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Daily Verbal Dose - Vocab and Phrasal Verbs List

Sep 17, 2014 | 153 minutes |

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Participants: 560 has pledged to help you  take  your test prep to another level. Starting today, we will post various important words and phrasal verbs necessary for you to ace in the verbal section of various entrance exams. We promise you that you would  be able to absorb more and answer better in the verbal section of exams. 15th November 2014 Give out Distribute. Usage - Somebody was GIVING leaflets OUT in front of the underground station. Give out Stop working, through age or overuse. Usage - I'd been having trouble with my laptop and it finally GAVE OUT at the weekend. Give out Have no more of a supply. Usage - The water GAVE OUT after a week in the desert. Give out Make public Usage - They GAVE the names of the winners OUT last night. Give out Emit. Usage - The factory GIVES OUT a lot of fumes. Give out End or finish somewhere. Usage - The path GIVES OUT halfway around the lake. Give out Make a sound or noise. Usage - She GAVE OUT a moan. Give out Read the wordings of a hymn or psalm aloud for congregational singing. He GAVE OUT the psalm. Give over Stop doing something bad or annoying. Usage - They were making a lot of noise so I told them to GIVE OVER. Give over Entrust, pass on responsibility. Usage - We've GIVEN the premises OVER to the new company. Give over Stop an activity. Usage - The police told the rioters to GIVE OVER. Give over to Dedicate, devote. Usage - He GAVE himself OVER TO finding his son. Give over to Transfer responsibility. Usage - After her death, they GAVE control of the estate OVER TO her niece. Give over! An expression of disbelief. Usage - They've doubled your salary- GIVE OVER! Give up Stop doing something that has been a habit. Usage - I GAVE UP taking sugar in tea and coffee to lose weight. Give up Stop being friendly, end relationships. Usage - She GAVE UP all her school friends when she went to university. Give up Stop doing something. Usage - I have GIVEN UP trying to help them. Give up Surrender, stop trying. Usage - I can't think of the answer; I GIVE UP. Give up Sacrifice or dedicate time, etc, to something. Usage - I GAVE UP all my free time to the project. Give up Allow someone to sit in your chair, take your place, etc. Usage - I GAVE UP my seat to a pregnant woman. Give up Allow or give away a run while pitching (baseball). Usage - He has GIVEN UP 14 earned runs in 14 innings. 14th November 2014 Give away Entrust your daughter to her husband through the marriage ceremony. Usage - He GAVE his daughter AWAY and told the groom to look after her. Give away Tell a secret, often unintentionally. Usage - She didn't GIVE anything AWAY about the party so it came as a complete surprise to me. Give away Distribute something for free. Usage - In this issue of the magazine, they are giving away a free DVD. Give away Give without asking for or expecting payment. Usage - He decided to GIVE his new album AWAY in a magazine. Give away Give an advantage to your opponent in a sport by making a mistake, playing badly, etc. Usage - They GAVE AWAY two goals in the first half. Give away Give an unwanted baby to people to bring up. Usage - She had to GIVE her baby AWAY as she couldn't afford to bring it up. Give away Betray, report to authorities. Usage - The gang GAVE him AWAY to the police. Give away Give a weight advantage to an opponent in boxing. Usage - He is GIVING AWAY thirty pounds to the challenger. Give back Return something you've borrowed. Usage - I GAVE the money BACK that she'd lent to me. Give back Return something that someone has lost. Usage - Nothing could GIVE me BACK the way I felt before the scandal. Give in Stop doing something because it's too hard or requires too much energy. Usage - I couldn't finish the crossword puzzle and had to GIVE IN and look at the answers. Give in Submit homework, etc. Usage - The projects have to be GIVEN IN three weeks before we break up for the end of term. Give in Surrender, accept defeat. Usage - They GAVE IN when the police surrounded the building. Give in Offer or submit for judgment, approval. Usage - They GAVE IN their complaint to the court. Give in to Agree to something you don't like. Usage - The government says it will not GIVE IN TO terrorists. Give in to Allow a feeling or desire to control you. Usage - Eventually, I GAVE IN TO my anger and screamed at them. Give it to Criticise harshly or punish someone for something. Usage - They really GAVE IT TO me for forgetting to turn up. Give it up for Applaud. Usage - Please GIVE IT UP FOR our next guest. Give it up to Applaud. Usage - Please GIVE IT UP TO our next guest. Give of Contribute without expecting anything in return, usually time or money. Usage - He GIVE OF his free time to help the club. 13th November 2014 Get onto Start discussing a topic. Usage - We didn't GET ONTO the third item on the agenda. Get onto Be elected, appointed. Usage - He didn't GET ONTO the committee. Get onto Appear on the radio or TV. Usage - He GOT ONTO every major channel after the accident. Get onto Contact someone because you need or want them to do something. Usage - We'd better GET ONTO someone to fix this. Get onto Enter a plane, train, etc. Usage - She GOT ONTO the plane just before it took off. Get out Leave the house to visit place and socialise. Usage - She doesn't GET OUT much now she has her baby. Get out Become known when people want it to remain secret. Usage - The truth GOT OUT despite the injunction on reporting the case. Get out Leave a place, escape. Usage - The dog GOT OUT because I left the door open. Get out Remove something from where it is stored to use it. Usage - I GOT the car OUT so that we could load up the suitcases. Get out Remove dirt or something unwanted. Usage - I spilled some red wine on my carpet and can't GET the stains OUT. Get out Publish, make available for the public to see or buy. Usage - We have to GET the report OUT by the end of the month. Get out Say what you want when it is difficult. Usage - He was so upset he couldn't GET the words OUT. Get out of Avoid doing something you dislike. Usage - I said I wasn't feeling well and GOT OUT OF the extra work. Get out of Leave a car, van, etc. Usage - We GOT OUT OF the taxi and paid the driver. Get out of Stop a regular activity or habit. Usage - If you GET OUT OF a routine, it can be hard to start again. Get out of Make someone confess or tell the truth. Usage - The police couldn't GET any information OUT OF him. Get out of Make someone give something to you. Usage - Did you GET a refund OUT OF the travel agency? Get out of Derive pleasure or benefit from something. Usage - She's GETTING a lot OUT OF her university course. Get out of Help someone avoid doing something Usage - I GOT him OUT OF having to work at the weekend. Get out! Expression of disbelief. Usage - 'I got 100% on the test.''Get out!' 12th November 2014 Get into Become involved or interested. Usage - She's been GETTING INTO dance music recently. Get into Become involved in something bad or criminal. Usage - He GOT INTO drugs when he was at university. Get into Be accepted or admitted. Usage - She did well and GOT INTO Cambridge University. Get into Become or be accepted as a member. Usage - He GOT INTO the first team for football. Get into Start a habit or way of acting or behaving. Usage - It took me ages to GET INTO driving on the left. Get into Be small enough to wear something. Usage - I couldn't GET INTO the boots; they were too tight. Get into Criticise. Usage - He GOT INTO me for doing it badly. Get off Escape punishment. Usage - He GOT OFF on a technicality and left the court a free man. Get off Leave a bus, train, etc. Usage - We GOT OFF the bus and walked to my house. Get off Finish, leave work. Usage - I like to GET OFF early on Fridays. Get off Start a journey. Usage - We need to GET OFF early to avoid the rush hour traffic. Get off Help a baby or child sleep. Usage - I can't GET the kids OFF because of the noise from next door. Get off Manage to fire a gun. Usage - She GOT OFF a few shots before she was arrested. Get off Stop talking on the phone. Usage - Let me know when he GETS OFF the phone as I need to make a call. Get off Write or send letters, messages, etc. Usage - I GOT three emails OFF before the meeting. Get off Say or write something funny. Usage - She GOT OFF some jokes at the start of her presentation. Get off it A way of expressing disbelief, or telling someone that they're wrong or have an incorrect opinion. Usage - I knew he was lying so I told him to GET OFF IT. Get off on Enjoy a drug. Usage - He GETS OFF ON crystal meth every night. Get off on Become excited by. Usage - She GETS OFF ON her power over us. Get off! Don't touch, leave alone. Usage - If he bothers you, just tell him where to GET OFF. 11th November 2014 Get down Make someone depressed, unhappy, exhausted, etc.. Usage - The miserable weather in winter really GETS me DOWN. Get down Write, record. Usage - I couldn't GET DOWN everything he said. Get down Manage to swallow. Usage - The medicine tasted horrible and it was difficult to GET it DOWN. Get down Descend, leave a vehicle. Usage - The trained pulled in and we GOT DOWN. Get down Leave the table after eating. Usage - When they had finished dinner, the children asked if they could GET DOWN. Get down Reduce. Usage - The doctor says I my GET my cholesterol levels DOWN. Get down on Criticise. Usage - My mother used to GET DOWN ON us for not doing enough homework. Get down to Start working seriously. Usage - I find it extremely difficult to GET DOWN TO doing any revision for examinations. Get down to Enjoy something a lot. Usage - People were GETTING DOWN TO the concert. Get in Arrange for someone to do a job in your home, workplace, etc. Usage - The air conditioning has broken down; we'll have to GET a technician IN to fix it. Get in Arrive (train, plane, etc.). Usage - Her plane GETS IN at 2am our time. Get in Arrive home. Usage - She didn't GET IN till well after twelve o'clock