Subham Singha Roy
Alumni | Indian Institute Of Management Ranchi
HR enthusiast | Tata Steel | Ex Cognizant| Storyteller and Podcaster, Subham Singha Roy is a student of MBA HR at IIM Ranchi. After his engineering, having worked as a software tester, Subham now plans to move on to the people side of Business with a keen interest in Emotional Intelligence. He has published 2 research papers in areas of HR and Marketing in reputed journals with high impact factor and ISBN/ISSN. He is also into Dramatics and has won several awards in Street plays, stage plays and radio plays. Subham has his own Podcast channel and is into storytelling and blogging. He is currently serving as an Executive Member, Media and PR Cell of IIM Ranchi. Apart from these a major part of Subham includes his liking for blue shirts.
HR enthusiast | Tata Steel | Ex Cognizant| Storyteller and Podcaster, Subham Singha Roy is a student of MBA HR at IIM Ranchi. After his engineering, having worked as a software tester, Subham now plans to move on to the people side of Business with a keen interest in Emotional Intelligence. He has published 2 research papers in areas of HR and Marketing in reputed journals with high impact factor and ISBN/ISSN. He is also into Dramatics and has won several awards in Street plays, stage plays and radio plays. Subham has his own Podcast channel and is into storytelling and blogging. He is currently serving as an Executive Member, Media and PR Cell of IIM Ranchi. Apart from these a major part of Subham includes his liking for blue shirts.
2 Stories
'Steel'ing The Opportunity: My HR SIP Story At Tata Steel - Summer Saga 2020
The story started not very long before I called my mother on the most joyful day of my MBA life and said, "Maa, I got placed." I could literally feel the warmth of her very presence and hear a thousand emotions, although all she did was, take a deep breath
Aditya Birla Group- Bringing smiles in the most unexpected ways! Subham Singha Roy- IIM Ranchi
We have all been part of the ambit of the myriad products coming our way from Aditya Birla Group, be it the favorite shirt I wear for all of my interviews to the foil my mother uses to pack my food. It is unlikely to have not come across one.Before getting