IMI New Delhi
Every individual in its every phase of its life faces challenges be it professional, personal or social. He has to make vital decisions every time to overcome those challenges so that it benefits as far as possible without having an impact on other things.
If I take an example, when I have to buy my business formals there is always a challenge to decide which brand to buy. The amount to be invested in according to the value it caters to me as an individual and whether it’s the right choice according to the needs that I had been catering to. In each and every phase I have to take the decision from the store location, store size, store footfall, store service, design, color etc.
In my life, to overcome my challenges I always look at various options available that can fulfill my challenge as a whole and also can cater to the other challenges at the same time, being persistent with the challenges I am facing, have faith in myself that I can overcome the challenge in the near future, look for the people that can help me in overcoming those challenges and can provide the beneficial insights to me.
There are various path through which we can reach our ambition but we have to choose the path that can suit our personality and can encourage us to reach the goal that we desire to with the challenges coming in with it.