because she'd been out for a few drinks with her mates. Get in Enter a car or taxi. Usage - The taxi pulled up and we GOT IN. Get in Buy or obtain supplies, like food. Usage - We need to GET some coffee IN; we're completely out. Get in Arrive at work, school, home. Usage - I GOT IN late today because the train broke down. Get in Enter a building or place. Usage - I borrowed her pass to GET IN. Get in Be elected. Usage - The government GOT IN with a very small majority. Get in Manage to say or do. Usage - I couldn't GET a word IN throughout the meeting. Get in Be admitted to a university, club, etc. Usage - He did badly in the entrance exam and didn't GET IN. Get in Bring inside a place. Usage - It's raining; I'd better GET the washing IN. 10th November 2014 Get away Escape. Usage - The robbers GOT AWAY in a stolen car, which the police later found abandoned. Get away Go on holiday or for a short break. Usage - We love to GET AWAY from everything and relax in the country. Get away Move, leave somewhere. Usage - He didn't come because he was stuck at work and couldn't GET AWAY. Get away from Go somewhere different or do something different Usage - Work's getting on top of me; I need to GET AWAY FROM it. Get away from Start to talk about something that is not relevant to the discussion. Usage - I think we're GETTING AWAY FROM the point here- we need to concentrate on the main ideas. Get away with Not get caught, criticised or punished for doing something wrong. Usage - Thieves GOT AWAY WITH two Picassos, which were never found. Get away with Achieve something, despite not doing it correctly or properly. Usage - Do you think we could GET AWAY WITH using the cheaper product? Get away! An expression of disbelief. Usage - "I passed." "GET AWAY! You couldn't have passed." Get back Return. Usage - The train was held up so we didn't GET BACK home until midnight. Get back Return something. Usage - Don't lend him any money; you'll never GET it BACK. Get back Revenge. Usage - He was rude and embarrassed me, but I'll GET him BACK. Get back Move away. Usage - The police told the crowd to GET BACK to allow the ambulance through. Get back at Take revenge. Usage - I'll GET BACK AT her for landing me in trouble. Get back into Start doing something after stopping for some time. Usage - I am GETTING BACK INTO my Khmer lessons after the summer break. Get back into Find a new enthusiasm for something. Usage - I lost interest for a while, but I'm GETTING BACK INTO it. Get back to Respond to a contact. Usage - I'll GET BACK TO you as soon as I hear any news. Get back to Respond when you know the answer. Usage - I don't know at the moment, but I will GET BACK TO you as soon as I have the information. Get back to Start doing something again after an interruption. Usage - It took me ages to GET BACK TO sleep after the phone rang. Get back together Restart a relationship. Usage - We split up a few months ago but GOT BACK TOGETHER last week. 8th November 2014 Get about Visit many places. Usage - I GET ABOUT a lot with my job- last years I visited eleven countries. Get about Become known. Usage - It didn't take long for the news to GET ABOUT- everyone's talking about it. Get about Walk or visit places. Usage - She can't GET ABOUT much, but she is in her eighties. Get about Have personal or sexual relationships with many people. Usage - She GETS ABOUT a bit; she's always with some new guy. Get above Behave as if you are better or more important than others. Usage - She's been GETTING ABOVE HERSELF since she got promoted.(This is normally used in progressive forms and followed by a reflexive pronoun, though 'get above your station' is also used.) Get across Communicate successfully. Usage - I just couldn't GET my message ACROSS at the meeting. Get across Go from one side to the other. Usage - It's impossible to GET ACROSS the road with all this traffic. Get across Move something from one side to the other. Usage - How are we going to GET these bags ACROSS the river? Get across to Be convincing or make a good impression. Usage - How can I GET ACROSS TO my audience? Get after Nag or exhort someone. Usage - You should GET AFTER them to finish the work. Get after Chase. Usage - GET AFTER her and give her the message before she leaves the building. Get along Have a good relationship. Usage - Why don't you two GET ALONG? You're always arguing. Get along Leave. Usage - It's late; we must be GETTING ALONG Get along in Progress. Usage - How are you GETTING ALONG IN the company. Get along with Have a good relationship with someone. Usage - I don't GET ALONG WITH my sister- we have nothing in common. Get along with Deal with, handle. Usage - How are you GETTING ALONG WITH the training course? Get around Become known. Usage - It didn't take long for the news to GET AROUND once it got into the newspapers. Get around Visit many different places. Usage - He GETS AROUND a lot- he's always flying somewhere different. Get around Walk or go to places. Usage - He's finding it hard to GET AROUND since the operation and spends most of his time at home. Get around Avoid a problem. Usage - It'll be tricky, but we will find a way to GET AROUND the regulations. Get around Persuade, convince. Usage - She didn't want to accept my application because it was late, but I managed to GET AROUND her. 7th November 2014 Fish for Try to get some information or to get someone to say something. Usage - He's always FISHING FOR compliments. Fish out Remove something from a bag, pocket, etc. Usage - She reached into her handbag and FISHED some coins OUT. Fish out Remove from water, such as the sea, rivers, etc. Usage - It's fallen in the pool- I'll have to FISH it OUT. Fit in Get on in a group of people. Usage - I didn't FIT IN with the other people working there so I left and found another job. Fit in Have enough time or space for something. Usage - I didn't have time to FIT IN another appointment. Fit in with Be convenient or occur conveniently. Usage - They're not arriving until Thursday, which FITS IN WITH my schedule for the week. Fit in with Occur or happen in a way that shows that plans or ideas have not changed. Usage - His rudeness yesterday FITS IN WITH what I have always thought of his behaviour. Fit into Become part of. Usage - Their ideas didn't FIT INTO our plans. Fit out Provide with necessary equipment. Usage - They FITTED OUT the boat for the race. Fit out with Provide someone with necessary equipment. Usage - They didn't FIT the troops OUT WITH the necessary protective gear. Fit up Frame someone- make them look guilty of something they haven't done. Usage - The police FITTED him UP for dealing drugs. Fit up Provide equipment. Usage - They FITTED us UP with the latest IT. Fly about Circulate (rumours, etc). Usage - The rumour has been FLYING ABOUT for the past week, but no one has confirmed it. Fly around Circulate (rumours, etc). Usage - There are a lot of stories FLYING AROUND about her past. Fly at Attack. Usage - The dog FLEW AT the cat when it came into the garden. Fly at Criticise or shout angrily. Usage - He FLEW AT them for not trying hard enough. Fly by When time appears to move quickly Usage - As I get older, the years just FLY BY. Fly into Change emotion quickly. Usage - He FLEW INTO a rage. 6th November 2014 Fall about Laugh a lot. Usage - We FELL ABOUT when we heard what she'd done. Fall apart Break into pieces. Usage - The box FELL APART when I picked it up. Fall apart Become emotionally disturbed and unable to behave normally. Usage - He FELL APART when they sacked him. Fall back Retreat. Usage - The army FELL BACK after losing the battle. Fall back on Be able to use in an emergency. Usage - It was good to have some money in the bank to FALL BACK ON when I lost my job. Fall behind Make less progress. Usage - I was ill for a week and FELL BEHIND with my work. Fall down Fall on the ground. Usage - I slipped on the ice and FELL DOWN. Fall down Have a weak point. Usage - The argument FALLS DOWN when you look at how much it'll cost. Fall for Be attracted to somebody, fall in love. Usage - He FELL FOR her the moment their eyes met. Fall for Believe a lie or a piece of deception. Usage - He FELL FOR my story and allowed me yet another extension for the submission of my thesis. Fall in Collapse. Usage - The ceiling FELL IN hurting a lot of people. Fall into Start doing something unplanned. Usage - I just FELL INTO my job when an opportunity came up. Fall off Decrease. Usage - The membership FELL OFF dramatically when the chairperson resigned. Fall out Argue and be on bad terms with someone. Usage - They FELL OUT over the decision and hardly speak to each other any more. Fall out Lose hair. Usage - He's started getting worried about baldness because his hair is FALLING OUT rather quickly. Fall over Fall on the ground. Usage - I slipped on the ice and FELL OVER. Fall through Be unsuccessful. Usage - The plans FELL THROUGH when planning permission was refused. Fall under Become controlled. Usage - At first he was independent, but then he FELL UNDER their influence. Fasten down Tie something so that it doesn't move. Usage - We FASTENED it DOWN to keep the wind from blowing it away. Fasten on Give attention to something that confirms your beliefs. Usage - They have FASTENED ON the speech as a source of inspiration. Fasten onto Give attention to something that confirms your beliefs. Usage - They FASTEN ONTO any figures that they think can support their case. Fasten onto Follow someone closely, normally when they don't want your company. Usage - He FASTENED ONTO the minister on his visit and asked him repeatedly about the scandal. Fasten up Close, attach. Usage - FASTEN UP your seatbelts. 