Jul 15, 2019 | 4 minutes |
ABG’s IMPACT ON MY LIFE WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad “Your outfit made you look more charming today in this candle light” is the comment I would remember as long as I remember the day I proposed to her. From then on whenever I was to shop for any occasion my first preference was PANTALOONS. In my under graduation when I went for concrete technology lab I have seen the usage of ULTRATECH CEMENT for testing. When one of my classmate enquired about why only ULTRATECH for testing then the reply from professor with 27 yrs of experience was that it was the best in the market. Next year when we were to decide the cement to be used for the construction of our own house: the dream of our family, invariably we had gone for ULTRATECH CEMENT.It was a couple of years back that my brother was looking for a trustworthy finance company to start his business and he chose ADITYA BIRLA CAPITAL. Two years down the line with his business being a success, he is financing me for my MBA.  A couple of weeks back when I have to shop for my formal apparel for my MBA program, it’s PETER ENGLAND that gave me the best at the affordable prices. With a few instances as quoted, one could understand how ABG, having a history of about 150 plus years and stepping across 30 plus countries has been an integral part in my life. ABG apart from having its presence in wide variety of sectors like apparel, telecom, IT and BPO, CARBON BLACK, financing and so on, it also stands high in its responsibility towards the society. ABG increases their share of awards for Corporate Social Responsibility year after year. BIRLA PUROCEL, a sustainable fiber that biodegrades in 6 days resembles the responsibility ABG has towards the society. BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN MY LIFE AND HOW I OVERCAME IT THE ULTIMATE MEASURE OF A MAN IS NOT WHERE HE STANDS IN MOMENTS OF COMFORT BUT IN MOMENTS OF CHALLENGE”- MARTIN LUTHER KING It was in my 10th standard that I faced my first challenge that life had thrown at me. It was only a week before the board exams when I fell ill with a severe stomach ache. The doctor I consulted suggested scanning after the preliminary examination. After careful observation he informed that the pain was because of APPENDICITIS and I have to undergo immediate surgery. Me and my father were shell shocked and were in a dilemma. Being a  middle-class family, education was given the utmost priority and ssc exams were the moment my parents were waiting for so long. I had the surgery later that night. Next day was complete bed rest and the day after with my eyes full of tears, I was thinking as to how to tackle the obstacle in front of me.  I decided that I am not going to miss any practice exams which would be put before final exams. I called up to the school principal and requested him to send the question papers to the hospital and my father used to take the answer sheets which I have written to my teachers and get them corrected. All my teachers were appreciating my efforts. The exams went smoothly and ultimately when results were out, I was the topper of my batch which had a batch strength of 360. Today when I look back at those days, they give me the immense satisfaction and pleasure. Those days give me a feeling of pride as they were the stepping stones I had to step across to where I am today