CAT 2023: Last 5 year DILR Paper analysis | InsideIIM

Sep 8, 2023 | 5 minutes |

CAT DILR Paper Analysis

To succeed in the CAT exam, it's crucial to excel in the
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) section. This section is considered challenging because it's often unpredictable in terms of difficulty and question types. Unlike the quantitative section, the DILR syllabus isn't clearly defined, which can make preparation confusing for candidates. In this article, we aim to make the DILR section easier to understand by explaining the types of questions typically asked and their relative importance in the last five years of CAT exams. This will help you perform well in the DILR section of CAT 2023.

The DILR section in CAT can be divided into two sub-sections which are Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. In data interpretation, certain graphs, charts, and tables full of complex data are presented followed by additional information based on them, which would help in arriving at solutions to the questions asked. Don't forget to check the guides on acing the DI-LR section at the end of the article! WATPI S05 - In-Article Top Ad With the change in the duration of the CAT exam from a 3-hour paper to a 2-hour paper, the paper pattern has also changed accordingly. While there were 32 questions asked in the DILR section in CAT 2019, it was reduced significantly to 24 questions in CAT 2020 and further reduced to 20 questions in CAT 2021. In CAT 2022, there was a change in the pattern. There were 4 sets of 5 questions each. It is also a good mix of MCQ and TITA(Type in the Answer) questions and the number of TITA questions asked has increased significantly over the years. However, one benefit of TITA questions is that they carry no negative marking for a wrong answer.

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*The following data has been compiled from the analysis of various coaching institutes as well and the recent data has been compiled using best judgment due to overlapping between two or more topics. This is just a broad overview of the topics that have typically appeared in the CAT exam over the last 6 years and should not be considered an official syllabus.
TOPICS 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Arrangements 18% 10% 14% 13% 19% 25%
Grouping & Conditionality 20% 10% 25% 6% 6% 0%
Games & Tournaments 17% 17% 8% 13% 0% 0%
Puzzles 5% 10% 14% 19% 19% 25%
Scheduling 0% 7% 0% 6% 0% 0%
Miscellaneous 10% 7% 0% 6% 6% 0%
DI - Reasoning Based 10% 10% 17% 19% 19% 31%
DI - Calculation Based 10% 10% 14% 13% 31% 19%
DI - Observation Based 10% 19% 8% 6% 0% 0%
The best way to prepare for this section would be to first solve the past year's CAT papers to get a flavor of the types and difficulty level of the questions asked. This should be followed by regular practice of questions along with giving mock tests. Making sure that you analyse your mocks and work on your weak areas is of paramount importance to ace this section. Along with this, question selection also plays a very important role in the DILR section. Since this section has usually been of a high difficulty level, selecting doable sets while maintaining calm and composure under pressure would make a big difference! All the best!

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. What is the CAT DILR section, and why is it considered notorious among CAT aspirants?

   - The CAT DILR section stands for Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. It is considered notorious due to the unpredictability of its difficulty level and the uncertainty surrounding the types of questions asked. Q. How has the CAT DILR section evolved in terms of question patterns and difficulty levels in recent years?

   - The number of questions in the DILR section has varied over the years. In CAT 2019, there were 32 questions, which was reduced to 24 in CAT 2020 and further to 20 in CAT 2021. In CAT 2022, there were 4 sets of 5 questions each, with a mix of MCQ and TITA questions.

Q. What are some of the key topics that appear in the CAT DILR section, and how have their weightages changed over the years?    - The article provides an overview of the topics that have typically appeared in the CAT exam over the last 6 years. These topics include Arrangements, Grouping and conditionality, Games and tournaments, Puzzles, Scheduling, Miscellaneous, DI - Reasoning Based, DI - Calculation Based, and DI - Observation Based. Q. How should CAT aspirants prepare for the DILR section to increase their chances of success?

   -Aspirants should start by solving past years' CAT papers to understand the types and difficulty levels of questions. Regular practice, giving mock tests, and analyzing performance to work on weak areas are also recommended strategies.

Q.Is there any specific advice for question selection in the DILR section?

   - Yes, question selection is crucial in the DILR section. As the section is usually of high difficulty, candidates are advised to select doable sets while maintaining calm and composure under pressure. This strategic approach can make a significant difference in performance.

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