5th November 2014 Ease off Reduce pressure. Usage - She EASED OFF the accelerator to let the car slow down. Ease up Relax, calm down. Usage - She asked her teacher to EASE UP because she was feeling very stressed. Eat away Destroy slowly. Usage - The disease EATS the liver AWAY. Eat in Eat at home. Usage - We didn't feel like going to a restaurant so we ATE IN. Eat into Use something valuable when you don't want to. Usage - We've had to EAT INTO our savings since I lost my job. Eat out Eat in a restaurant. Usage - We couldn't be bothered to cook so we ATE OUT last night. Eat up Eat all of something. Usage - If you don't EAT UP your greens, you won't get any dessert. Eat up Consume. Usage - This car EATS UP petrol. Eat up Consume something you don't want to be consumed. Usage - The graphics EAT UP our bandwidth- they're costing us a fortune. Ebb away Disappear gradually. Usage - His life was EBBED AWAY as the illness progressed. Edge out Gradually push someone or something out of their position. Usage - The shareholders EDGED the CEO out because results were getting worse. Edge up Approach slowly. Usage - She EDGED UP behind the bus at the red light. Egg on Encourage. Usage - The other students EGGED him ON when he started arguing with the teacher. Eke out Make something like money last as long as possible. Usage - Most students have to EKE OUT their income because they have so little money to live on. Embark on Start a project or venture. Usage - Piere EMBARKED ON an MBA at Insead last autumn. Embark upon Start a project or venture. Usage - Fernanda has just EMBARKED UPON a new professional challenge. Empty out Empty something completely. Usage - I must EMPTY OUT the rubbish before I leave for work. Empty out Remove some things or everything from a container. Usage - I EMPTIED some of the coffee OUT so I could pour more milk in. End in Finish a certain way. Usage - It'll END IN tears. End up Become or do something unplanned. Usage - We couldn't get tickets for Egypt so we ENDED UP going to Turkey instead. End up with Get as a result of something. Usage - He tried hard but ENDED UP WITH a poor grade. Enter for Join or enter a competition. Usage - They ENTERED FOR the national championship but weren't good enough. Enter into Become involved in or accept. Usage - They ENTERED INTO an agreement with their rivals. Eye up Look carefully at someone. Usage - The guy EYED the other man UP because he was behaving suspiciously. 4th November 2014 Dress down Dress casually. Usage - The staff are allowed to DRESS DOWN on Fridays. Dress down Scold. Usage - She DRESSED me DOWN for being rude. Dress up Dress very smartly. Usage - It's an informal party so there's no need to DRESS UP. Drill down Search through layers of information on a computer. Usage - I really had to DRILL DOWN to get the answers from the database. Drill down through Get to the bottom of something, get detailed data. Usage - They DRILLED DOWN THROUGH the information to find the truth. Drill into Repeat something many times to make someone learn it. Usage - The teacher DRILLED the rules INTO the students. Drum into To make someone learn or believe something by constant repetition. Usage - They DRUM all the traps INTO you before the test, so you can't go wrong. Drum out Force someone out of their job or position. Usage - They DRUMMED the minister OUT when she was caught lying. The minister was DRUMMED OUT of her post for lying. (The passive form with OF is more common) Drum up Increase support or interest. Usage - They are trying to DRUM UP support for the referendum. Dry off Dry something quickly, or dry the surface. Usage - I had a shower and DRIED myself OFF. Dry out Stop drinking or taking drugs when addicted. Usage - He checked into a clinic to DRY OUT after being arrested for drunk-driving. Dry out Dry something fully. Usage - They DRIED the fruit OUT in the sun. Dry up Lose all the water from a river, lake, source, etc. Usage - The lake DRIED UP because of the water extraction for cotton farming. Dry up Stop being supplied with something. Usage - His income DRIED UP when cheaper options became available. Dry up Be unable to speak. Usage - She DRIED UP in the press conference. Dry up Dry plates, dishes, cutlery, etc, after washing them up. Usage - I washed and DRIED UP. Dumb down Reduce the intellectual level of something in search of popularity. Usage - Television has been DUMBING DOWN the news for years. Dump on Treat someone badly. Usage - Her boss DUMPS ON everyone when things go wrong. Dump on Criticize heavily, often unfairly. Usage - She DUMPS ON her family a lot. Dump on Tell someone your problems. Usage - When he';s depressed, he needs someone to DUMP ON. 3rd November 2014 Drive away Force an animal or someone to leave a place. Usage - Their unfriendliness DRIVES customers AWAY. Drive back Repulse, force back. Usage - The police DROVE the crowd BACK to give the rescue workers more space. Drive by Do something out of a car. Usage - He was killed in a DRIVE-BY shooting. Drive off Drive away from a place. Usage - She slammed the car door shut and DROVE OFF without saying a word. Drive out Force someone to leave a place. Usage - The soldiers DROVE them OUT of their homes. Drive up Make something increase. Usage - The market uncertainty has DRIVEN prices UP. Drive up Arrive in a vehicle. Usage - They DROVE UP just as we were about to leave. Drop around Visit someone, often without making an arrangement. Usage - We DROPPED AROUND to collect the stuff we'd left there last week. Drop around Deliver. Usage - I DROPPED AROUND the things they needed. Drop away Become smaller- amount, numbers. Usage - The numbers of people attending began the DROP AWAY after a few months. Drop back Move towards the back of a group. Usage - He stared at the front, but got tired and DROPPED BACK as the race went on. Drop by Pay a brief visit. Usage - He DROPPED BY on his way home from work. Drop in Visit without having made arrangements. Usage - I was in the area so I DROPPED IN at the office to see her. Drop off Take something or someone to a place and leave it or them there. Usage - I DROPPED the kids OFF at school on my way to work. Drop off Fall asleep. Usage - I DROPPED OFF during the play and woke up when it ended. Drop off Decrease in number or amount. Usage - Sales have DROPPED OFF in the last few months. Drop out Quit a course. Usage - She DROPPED OUT of college and went straight into a good job. Drop over Visit for a short time. Usage - I'll DROP OVER on my way back. Drop round Visit someone, often without making an arrangement. Usage - We DROPPED ROUND their house on our way. Drop round Deliver. Usage - I DROPPED the papers ROUND so she could read them before the meeting. Drop someone in it Get someone into trouble. Usage - I really DROPPED him IN IT when I told them what he'd done. Drop through Come to nothing, produce no results. Usage - The big scheme he was talking about seems to have DROPPED THROUGH. 1st November 2014 Double as Have a second function or purpose. Usage - My study DOUBLES AS a spare bedroom when we have visitors. Double back Go back the way you were coming. Usage - When he saw the police, he DOUBLED BACK and went home. Double over Bend over at the waist. Usage - She DOUBLED OVER in pain after being hit in the stomach. Double up Bend over at the waist. Usage - He DOUBLED UP in pain after being hit in the stomach. Double up Share accommodation because there are too many people. Usage - We had to DOUBLE UP because we hadn't booked enough rooms. Double up as Have a second function or purpose. Usage - The display screen DOUBLES UP AS a solar panel. Draw back Retreat, move backwards. Usage - He DREW BACK when the dog barked. Draw down Reduce levels. Usage - The administration want to DRAW DOWN troop numbers as soon as they can. Draw down Get funding. Usage - The college wants to DRAW DOWN extra funding for IT provision. Draw down To deplete by consumption or heavy spending. Usage - Gas reserves were DRAWN DOWN in the recent cold spell. Draw even Equalize one’s competitive position. Usage - The exhausted horse DREW EVEN at the finish line. Draw in Get dark earlier. Usage - The nights are DRAWING IN now it's winter. Draw in Arrive at a station (for trains). Usage - The train DREW IN and we got off. Draw into Get involved in something unpleasant. Usage - I didn't want to take sides because I didn't want to get DRAWN INTO their arguments. Draw on Pass slowly (time). Usage - As the lesson DREW ON, the students started to get bored. Draw on Inhale smoke from a cigarette, cigar, etc. Usage - He DREW ON his cigarette and coughed. Draw out Make something continue longer than needed. Usage - The director DREW the meeting OUT with a lengthy speech. Draw out Make a shy person more outgoing. Usage - He was so quiet at first, but the teacher managed to DRAW him OUT and get him to participate. Draw up Prepare a contract. Usage - The contract was DRAWN UP by our solicitor. Draw up When a vehicle stops. Usage - The police car DREW UP alongside him at the red lights and asked him to pull over. 31st October 2014 Die away Become quieter or inaudible (of a sound). Usage - The last notes DIED AWAY and the audience burst into applause. Die back When the parts of a plant above ground die, but the roots remain alive. Usage - The plant DIES BACK in the winter. Die down Decrease or become quieter. Usage - It was on the front pages of all the papers for a few days, but the interest gradually DIED DOWN. Die for Want something a lot. Usage - I'm DYING FOR the weekend- this week's been so hard. Die off Become extinct. Usage - Most of the elm trees in the UK DIED OFF when Dutch elm disease arrived. Die out Become extinct or disappear. Usage - DIED OUT when a comet hit the earth and caused a nuclear winter. Dig in Start eating greedily. Usage - We were starving so we really DUG IN when the food finally did arrive. Dig in Excavate a protective shelter (military). Usage - Anticipating an artillery barrage, we quickly DUG IN. Dig into Reach inside to get something. Usage - She DUG INTO her handbag and pulled out a bunch of keys. Dig out Find something you haven't used, seen, etc, for a long time. Usage - I DUG OUT my old university essays. Dig out Dig to remove something or someone. Usage - They had to DIG the survivors of the earthquake OUT from the ruins. Dig up Find something that is supposed to be secret. Usage - The reporters eventually DUG UP the truth about the affair. Dig up Remove something from the ground. Usage - The police DUG UP a body. Dig up Make a hole in