In the evening, I would sit on the chair near the bed. I had a beautiful view of the hospital buildings and the infrastructure from my room and I would either work towards my academics or wait for ideas to hit me (to write poetry/articles). I admired the amazing infrastructure of the campus. Soon, my thoughts would wander and I used to wonder as to how buildings, all over the country (or the world) with such wonderful infrastructure, have been constructed. They must have had amazing plans and designs to construct such buildings that have stood the test of time. That is when it hit me that all these plans and designs have been implemented and the constructed buildings have been strong and rigid because of the materials that have been used to construct them. The hospital, where I was getting treated, was around 50 years old. I understood that the core material of any long-lasting building is quality of Cement and this word till date automatically maps to the brand UltraTech Cement. This mapping of cement to UltraTech Cement occurs because whenever I used to see/still see a building getting constructed or whenever I visit any construction site, I see loads of packs of UltraTech Cement. Just as Xerox has replaced the word photocopy in the real world, I see UltraTech gradually replace the word Cement. Just like how cement is the foundation for any building, my self-confidence, support from parents and God’s Grace were the foundation for my speedy recovery and to getting my focus back on track. I was given 2-3 months to recover. But, due to factors mentioned above, I had recovered within a month. I was discharged soon and had started attending revision classes before giving my pre-boards and acing my boards.
Although, it might not seem a big achievement to many people, for me this is one of my biggest achievements as I did manage to beat all odds to recover fast from an accident that could have potentially had a huge impact on my career and achieved my dreams of doing well academically in school and acing the boards. Coincidentally, various types of ABG products have also travelled along with me all these years. Now, as I look back and as I tuck myself in the BirlaCellulose bedsheets and bedspread (I use the same brand as that of the hospital), a sense of calmness sets in me, which may be attributed to the fact that I feel a sense of connect with the nature and an internal happiness sets in as it continues to remind me of my splendid recovery. All said and done, the real fact is that all ABG products have become a part of our day to day life and the ABG (Affordable Brilliant and Generous is what I will call them due to the pricing, quality and quantity of the products) has become a part of my family