Nayyer Ashutosh
Alumni | IIM Shillong (Since 2008)
-Nayyer-Ashutosh PGPEx Batch-2018-19 IIM Shillong
-Nayyer-Ashutosh PGPEx Batch-2018-19 IIM Shillong
4 Stories
ZhōngGuó Hǎi Yáng Dàxué: A Dive Into The Ocean
The ocean, at times, is a metaphor for education - education, which is not confined to only books and thoughts of scholars but also to the exploration required to build pragmatic, broader outlooks. Such an approach and its output is possible in depths where undercurrents are felt and realised by
The Strategy of ‘Kuaizi’ | Why The Chinese Use Chopsticks
The Strategy of ‘Kuaizi’ is perhaps the game changer for the emerging business collaboration between India and China. While the comparative advantages of both the nations and rise of global protectionism are two of the drivers presenting promising prospects, the Indian market is shuddered by the scarcity of human resources,
Rhyming The Spirit Of Republic Day
The 70th Republic Day was celebrated with zeal and vigour at IIM Shillong. The program commenced with Parade and the Flag hosting; the campus reverberated with our National Anthem. Thereafter, the students, faculty and staff were addressed and motivated by our Director Dr. Keya Sengupta.To relive the spirit of the
Pages From A Student's Diary - IIM Shillong PGPEx. 2018-19
9th October Today, we officially became a part of IIM Shillong as PGPEX-MBIC 2018-19 batch.Amidst the beauty of Shillong and the serenity of the campus, we took the Oath beside our respected Chancellor Prof Rohit Joshi and the entire IIM Shillong PGPEX fraternity. A batch of 33 with wide professional diversity