a road, the ground, etc. Usage - The council have DUG the road UP. Dip in Put something in a liquid for a short time. Usage - I DIPPED the brush IN the paint and began painting the wall. Dip into Read parts of a book, but not all. Usage - I've been DIPPING INTO the book, but haven't read it properly. Dip into Take money out of your savings. Usage - I've had to DIP INTO my savings account to pay for the works on my house. Dip out Leave a place without telling anyone. Usage - The party was so dull I DIPPED OUT. 30th October 2014 Crash out Sleep at someone's house because you are too tired, drunk, etc. to leave. Usage - Dave CRASHED OUT at a friend's flat after the end-of-term party. Crash out Fall asleep. Usage - I CRASHED OUT in front of the TV last night. Cream off Separate the best or most talented people so that they can receive special or different treatment. Usage - The private schools CREAM OFF many of the best pupils. Cream off Take money or divert funds, usually wrongfully or unfairly. Usage - This means smaller banks can CREAM OFF excess profits during lending booms. Creep in Start to be noticeable. Usage - He tried to stay calm, but you could hear the anger CREEPING IN. Creep in Get included despite attempts to keep it or them out. Usage - Errors CREPT IN as the text got longer. Creep into Become noticeable in something. Usage - An angry tone CREPT INTO her voice. Creep out Make someone feel worried or uneasy. Usage - He CREEPS me OUT when he gets drunk. Creep out on To do the same activity for a very long time. Usage - He's been CREEPING OUT ON that computer game all day. Creep over Start to have a negative feeling. Usage - Fear CREPT OVER me as I walked through the graveyard. Creep up on Approach without someone realising. Usage - They CREPT UP ON their rivals and overtook them. Cut out Exclude. Usage - I'm CUTTING OUT salt from my diet. Cut out When an engine or motor stops. Usage - The car CUT OUT at the traffic lights just as they went green. Cut out Cut a picture or similar from a magazine, etc. Usage - I CUT some pictures OUT to use as visual aids. Cut out Leave quickly. Usage - We’d better CUT OUT, the security men are on the way. Cut out Separate livestock from a group. Usage - They CUT OUT three prime bulls from the herd. Cut out on Let down, snub. Usage - Although he'd promised to help, the star CUT OUT ON the charity when offered more money. Cut up Cut into smaller pieces. Usage - After cutting the tree down, the logger CUT it UP into logs. Cut up Drive into a neighbouring lane, directly in front of another vehicle. Usage - I was just driving onto the motorway slip-road, when a red Mini CUT me UP and I had to brake suddenly to avoid an accident. Cut up Upset. Usage - Her reaction really CUT me UP. Cut up Have a lot of small injuries. Usage - I CUT my hand UP when I broke the glass. 29th October 2014 Cut across Go across a place rather than around it to make the journey quicker. Usage - It'll be quicker if we CUT ACROSS the park. Cut across Affect people of different groups, classes, etc. Usage - The issue CUTS ACROSS social backgrounds as it affects us all equally. Cut back Reduce. Usage - The firm CUT BACK production because sales were sluggish. Cut back Remove branches from a plant or tree to encourage future growth. Usage - We CUT the tree BACK every winter. Cut back on Reduce expenditure. Usage - The government has decided to CUT BACK ON spending on the armed forces. Cut down Consume less. Usage - I'm trying to CUT DOWN the amount of coffee I drink during the day. Cut down Shoot. Usage - A lot of soldiers were CUT DOWN by enemy fire as they stormed the airport. Cut down Reduce a vertical thing to ground level by cutting. Usage - The logger CUT the tree DOWN. Cut down Cut something from a high position. Usage - After Christmas he didn't carefully detach all the decorations, he just CUT them all DOWN. Cut down on Reduce. Usage - Doctors advised her to CUT DOWN ON the amount of saturated fats in her diet. Cut in Start functioning. Usage - The fans CUT IN when the engine starts getting too hot. Cut in Drive in front of another vehicle without warning. Usage - A car CUT IN and nearly caused an accident. Cut in Interrupt. Usage - We were having a conversation when he came up and CUT IN. Cut in Include someone in a deal that makes money. Usage - We had to CUT the police IN on the deal to avoid trouble. Cut in Mix fat and flour until the combine. Usage - CUT the butter IN with the flour. Cut it out Stop your unfair or unreasonable behaviour. Usage - Will you two idiots CUT IT OUT and keep quiet. Cut off Will you two idiots CUT IT OUT and keep quiet. Usage - The telephone's been CUT OFF because we didn't pay the bill. Cut off Isolate or make Usage - The heavy snow has blocked many roads and CUT OFF a number of villages. 28th October 2014 Count against Affect negatively, make less likely to succeed. Usage - Not having a university degree will COUNT AGAINST her. Count among Include someone or something in a group, category, etc. Usage - I COUNT her AMONG my closest friends. Count down Wait impatiently or excitedly for something to happen. Usage - I'm COUNTING DOWN the days till they leave. Count for Be recognised as important, worthwhile or valuable. Usage - Experience COUNTS FOR a lot in decision making. Count in Include or involve. Usage - If you're going on that skiing holiday, you can COUNT me IN; I'd love to go. Count off Say numbers aloud in a sequence. Usage - They COUNTED the students OFF as they arrived. Count on Depend, rely. Usage - You can COUNT ON them; if they have promised to do something, they'll do it. Count on Expect something to happen and base plans on it. Usage - I was COUNTING ON the payment arriving last week and was really angry when it didn't arrive as I didn't have enough money to pay for everything. Count out Exclude. Usage - I don't want to go- you can COUNT me OUT. Count out Count a certain amount of money. Usage - He COUNTED OUT £250 and paid me. Count towards Be a part needed to complete something. Usage - The coursework COUNTS TOWARDS the final grade. Count up Add. Usage - COUNT UP the number of tickets sold, please. Count upon Expect something to happen and base plans on it. Usage - I was COUNTING UPON their support and lost because they didn't vote my way. Count upon Depend, rely. Usage - I COUNT UPON them to help me. Cover for Provide an excuse or alibi. Usage - She asked me to COVER FOR her if anyone asked where she'd gone. Cover for Do someone's work while they are temporarily absent. Usage - I COVERED FOR her while she was off sick. Cover up Conceal, try to stop people finding out. Usage - They tried to COVER UP the incident but it got into the newspapers. Cozy up Make yourself comfortable. Usage - It was cold and I COZIED UP by the fire. Cozy up to Make yourself popular with someone. Usage - He's been COZYING UP TO our boss because he wants a pay rise. 27th October 2014 Come over Feel strange. Usage - I CAME OVER all faint and weak because my sugar level was too low. Come over Affect mentally in such a way as to change Usage - I'm sorry about last night - I don't know behaviour (possibly related to 'overcome'). what CAME OVER me. Come round Become conscious, wake up from anaesthetic. Usage - She CAME ROUND and learned that the operation had been a complete success. Come round Change your opinion. Usage - At first she didn't like the idea, but she CAME ROUND to our way of thinking in the end. Come through Arrive (messages and information). Usage - News is COMING THROUGH of a major accident on the M25, where freezing fog has been making driving conditions extremely dangerous. Come through Communicate an emotion. Usage - The anger she felt COMES THROUGH. Come through Produce a result. Usage - They promised they'd do it, but they haven't COME THROUGH yet. Come through with Provide something needed. Usage - He didn't COME THROUGH WITH the money and they went bust. Come to Become conscious, wake up from anaesthetic. Usage - She CAME TO an hour after the operation. Come to Result in. Usage - The two men started arguing but they soon CAME TO blows and started fighting in earnest. Come up Appear. Usage - I'll be late home tonight because something's COME UP at work has to be ready for tomorrow morning. Come up Rise (the sun). Usage - The sun CAME UP just as we reached the outskirts of the town. Come up against Encounter problems or difficulties. Usage - They CAME UP AGAINST a lot of opposition to their plans for an out-of-town supermarket development. Come up with Think of a solution, excuse, etc.. Usage - Nobody could COME UP WITH a satisfactory explanation for the accident. Come upon Find by chance. Usage - I CAME UPON the book in a little second-hand bookshop in Dorset. Conjure up Create a picture or memory in someone's mind. Usage - It CONJURES UP memories of my school days. Conjure up Create something without many resources. Usage - I had to CONJURE UP a full weekend's entertainment for the visitors with no notice at all. Conk out Fall fast asleep. Usage - I was exhausted and CONKED OUT on the sofa. Conk out Suddenly breakdown or stop working. Usage - The printer CONKED OUT so I couldn't get a hard copy. Contract in Become involved or committed to something. Usage - Since it started, many companies have CONTRACTED IN to lend their support. Contract out Give a contract for a service outside the company you work for. Usage - They have CONTRACTED OUT their catering services to save money. Contract out of Formally leave and agreement. Usage - I CONTRACTED OUT OF the deal years ago. 21st October 2014 Answer back-  To reply rudely to someone in authority. Usage - Her mother was shocked when she started  ANSWERING her BACK and refusing to help. Answer for - Be held responsible for a problem. Usage - The government should be made to ANSWER FOR their failure to sort out the problem. Answer for -  Speak on behalf of someone or from knowing them. Usage - I can ANSWER FOR my partner because I know her position on this issue. Argue down - Beat someone in a debate, discussion or argument. Usage - The teacher tried to ARGUE the