NMAT Score Vs. Percentile 2024 and Cut-offs for Top Colleges.

NMAT Score Vs. Percentile 2024
NMAT Score Vs. Percentile 2024

The NMAT is an annual, online MBA entrance exam conducted by GMAC. The exam has three sections- Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning. There are a total of 108 questions to be answered in 2 hours. The candidate can schedule it within the 70-day exam one day. Registration for NMAT 2024 started on 1st August 2024. The article follows NMAT Score vs. Percentile 2024, marking scheme, and cut-offs for top NMAT-accepting colleges.

Three attempts are allowed in a year, to improve exam scores within this period. The retake fee is the same as the registration fee. A 15-day gap is required between the two attempts. NMIMS does not consider the retake score. Registration for NMIMS is separately done after a successful NMAT registration.

    1.  Check Out InsideIIM's MBA Admissions Bootcamp - WAT-PI Edge S05!
    2. CMAT Syllabus 2025: Exam Pattern, Detailed Syllabus & Preparation Tips
    3. Practice CMAT 2025 Mock Test and Access CMAT Previous Year Papers | InsideIIM

NMAT Score Vs. Percentile 2024: What is the NMAT Score?

The NMAT scores range from 36 to 360, with each section adding to the total score raw score. It is the cumulative score the candidate achieves in the exam. Section wise number of questions are given below:

Section No. of Questions Time allotted
Language Skills 36 28 minutes
Quantitative Skills 36 52 minutes
Logical Reasoning 36 40 minutes
  • NMAT consists of MCQ-based Questions.
  • +3 for every correct answer.
  • There are no negative markings for wrong answers and unattempted questions.

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NMAT Score Vs. Percentile 2024: How to Calculate the NMAT Score?

After analyzing the correct attempts, the above-mentioned marking scheme is followed to calculate the raw score of the candidate:

NMAT Score:

NMAT raw score is given by -  (No. of Current Attempts* 3)

The NMAT by GMAC exam is an adaptive MBA entrance test. That is, the level of difficulty changes with the attempts that the candidate takes. The NMAT score provides the base for NMAT score vs percentile 2024 data.  

Also Read:

NMAT Score Vs. Percentile 2024: What is the NMAT Percentile?

Since the exam is conducted over a longer duration, the NMAT raw score is scaled according to the exam difficulty level to ensure equality among the candidates. The percentile is only calculated after the 70-day exam-taking window. The scores are scaled across the attempts and test centers.

Like any other exam, the NMAT percentile calculates your performance at par with the other test takers.  For example, having a 95 percentile in the NMAT  exam means that 95% of the test takers scored lower than you or you were among the top 5% of the test takers.

NMAT Score Vs. Percentile 2024: How to Calculate the NMAT Percentile?

Though most of the colleges consider scores and admissions are not evaluated with percentile, the NMAT percentile calculation is simple. 

It is given by:

I{1-(Your Rank/ Total test takers)* }100

For Example, If a total of 30,000 students took the NMAT exam and you achieved a rank of 200, your NMAT percentile can be calculated using the following formula:

Percentile = [1 - { 200/30000}] * 100 = 99.334 Percentile  

NMAT score vs percentile data 2024 can be estimated as follows:

NMAT Score Percentile
230+ 99
220-225 98
210-215 95
200+ 90

*Note: These are estimated figures.

Do check out the following:

  1. Colleges with 90+ percentile in CAT 2024
  2. Colleges accepting 80-90 percentile in CAT 2024
  3. Colleges to target with 70-80 Percentile in CAT 2024
  4. What To Do If Your CAT Percentile Falls Between 75%ile - 85%ile
  5. OMETs Prep: Take SNAP Mock Tests Here and XAT DM Mock Tests Here!

NMAT Cut off for NMIMS Campuses 

Campus Logical Reasoning Language Quantitative Skills Overall
NMIMS, Mumbai 71 76 71 234
NMIMS, Bangalore 65 70 64 222
NMIMS, Navi Mumbai 65 70 64 222
NMIMS, Hyderabad 60 60 60 206
NMIMS, Indore 60 60 60 206

Other Top Colleges Accepting NMAT Score:

College Name Cut-off Score
XIMB 90 %tile
SDA Bocconi, Asia Centre 200
KJ Somaiya 220
SOIL 205
SRM University 180
Woxen University 160
Quick Links:

Preparation Strategies and Time Table for CAT 2024
Free CAT Mock Test 2024
List of Books for CAT Exam 2024
Free online cat exam coaching by ARKSs

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can we prepare for NMAT in 2 months?

A: A lot of your NMAT preparation would be done as you prepare for CAT and other OMETs, making it easy for you to take up NMAT-specific questions during the last months of your preparation.

Q: Can NMAT be rescheduled?

A: NMAT can be rescheduled before 72 hours by paying a fee of Rs. 1200.

Q: Who is the conducting body for NMAT

A: NMAT is conducted by GMAC.

Q: Does NMAT provide an onscreen calculator like CAT?

A: No, NMAT does not provide an onscreen calculator.