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Anurag Ghosh

Alumni | Acharya B-school Bangalore

A MBA student of Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, particularly enthusiastic in domains of sales, marketing, analysis and consulting

A MBA student of Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, particularly enthusiastic in domains of sales, marketing, analysis and consulting

2 Stories

A Summer Like No Other - Internship at Backspace Consulting LLP

 Prologue: Dial 1-900-Mix-A-LotThere is this funny thing about Kolkata summers- most of what happens in them is sweating. But then, as much as I love patterns for providing me comfort with their repetitive power, I still could not help but fall in love with the summer of 2015 even though

“Beta MBA karlo humhari khatir” – A myth that needs to be busted

Article I am Refuting : [caption id="attachment_44381" align="aligncenter" width="244"] Picture Source :[/caption] Yes! This is true to a fair extent.  Personally being a victim of the smothering and overpowering herd mentality in Indian society and having seen a lot of friends experiencing and suffering the same , I can vouch for