girl DOWN, but she couldn't. Argue down - Persuade someone to drop the price of something they're selling. Usage - She ARGUED him DOWN ten percent. Argue down - Try to persuade people not to accept a proposition, motion, etc. Usage - They tried to ARGUE DOWN the proposal. Argue out  - Argue about a problem to find a solution. Usage - If we can't ARGUE our differences OUT, we'll have to take them to court. Bargain down - Persuade someone to drop the price of something they're selling. Usage - I BARGAINED her DOWN to half what she originally wanted. Bargain for -  Expect something to happen (usually negative). Usage - I hadn't BARGAINED FOR so many people coming. Bargain on - Expect something to happen (usually negative). Usage - I hadn't BARGAINED ON him coming   18th October 2014 Come forth Appear. Usage - The draft proposal CAME FORTH in April. Come forth with Provide information. Usage - None of the witnesses CAME FORTH WITH an accurate description of the gang. Come from Country or town where you were born. Usage - She COMES FROM Somalia. Come in Arrive for flights. Usage - The plane CAME IN at two-thirty in the morning. Come in Place or ranking in a competition, etc.. Usage - I did my best but CAME IN last but one in the race. Come in Receive news. Usage - Reports are just COMING IN of an assassination attempt on the President. Come in for Receive (criticism or praise). Usage - Jack\'s COME IN FOR quite a lot of criticism of late. Come into Be important or relevant. Usage - Money doesn't COME INTO it; I simply will not do it under any circumstances. Come into Inherit. Usage - She CAME INTO a lot of money when her grandmother died. Come into use Start being used. Usage - The computerised system CAME INTO USE at the end of last year. Come off When something breaks off. Usage - I picked it up and the handle CAME OFF in my hand. Come off Be successful. Usage - I was surprised when the plan CAME OFF so easily. Come off it I don't believe what you're saying; used as an imperative. Usage - COME OFF IT; tell me the truth for goodness' sake. Come on Encouragement. Usage - COME ON; don't give up now when you're so close to finishing. Come on Start an illness. Usage - I've got a bit of a headache. I hope it doesn't mean I've got flu COMING ON. Come on Start functioning (machines, etc). Usage - The central heating COMES ON automatically an hour before I have to get up. Come out A secret is revealed. Usage - The details of the scandal CAME OUT in the press and she had to resign. Come out Be published or otherwise available to the public. Usage - The band's new CD is COMING OUT in September. Come out Disappear when washed. Usage - The red wine I spilt just will not COME OUT of the carpet no matter what I try to clean it with. Come out Let people know that you are lesbian or gay. Usage - She CAME OUT at university and has been living with her partner, Jane, for the last couple of years. Come out When the sun appears. Usage - It started cloudy, but then the sun CAME OUT and we all went to the park. Come out in Have a rash or similar skin problem. Usage - She CAME OUT IN a nasty rash after touching the poisonous plant by mistake. Come out of Recover consciousness. Usage - After three years, he CAME OUT OF the coma. Come out with Make something available. Usage - They have just COME OUT WITH a new version. Come out with Say something publicly and unexpectedly. Usage - She CAME OUT WITH the answer when everyone was expecting it to remain unsolved. 17th October 2014 Come about Happen, occur. Usage - The meeting CAME ABOUT because both sides were sick of fighting. Come about Shift direction (nautical). Usage - The yacht CAME ABOUT to a heading of 240 degrees. Come across Find by accident. Usage - I CAME ACROSS my old school reports when I was clearing out my desk. Come across Agree to have sex with someone. Usage - I was surprised when she CAME ACROSS on the first night. Come across The way other people see you. Usage - He CAME ACROSS as shy because he spoke so quietly. Come along Accompany. Usage - May I COME ALONG on your trip tomorrow? Come along Move faster or keep up. Usage - COME ALONG, we’ll never get there if you don’t keep up with us. Come apart Break into pieces. Usage - It CAME APART when I tried to lift it off the floor and I had to glue it back together. Come around Recover consciousness. Usage - It took several hours after the operation before he CAME AROUND. Come around to Agree with or accept something you had previously disapproved of or disliked. Usage - They have started COMING AROUND TO our way of thinking and are less hostile. Come back Return. Usage - I left work and CAME BACK home early. Come before Appear in court charged with a crime or offence Usage - He CAME BEFORE the court on charges of speeding Come by Visit. Usage - I'll COME BY after work and see if you need any help Come by Acquire. Usage - How did you COME BY that Rolex? Come down Rain. Usage - Just look at the rain COMING DOWN! I'm not going out in that. Come down Travel. Usage - When you're next in London, COME DOWN and see us. Come down on Criticise heavily. Usage - The management really CAME DOWN ON him for losing the contract. Come down upon Criticise, reprimand severely. Usage - They will COME DOWN UPON us if we are late. Come down with Fall ill. Usage - She CAME DOWN WITH a virus. 16th October 2014 Click through Open an advertisement on the Internet. Usage - Only a tiny fraction of users ever bother CLICKING THROUGH the banner adverts. Climb down Accept that you are wrong and change your position. Usage - The Prime Minister had to CLIMB DOWN over his tax proposals because there was so much opposition from the members of his own party. Cling on Hold tight. Usage - He told me to CLING ON as the motorbike accelerated. Cling on to Try to keep something. Usage - They CLUNG ON TO power despite the protests. Cling to Try to maintain beliefs, hopes, etc.. Usage - They CLING TO their old way of thinking. Clog up Block, slow movement right down. Usage - The traffic's so bad the roads get CLOGGED UP at rush hour. Close down Close a shop, branch or business permanently. Usage - The banks have CLOSED DOWN a lot of branches in villages over the last few years. Close down Stop an opponent being a challenge. Usage - He CLOSED the player DOWN and stopped him being a threat. Close in Surround, envelop. Usage - The fog CLOSED IN and we couldn't see two yards in front of us. Close in Approach, get near. Usage - The police were CLOSING IN so they decided to try to make a break. Close in on Get near someone. Usage - The police were CLOSING IN ON the gang. Close in upon Get near someone. Usage - The police were CLOSING IN UPON the gang. Close off Block a place to stop people entering. Usage - The police CLOSED the road OFF after the explosion. Close on Get nearer. Usage - She is CLOSING ON the leader of the race. Close out Bring something to an end. Usage - We CLOSED OUT the meeting early and went home. Close out Close or stop using. Usage - She CLOSED OUT the account and changed to another bank. Close out Ignore, exclude. Usage - They always CLOSE me OUT of their plans. Close up Completely close something. Usage - They CLOSE UP the building after everyone has left. Close up Join together. Usage - The leaves CLOSE UP when it rains. Close up Move closer together. Usage - They CLOSED UP when they saw the gang coming towards them. 15th October 2014 Clam up Be quiet, refuse to speak. Usage - Everybody CLAMMED UP when the Principal entered. Clamp down on Restrict or try to stop something. Usage - The government are CLAMPING DOWN ON antisocial behaviour. Claw back Get money back. Usage - The new tax will CLAW BACK what the government has given out in grants. Claw back Retake possession with difficulty. Usage - The opposition parties are trying to CLAW BACK the voters they lost in the last election. Claw back Regain possession with difficulty. Usage - They are CLAWING BACK their market share from their competitors. Clean off Remove dirt or something dirty. Usage - After dinner, I CLEANED OFF the table. Clean out Tidy up thoroughly and throw away unwanted things. Usage - I really must CLEAN the study OUT; there's stuff all over the floor and piles of paper everywhere. Clean out Cause someone to spend all their money. Usage - The holiday CLEANED me OUT- I'm broke till the end of the month. Clean up Tidy and clean. Usage - CLEAN this bedroom UP; it's a disgrace. Clean up Profit, sometimes suddenly. Usage - At the horse races yesterday we really CLEANED UP. Clear away Leave a place. Usage - We were told to CLEAR AWAY from the scene of the accident. Clear away Remove or tidy. Usage - After dinner, I CLEARED AWAY the plates and dishes. Clear off Leave somewhere quickly. Usage - As soon as the trouble started, we CLEARED OFF. Clear out Tidy up thoroughly and throw away unwanted stuff.. Usage - I spent the whole weekend CLEARING OUT the attic as it was full of papers and other junk. Clear out Leave somewhere. Usage - I told them to CLEAR OUT because they were making so much noise. Clear up Cure or recover from an infection. Usage - I took the antihistamines and the rash CLEARED UP right away. Clear up Tidy up. Usage - I'd better CLEAR AWAY the mess before leave. Clear up Explain. Usage - Could you CLEAR these points UP before we go any further? Clear up Improve (weather). Usage - The skies CLEARED UP and the sun came out. 14th October 2014 Cater for To provide what is necessary. Usage - The College CATERS FOR students of all ages. Cater to To provide what is needed, often seen negatively. Usage - The film CATERS TO the audience's worst instincts. Cave in Collapse. Usage - The roof CAVED IN because of the weight of the snow. Cave in Stop resisting or refusing. Usage - The government has refused to CAVE IN despite the protests and demonstrations. Chalk out To cut a line of cocaine. Usage - He went into the toilets to CHALK a line OUT. Chalk up To achieve something good. Usage - The company has CHALKED UP its highest ever profits. Chalk up to Explain the reason for a problem. Usage - They CHALKED the poor sales UP TO the lower numbers