Overcoming my biggest challenge!!, IIM RAIPUR
I have faced several challenges in my life but one of the major challenges that I faced in my life was related to my health. Since very childhood, I was suffering from an allergic issue, in which because of small temperature change in my ambiance, I suddenly used to have a sudden severe headache, shivering body and heavy sneezing continuously for long hours, sometimes bleeding from the nose also. I was shown to many reputed doctors in Allopathy, Homeopathy and in Ayurveda, but none was able to find a cure for it. I turned 22 and had tried many things, still couldn’t get any cure for it. This illness had affected my life adversely. I was not able to play in open, couldn’t go for outing with friends and also study was badly affected. This brought me a lot of hopelessness and many a time, it turned into my depression.
Then one day an uncle of mine suggested to me, that you have tried many things for its cure but couldn’t succeed with any. Why don’t you give a try to bring change in your eating habits and in your lifestyle. I listened to him and decided to give one another try.
I developed early to bed and early to rise habit, inculcated jogging, exercising regularly and eating healthy on time habit in my daily routine. In all these years, I realized that my body was not able to adapt to the changing environment. So, I decided that I will force my body to learn to adopt. For it, I started to go for outing with friends and started playing in an open area, even though it had a bad repercussion on my health. Initially, for around one and a half months, my body resisted but eventually, I Succeeded, and all those allergic effects started vanishing. After around six months of continuous focused effort, I am quite normal and enjoying my life like any other normal human being.
This one challenge has taught me many lessons in my life and has made me mentally very stronger. This change in my personality has further helped me overcome several other comparatively smaller hindrances of my life.