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ABG: Bringing individuals closer

Jul 15, 2019 | 4 minutes |

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The history of Aditya Birla Group goes back to almost a century before India’s independence from colonial rule.  Its past is inextricably tied to India’s quest for independence. It all started with Shiv Narayan Birla who started cotton trading in Pilani, Rajasthan in  1857. And now Aditya Birla group has an impact over almost everything you see. From the tall buildings all around made possible by Ultra tech cement to the long distance calls we make every day through our Vodafone – Idea sims, we are dependent on Aditya Birla group for almost everything. Aditya Birla Group personally had a very important role to play in my life. I left home after I completed Class  10th, for Kota and calling home every day for two times would have meant a long bill. I used to wait for the time when my parents would call me back and it was at that point that my dad got us all an idea sim with a family pack where with a monthly amount you could make unlimited calls to each other. In those days full of stress, my mom’s call used to make all the difference in the world and that was possible only through Idea. An Idea that would change your life. Another way that Aditya Birla Group changed my life was when during graduation, people around me wore branded clothes which I could not afford. You see, my father is a government employee and it was a big step for him to be able to send me out of the city for education, as none my cousins had gone out of their respective hometowns for graduation. Sending me out to study was an extra expenditure out of his pocket. He also had my younger brother to take care of. Basically branded clothes were not an option for me. I know it can sound vain to be cribbing about something so small but teenagers have a way of making you feel they are better than you just because they can afford the things that are better. Here PEOPLE as a brand came as a saviour with affordable prices and a wide variety of things to choose from, especially for college students.

THAT ONE MISTAKE OF MY LIFE  PART B After being the topper in class ten, I took the decision of going to Kota to prepare for competitive exams. There my life became a routine which comprised of going to the coaching centre, coming back, studying at my hostel and going to coaching again for the next day.       This wasn’t a hardship, what followed after this was. Every Sunday we had an exam some of which would determine our batch number. Top batches had the best teacher so naturally everyone wanted to be at the top. It became a race in which not everyone fared well. I tried to keep up with the pace but I couldn’t. Then I began to dread Sundays. I had severe anxiety issues. I used to vomit all the time and i used to cry a lot. This feeling took over my life. I lost all my confidence, used to cry on the phone when my parents called asking for results. I then stopped talking to them altogether. A batch mate of mine committed suicide and many of them had left for home. Somehow ironically in a city with the maximum number of students my age, I was all alone. I used to study a lot but never got output proportional to it. In the end, I messed up my JEE Main and Advanced and went on to another city for my graduation. You see now I could not live at home because seeing my mom and dad would remind me of the disappointment I was to them. The first three semesters I got a pretty average score that is 6.7, 7.2 and 6.67 then I started getting more involved, a big of reason for that were my teachers and friends. I got more focused. I learnt something new every day and my grades got better with every semester that is 8.47, 8.9, 8.97 and finally 9.2.  To pull myself back up, to gain that confidence was a long process that I had to go through. I don’t regret that time at all because it taught me a lot. It taught me to recognise my strengths and to leverage it. To not going into depression if you’re not excellent at something. Failure is temporary. You’ve just got to try harder and harder for something that you love doing and have patience to see it all fall into place, just like ABG inspires us to do, each and every day.