of tourists visiting this year. Chance upon Find something by accident. Usage - I CHANCED UPON a very rare book in car boot sale and bought it for 65p. Change over Change a system. Usage - The Irish CHANGED OVER to using kilometers in 2005. Charge up Put electricity into a battery. Usage - I need to CHARGE my phone UP- the battery's dead. Charge with Accuse somebody of a crime. Usage - She was arrested in customs last night and has been CHARGED WITH smuggling. Cheer on Encourage. Usage - Their CHEERED their team ON throughout the match. Cheer up Be less unhappy. Usage - Come on, CHEER UP; it isn't all bad, you know. Chew off Remove by biting. Usage - The dog CHEWED OFF the man's face. Chew on Thinks about something carefully before deciding. Usage - I'll CHEW ON it for a day or two and let you know what I think. Chew out Criticize someone angrily. Usage - They CHEWED him OUT for being late. Chew over Think about an issue. Usage - He asked for a few days to CHEW the matter OVER before he made a final decision. Chew up Cut into small pieces with your teeth. Usage - The puppy CHEWED UP the newspaper. Chew up Damage something inside a machine. Usage - The video CHEWED my tape UP. 13th October 2014 Calm down Stop being angry or emotionally excited. Usage - When I lose my temper, it takes ages for me to CALM DOWN again. Cancel out Have an opposite effect on something that has happened, taking things back to the beginning. Usage - The airport taxes CANCELLED OUT the savings we had made on the flight tickets. Cap off Finish or complete, often with some decisive action. Usage - She CAPPED OFF the meeting with a radical proposal. Care for Like. Usage - I don't CARE FOR fizzy drinks; I prefer water. Chase down Try hard to find or get something. Usage - The press CHASED us DOWN when the story broke. Chase off Force a person to leave or go away. Usage - The dog CHASED he postal worker OFF. Chase up Ensure that someone remembers to do something. Usage - The librarian is CHASING me UP about my overdue books. Chase up Try to get someone to pay a bill, debt, etc. Usage - I CHASED her UP as she hadn't paid for several months. Chase up Try to get more information about the progress of something. Usage - I didn't get a reply so I have been CHASING them UP. Chat up Talk to someone you are sexually interested in to get them interested in you. Usage - He spent the whole night CHATTING her UP. Cheat on Be sexually unfaithful. Usage - She CHEATED ON me with my friend. Cheat on Deceive or betray, often in a sexual and/or emotional context. Usage - She thought he had always been faithful to her, but he had been CHEATING ON her ever since their wedding day (with one of the bridesmaids). Cheat out of Get money from someone under false pretences. Usage - I hate him- he CHEATED me OUT OF £100. Check by Visit a place to check something. Usage - We CHECKED BY the office to see if the stuff was ready. Check in Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport. Usage - They CHECKED IN at the Ritz yesterday. Check into Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport. Usage - They CHECKED INTO the Ritz yesterday. Check off Mark something on a list as done. Usage - She CHECKED OFF the candidates' names as they arrived. Check out Pay the bill when leaving a hotel. Usage - She CHECKED OUT and took a cab to the airport. Check out Die. Usage - She CHECKED OUT last week; the funeral's tomorrow. Check out Get information about or inspect something to see if it's satisfactory. Usage - I CHECKED the new restaurant OUT as soon as it opened. Check out of Settle up and pay before leaving a hotel. Usage - Guests have to CHECK OUT OF the hotel before midday. Check over Check something very carefully. Usage - We CHECKED the contract OVER before signing it. 11th October 2014 Catch at Take or grab hold of something. Usage - She CAUGHT AT my sleeve as I was leaving and said she needed to talk to me. Catch on Become popular. Usage - Many critics were shocked when techno CAUGHT ON in the clubs. Catch on Finally understand what is going on. Usage - Everyone else realised what was happening, but it took Henry ages to CATCH ON. Catch out Trick. Usage - The exam is designed to CATCH you OUT. Catch out Discover or prove that someone is lying. Usage - He CAUGHT me OUT when he checked my story with my previous employer. Catch out Put someone in an unexpected and difficult situation (often passive). Usage - We were CAUGHT OUT in the storm. Catch up Get work, etc, up to date. Usage - I was ill for a fortnight and now I've got to CATCH UP on the work I missed. Catch up Reach someone who was ahead of you. Usage - He started well, but I CAUGHT him UP on the third lap. Catch up in Become involved, often against one’s will. Usage - The tourists were CAUGHT UP IN the violence of the revolution. Catch up on Do something that should have been done earlier. Usage - I'm going home to CATCH UP ON my sleep. Catch up on Reminisce with an old friend after not seeing them for a while. Usage - I hadn't seen her for years, so we spent the afternoon CATCHING UP ON old times. Catch up with Do something that should have been done earlier. Usage - I'm going home to CATCH UP WITH my sleep. Catch up with Meet someone after a period of time and find out what they have been doing. Usage - I CAUGHT UP WITH her at the conference. Catch up with When something negative starts to have an effect. Usage - His criminal behaviour is starting to CATCH UP WITH him. Catch up with Punish someone after they have been doing something wrong for a long time. Usage - The tax authorities CAUGHT UP WITH me for not submitting my tax returns. Catch up with Learn something new that many people already understand. Usage - My mother's trying to CATCH UP WITH computers. 10th October 2014 Cart off Take someone away, usually under arrest or to prison. Usage - The police CARTED them OFF to question them. Cart off Take something away, especially if stealing or without permission. Usage - The thieves CARTED OFF all the ticket receipts. Carve out Create or get a area where you can be special or successful. Usage - She's CARVED OUT a career in photojournalism. Carve up Divide into smaller pieces. Usage - They CARVED the company UP and sold a lot off. Carve up Overtake someone and then pull directly in front of a car. Usage - The idiot CARVED us UP and forced me to brake hard. Cash in Convert shares, bonds, casino chips, etc, into money. Usage - They CASHED IN their bonds and spent the money on a holiday. Cash in on Benefit or make money on something, especially if done unfairly. Usage - The opposition party are CASHING IN ON the government's unpopularity. Cash out Illegally access a bank account or credit card and steal money. Usage - A hacker got my credit card details from my computer and CASHED OUT a lot of money. Cash out Exchange something for money, collect winnings. Usage - After winning, she CASHED OUT her chips. Cash up Count all the money taken in a shop or business at the end of the day. Usage - After the shop closed, they have to CASH UP before they can go home. Cast about for Try to find something. Usage - They're CASTING ABOUT FOR support. Cast around for Try to find something. Usage - She was CASTING AROUND FOR people to help her. Cast aside Dispose, get rid of, ignore because you no longer like something or someone. Usage - He CAST her ASIDE. Cast off Dispose, get rid of. Usage - They CAST OFF any semblance of politeness and attacked us viciously. Cast off Untie a boat so it's free to Usage - They CAST OFF and headed out to sea. Cast out Expel, reject. Usage - They CAST him OUT because of his behaviour. Cast round for Try to find something. Usage - He CAST ROUND FOR any sign of his things. Cast up Be left on the shore by the sea.  Usage - The rubbish was CAST UP by the tide. 9th October 2014 Call after Name someone after somebody else. Usage - She was CALLED Rose AFTER her late grandmother. Call around Visit. Usage - I CALLED AROUND but she wasn't in. Call back Return a phonecall. Usage - I must CALL her BACK when we get to the office. Call for Demand. Usage - The Opposition party CALLED FOR the minister's resignation after the scandal broke. Call for Go to collect something. Usage - The courier CALLED FOR your parcel, but I told him it wasn't ready yet. Call for Telephone for something. Usage - I'll CALL FOR a cab right away. Call for Go and collect someone to take them out. Usage - I'll CALL FOR you at seven, so be ready because the film starts at half past. Call for Require. Usage - An emergency like this CALLS FOR some pretty drastic action. Call forth Make something happen. Usage - The protests CALLED FORTH a strong reaction from the police. Call in Get someone to come and do a job. Usage - We had to CALL IN a plumber because the sink was leaking and I had no idea how to fix it. Call in Stop and visit. Usage - I CALLED IN on Jenny on my way home because she's not very well at the moment and I wanted to see if she needed anything. Call off Cancel. Usage - The concert had to be CALLED OFF because the singer went down with a bad case of flu. Call off Order someone to stop attacking. Usage - CALL OFF your lawyers; we can work something out. Call on Ask for help. Usage - The President CALLED ON the wealthy countries for financial aid after the floods destroyed much of the country's agriculture. Call on Visit. Usage - As we were in the area, we CALLED ON my sister-in-law. Call on Challenge. Usage - He CALLED the speaker ON several mis-statements of fact. Call on Ask someone to do something, especially to speak in public. (Formal). Usage - I now CALL ON the other party to give their account of what happened. Call out Expose or accuse someone of wrongdoing or incompetence. Usage - He CALLED them OUT over awarding contracts to family members. Call round Visit. Usage - I CALLED ROUND on my way home but no one was in. Call up Summon someone for military service. Usage - The army CALLED UP the reserve soldiers when the war broke out. Call up Telephone. Usage - I CALLED him UP as soon as I got to a phone to tell him the news. 8th October 2014 Budge up Move to make space for someone. Usage - We had to BUDGE UP to let the fourth person in the back of the car. Buff up Clear, clean or make something shine. Usage - The silver candlestick looked lovely after I BUFFED it UP. Buff up Improve. Usage - After the scandal, the politician tried to BUFF UP his public image. Buff up on Improve your knowledge quickly. Usage - I BUFFED UP ON my grammar before the test. Bug off! Go away. Usage - I told her to bug off because she was annoying me. Bug out Open your eyes wide in surprise. Usage - He BUGGED OUT when she turned up. Bug out Leave somewhere in a hurry. Usage - They BUGGED OUT when the police arrived. Build up Develop a company. Usage - She BUILT the business UP from nothing into a market leader in less than a decade. Build up Increase. Usage - Tension has been BUILDING UP ever since the government passed the unpopular law. Bulk out Make something bigger or thicker. Usage - I BULKED the essay OUT with a few quotes to reach the number of word required. Bulk up Gain weight, develop bigger muscles. Usage - He's BULKED UP a lot since he got those steroids. Bump into Meet by chance. Usage - I BUMPED INTO Helen on the underground the other day. Bump off Kill. Usage - The drug dealer was BUMPED OFF by a rival gang. Bump up Increase. Usage - They BUMP UP the prices in the high season. Bundle off Send someone somewhere. Usage - He BUNDLED the kids OFF to bed. Bundle out Expel. Usage - The barman BUNDLED the drunk OUT because he was annoying the other customers. Bundle up Put on warm clothing. Usage - We BUNDLED UP before going out as it was snowing. Bundle up Wrap or tie things together. Usage - I BUNDLED UP my newspapers and dropped them in the recycling bin. Bunk off Not go to school when you should. Usage - I used to BUNK OFF school and go into town. Buoy up Make someone feel more positive. Usage - After so much criticism, the positive review BUOYED him UP. Buoy up Keep afloat. Usage - The lifejacket BUOYED me UP till the boat arrived. 7th October 2014 Breeze along Move easily and quickly. Usage - The film BREEZES ALONG for the first hour, then becomes rather dull and slow. Breeze in Enter a place quickly. Usage - He BREEZED IN and started shouting at us. Breeze into Enter a place quickly. Usage - He BREEZED INTO the room and switched the TV on. Breeze through Pass easily, succeed. Usage - She BREEZED THROUGH her exams. Brick in Close or fill a space with bricks. Usage - We BRICKED IN the side window. Brick up Close or fill a space with bricks.  Usage - We BRICKED the back entrance UP. Brighten up Improve (weather). Usage - BRIGHTENED UP in the afternoon. Brighten up Become happier. Usage - He BRIGHTENED UP when he heard the news. Brighten up Make something more attractive or pleasant. Usage - We tried to BRIGHTEN the place UP by painting it. Brush off Ignore, pay little attention. Usage - The minister BRUSHED OFF the criticism. Brush up Improve a skill quickly. Usage - She took a two-week course to BRUSH UP her Spanish before she went travelling around South and Central America. Bubble over Become very excited. Usage - She BUBBLED OVER with joy when she heard her exam results. Buck up Hurry (either transitive or reflexive). Usage - 'BUCK UP - the taxi's waiting.' Buck up Smarten up, improve. Usage - You had better BUCK your ideas UP, or you'll fail the course. Bucket Down Rain heavily. Usage - Take an umbrella; it's BUCKETING DOWN. Buckle Down Start working hard, apply yourself. Usage - We had to BUCKLE DOWN and study for the exam. Buckle Down Accept something under pressure, against your will. Usage - They didn't like the ideas, but had to BUCKLE UNDER or face the sack. Buckle Up Fasten a seatbelt. Usage - We were told to BUCKLE UP before take-off. 6th October 2014 Boot up Start a computer. Usage - He BOOTED UP the computer and started work. Border on Be located next to a place. Usage - Portugal BORDERS ON Spain. Border on Be very nearly something. Usage - What he did was BORDERING ON betrayal. Boss about Use excessive authority to control people. Usage - She BOSSES everyone ABOUT. Boss around Use excessive authority to control people. Usage - He BOSSES everyone AROUND. Botch up Ruin or spoil something Usage - I BOTCHED UP the whole project and it had to be cancelled. Bottle away Store up. Usage - He kept his feelings BOTTLED AWAY. Bottle out Lack courage to do something. Usage - She was going to tell her boss exactly what she thought, but BOTTLED OUT in the end. Bottle up Not express your feelings. Usage - She BOTTLED UP her feelings even though she was furious with them and kept quiet. Bottom out Pass the lowest point and start rising. Usage - The recession BOTTOMED OUT and the economy is recovering well. Bounce into Force someone. Usage -They have BOUNCED the government INTO calling an early election. Bounce back Recover. Usage - The economy is BOUNCING BACK from the recession. Bounce off Test ideas. Usage - They BOUNCED ideas OFF each other in a brainstorming session. Bowl out Hit someone's wicket in cricket with the ball. Usage - He BOWLED the player OUT first ball. Bowl over Surprise someone greatly. Usage - I was BOWLED OVER by the news. Bowl over Knock someone to the ground. Usage - He was BOWLED OVER by the crowd rushing out. Box in Prevent something from moving, especially vehicles. Usage - I was BOXED IN by the bus and couldn't change lane. Box up Pack things in boxes to move them. Usage - At the end of term, I BOXED my books UP and sent them home. Brace up Feel more confident or optimistic about something. Usage - You should BRACE UP and stop worrying. Branch out Move into a different area of business, etc.. Usage - The supermarkets have BRANCHED OUT into banking. 4th October 2014 Block in Park a car and obstruct another car. Usage - I couldn't drive here this morning because someone had BLOCKED me IN. Block in Shade or fill in. Usage - He BLOCKED IN the events in his calendar. Block off Obstruct an exit to prevent people from leaving. Usage - The police BLOCKED OFF the road after the murder. Block out Stop light from entering or leaving. Usage - The trees BLOCK the sun OUT most of the day. Block out Try not think about or feel something because it is upsetting or painful. Usage - It was so unpleasant that I try to BLOCK it OUT- otherwise, I'd just be angry all the time. Block up Fill a space so that nothing can pass. Usage - The pipe's BLOCKED UP and no water gets through. Boil down Simplify, reduce to the essentials. Usage - The report's so long, I BOILED it DOWN into a two-page summary. Boil over When a hot liquid spills out of a container. Usage - I left the milk on the cooker and it BOILED OVER. Boil over When people lose their tempers and things get nasty. Usage - The tension had been building up and it BOILED OVER in the meeting. Boil up Feel a negative emotion strongly. Usage - The anger BOILED UP in me when I saw what they had done. Boil up Cook or heat something to boiling point. Usage - I BOILED UP some water for a cup of coffee. Bolster up Give support, reinforce, strengthen. Usage - We were all scared but she BOLSTERED UP our courage. Bone up Study hard for a reason. Usage - I will have to BONE UP to get a good result. Bone up on  Study hard for a goal or reason. Usage - I need to BONE UP ON my French grammar for the test. Book in Make a reservation in advance.
Usage - I'll BOOK us IN at the Intercontinental. Book in Check in at a hotel. Usage - WE took a taxi from the airport to the hotel and BOOKED IN. Book into Make a reservation in advance. Usage - I've BOOKED us INTO a hotel in the centre of town for three nights. Book into Check in at a hotel. Usage - We BOOKED INTO the first hotel we could find. Book out Leave a place in a hurry. Usage - I don't like the look of the people arriving- let's BOOK OUT. Book up Reserve. Usage - The flight's fully BOOKED UP; I'll have to go the following day.
3rd October 2014 Belong with Be in the correct or appropriate location with other items. Usage - Does this disc BELONG WITH those on the shelf? Belt up Be quiet. Usage - She told the students to BELT UP because they were making so much noise. Belt up Fasten your seatbelt. Usage - I told the kids to BELT UP before I started the car. Bend down Lower the top half of your body. Usage - I BENT DOWN to pick it up off the floor. Bend over backwards Do a lot to try to help or please someone Usage - I BENT OVER BACKWARDS for them and they didn't even thank me. Big up Exaggerate the importance. Usage - He BIGS himself UP all the time. Big up Increase the size of muscles by exercise. Usage - They work out a lot to BIG themselves UP. Bitch up Spoil or ruin something. Usage - I BITCHED UP the interview. Black out Fall unconscious. Usage - He BLACKED OUT and collapsed on the floor. Black out Lose light. Usage - Everything BLACKED OUT when the power supply failed. Blank out Censor text so that words cannot be read. Usage - The email addresses were BLANKED OUT in the documents shown to the court. Blank out Have a temporary memory failure. Usage - I was so nervous in the interview that I just BLANKED OUT and couldn't answer their questions properly. Blare out A loud sound or music. Usage - The music was BLARING OUT and I couldn't get to sleep. Blast off Leave the ground- spaceship or rocket. Usage - The space shuttle BLASTED OFF on schedule yesterday. Blaze away Fire a gun repeatedly. Usage -The shooters BLAZED AWAY at the pheasants. Bleed out Cause sufficient blood loss to result in death. Usage - They BLED OUT their calves. Bliss out Be extremely relaxed and happy. Usage - I BLISSED OUT on the beach all week. 2nd October 2014 Be up Have increased or risen. Usage - The company's profits ARE UP by fifteen percent. Be up When the time for something finishes or expires. Usage - Time's UP, please finish your drinks and leave. Be up for Be enthusiastic about an upcoming event. Usage - ARE you UP FOR the climb of Mt. Blanc? Be up to  Be good enough. Usage - He's not UP TO the job; get someone else. Be up to Doing something naughty or wrong Usage - What are those kids UP TO? Bear on Influence, affect. Usage - The judge's character may well BEAR ON the final decision. Bear out Confirm that something is correct. Usage - Statistics BEAR OUT the government's positions on the issue. Bear up Resist pressure. Usage - How are you BEARING UP under the strain? Bear up under Cope with something difficult or stressful. Usage - He's BEARING UP UNDER the pressure. Bear with Be patient. Usage - Please BEAR WITH me a moment while I finish this email. Beat down Strong sunshine. Usage - The sun WAS really BEATING DOWN and we couldn't stay outdoors. Beat down Get someone to lower the price of something. Usage - I managed to BEAT him DOWN to fifty Euros. Beat out Narrowly win in competition. Usage - The marathon runner barely BEAT OUT his rival at the tape. Beat up Attack violently. Usage - The mugger BEAT him UP and stole his wallet. Beaver away Work hard. Usage - She's BEAVERING AWAY before her exams. Bed down Sleep somewhere less comfortable than normal. Usage - We had to BED DOWN on the floor for the night. Bed down Become established or successful over time. Usage - The new government has found it hard to BED DOWN and become accepted. Bed out Move a plant outside. Usage - I BEDDED the plants OUT when the weather warmed up. Belong to Be a member. Usage - He BELONGS TO a secret society. Belong to Be connected to a time, place, belief, thing, etc. Usage - Their ideas BELONG TO the nineteenth century and seem old-fashioned now. 1st October 2014 Be fed up Be bored, upset or sick of Usage - I AM FED UP of his complaints. Be in Be at home or at work. Usage - They ARE never IN; I always get their answerphone. Be in Be submitted, arrive. Usage - The application form must BE IN by 3pm on Friday. Be in on Be involved in. Usage - Susan was the only one who WASN'T IN ON the plan. Be not on Be unacceptable. Usage - The way he's behaving IS just NOT ON. Be off Be bad (of food). Usage -This yoghurt must BE OFF; it smells foul. Be off  Depart, leave. Usage - I'm OFF home; it's five o'clock. Be on Be functioning (of machines). Usage - The computer IS ON. Be on Take place. Usage - The show IS ON for the next three months. Be on Take medication or drugs, especially when they affect the person badly. Usage - He IS ON anti-depressants and has become very difficult to please. Be on Be at the top of one’s game, performing very well. Usage - He IS really ON right now- three goals in five minutes! Be on about  Mean, try to say. Usage - I couldn't understand what he WAS ON ABOUT- it made no sense. Be onto Pursue, be aware of someone's true Usage - He's being very careful because he thinks the police ARE ONTO him. Be out Be absent from a place. Usage - She IS OUT on a visit for the day. Be out of Have no more left. Usage - We're OUT OF coffee so I'll have to go and get some. Be out to Attempt. Usage - She IS OUT TO get him sacked because she hates him. Be snowed under Have too much work. Usage - We're completely SNOWED UNDER at work because it's the end of the tax year. Be taken aback Be shocked or surprised. Usage - I WAS TAKEN ABACK when I saw him because he's lost all his hair. Be taken with Like something. Usage - I WAS very TAKEN WITH the performance- it was superb. Be up Be out of bed. Usage - She's not UP yet. 30th September 2014 Auction off Sell something in an auction. Usage - They AUCTIONED OFF their property as they were heavily in debt. Bag out Criticise. Usage - Don't BAG OUT Australian English. Bargain down Persuade someone to drop the price of something they're selling. Usage - I BARGAINED her DOWN to half what she originally wanted. Bargain for Expect something to happen (usually negative). Usage - I hadn't BARGAINED FOR so many people coming. Bargain on Expect something to happen (usually negative). Usage - I hadn't BARGAINED ON him coming. Barge into Enter a place and interrupt people rudely. Usage - They BARGED INTO my office without knocking and started talking even though I was on the phone. Bash about Mistreat physically. Usage - If you BASH your monitor ABOUT like that, it won't last long. Bash in Break, damage or injure by hitting. Usage - The burglars BASHED the door IN to enter the house. Bash out Write something quickly without much preparation. Usage - I BASHED the essay OUT the night before I had to hand it in. Bash up Break, damage or hurt by hitting. Usage - They BASHED him UP in the fight in the pub last week and he had to go to hospital. Bawl out Scold. Usage - She BAWLED Raj OUT for getting there late. Bawl out Sing or shout unpleasantly loudly. Usage - He BAWLED OUT our names at the top of his voice. Be after Try to find or get. Usage - The police ARE AFTER him because of the theft. Be along Arrive. Usage - The next bus should BE ALONG in the next quarter of an hour or so. Be away Be elsewhere; on holiday, etc.. Usage - She's AWAY on business for three weeks. Be cut out for Be suitable, have the necessary qualities. Usage - She's not CUT OUT FOR this kind of work. Be cut up Be upset. Usage - She was very CUT UP about coming second as she thought she deserved to win. Be down Be depressed. Usage - He's BEEN DOWN since his partner left him. Be down Be reduced or less. Usage - The firm's profits ARE DOWN by ten percent this quarter. Be down on Have negative feelings toward someone. Usage - After the argument, James is DOWN ON his boss. Be down with Be ill. Usage - Gul is DOWN WITH some bug and is off work today. 29th September 2014 Act on To take action because of something like information received. Usage - The police were ACTING ON a tip from an informer and caught the gang red-handed. Act on Affect. Usage - The medicine only ACTS ON infected tissue. Act out Perform something with actions and gestures.. Usage - They ACTED OUT the story on stage. Act out Express an emotion in your behaviour. Usage - Their anger is ACTED OUT in their antisocial behaviour. Act up Behave badly or strangely. Usage - My computer's ACTING UP; I think I might have a virus. Act upon To take action because of something like information received. Usage - The police were ACTING UPON a tip-off. Act upon Affect. Usage - The enzyme ACTS UPON certain proteins. Add on Include in a calculation. Usage -You have to ADD the VAT ON to the price they give. Add up To make a mathematical total. Usage - We ADDED UP the bill to check it was correct. Add up Be a satisfactory explanantion for something. Usage - She explained why the work wasn't ready, but her story doesn't ADD UP. Add up to Have a certain result. Usage - Trains delays are getting worse and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters. Add up to Come to a certain amount or figure Usage - The total costs ADD UP TO several million euros Agree with Affect- usually used in the negative to show that something has had a negative effect, especially is it makes you feel bad. Usage - I feel terrible- that food didn't AGREE WITH my stomach. Aim at To target. Usage - The magazine is AIMED AT teenagers. Aim at Intend to achieve. Usage - They're AIMING AT reducing costs by ten percent. Allow for Include something in a plan or calculation. Usage - You should ALLOW FOR delays when planning a journey. Allow of  Make possible, permit. Usage - The rules don't ALLOW OF any exceptions. Angle for Try to get something indirectly, by hinting or suggesting. Usage - He's been ANGLING FOR an invitation, but I don't want him to come. Answer back To reply rudely to someone in authority. Usage - Her mother was shocked when she started ANSWERING her BACK and refusing to help. Answer for Be held responsible for a problem. Usage - The government should be made to ANSWER FOR their failure to sort out the problem.   25th September 2014 Walk off  Go for a walk to reduce the effects of an illness or bad feeling. Usage -I tried to WALK OFF my hangover. Walk off with Win easily. Usage - He WALKED OFF WITH the award. Walk off with Take something without permission or steal. Usage -Someone WALKED OFF WITH my umbrella so I got soaked. Walk on Continue walking. Usage -I saw the accident but just WALKED ON as I didn't want to have to give a statement. Walk out Leave work because of a dispute with the management. Usage -The workers WALKED OUT because the felt that safety wasn't being handled correctly. Walk out Leave a place angrily or because you are not satisfied. Usage -The film was a bore so I WALKED OUT halfway through. Walk out on - Leave somebody angrily. Usage - He WALKED OUT ON his wife last year. Walk through - Explain or demonstrate something carefully to someone. Usage -He WALKED me THROUGH the procedures. Walk up Go to someone. Usage -A man WALKED UP and asked me the time. Close down Close a shop, branch or business permanently. Usage -The banks have CLOSED DOWN a lot of branches in villages over the last few years. Close down Stop an opponent being a challenge. Usage - He CLOSED the player DOWN and stopped him being a threat. Close in Surround, envelop. Usage -The fog CLOSED IN and we couldn't see two yards in front of us. Close in Approach, get near. Usage -The police were CLOSING IN so they decided to try to make a break. Close in on Get near someone. Usage -The police were CLOSING IN ON the gang. Close in upon Get near someone. Usage -The police were CLOSING IN UPON the gang. Close off Block a place to stop people entering. Usage -The police CLOSED the road OFF after the explosion. Close on Get nearer. Usage -She is CLOSING ON the leader of the race. Close out Bring something to an end. Usage - We CLOSED OUT the meeting early and went home. Close out Close or stop using. Usage -She CLOSED OUT the account and changed to another bank. Close out Ignore, exclude. Usage -They always CLOSE me OUT of their plans. Close up Completely close something. Usage - They CLOSE UP the building after everyone has left. Close up Join together. Usage -The leaves CLOSE UP when it rains. Close up Move closer together. Usage -They CLOSED UP when they saw the gang coming towards them. 24th September 2014 1-  Wait about - Wait somewhere doing nothing. Usage - I WAITED ABOUT for an hour, but they didn't come. 2- Wait around - Wait somewhere doing nothing. Usage -They were just WAITING AROUND to see if anything was going to happen. 3- