Faize .
Alumni | IIM Calcutta (Since 1961)
FAIZE, hails from Delhi. Creative, Strategic Management, passionate and enthusiastic, he is currently pursuing his MBA from IIM Calcutta, 2018-2020 batch. He interned with NITI AAYOG for Summers in Strategy (Industry). At IIMC, he is a part of Alumni Cell, Intaglio - IIM Calcutta's International Business Summit, Armagaddon:- Adventurous club of IIMC, Oikos - Sustainability club of IIMC, Operations Club (Industry Relations), TSEC (IIM Calcutta and TATA group innitiative), INCA:- Social Initiative club of IIMC and HUES:- The Art club of IIMC
FAIZE, hails from Delhi. Creative, Strategic Management, passionate and enthusiastic, he is currently pursuing his MBA from IIM Calcutta, 2018-2020 batch. He interned with NITI AAYOG for Summers in Strategy (Industry). At IIMC, he is a part of Alumni Cell, Intaglio - IIM Calcutta's International Business Summit, Armagaddon:- Adventurous club of IIMC, Oikos - Sustainability club of IIMC, Operations Club (Industry Relations), TSEC (IIM Calcutta and TATA group innitiative), INCA:- Social Initiative club of IIMC and HUES:- The Art club of IIMC
1 Story
Summer Internship Experience At NITI Aayog - An Exciting Journey!
On June 12, 1942, on her 13th birthday, Anne Frank received a present. It was a diary, and the entries she would go on to make in it would make her short life inspirational and influential to millions. With the vision on dated June 12, 2018, I entered Joka to