The clock strikes 9.30, then 10, then 10.30, and we are told that there’s a server issue and that’s happening all over India, which comes as a breather because had the situation been same then the exam automatically stands postponed. It's 11 already and the exam still hasn’t begun. At 11.30, we are informed that it is only at this particular centre that the exam isn’t taking place. I suffered a mini panic attack. At 11.50 am, the concerned IIM representative comes upstairs to inform us that we’d be relocated to a different centre and would be taking our exam in Slot 2. They gave us this mini relief only to take it back, for what they said next was unexpected. “Buses are coming and you’d be relocated to Greater Noida”. Oh! How clearly I remember those words.
A great deal of hullabaloo, both inside and outside the centre prevails. And the police are called. The buses arrive and at 2 pm, they inform that the slot 2 people and slot 1 people have to board the buses for their respective centres in Noida and Greater Noida.
After a lot of drama, the exam begins at 4.45 pm at KCC Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida. They allowed us to take our seats wherever we’d wish to. There’s a row where there’s no separation in between and I could clearly hear murmurs of aspirants discussing answers. The cherry on the top? The invigilator keeps pronouncing names and goes on finding students on their seats which is just about anywhere. When asked to continue the same post the exam, the invigilator refuses and continues his task-in-hand.
Isn’t it ironic that the institutes that impart management education can’t ensure a smooth sailing of an exam and such a big incidence goes unnoticed? This isn’t a case of sour grapes but I am astounded and disturbed to a level that in the past 1.5 months, there has not been a single day that my mind did not recollect the incident.
SNAP was online this year for the first time and I wish to applaud the concerned management for how they conducted it. I really appreciate them. Happiness was short-lived because then there was XAT, and after numerous dilemmas, we were allowed to appear for the exam without biometric attendance, the computers would shut down time and again. Hillarious or sad, you decide!
Moral of the story?
-Expect the unexpected!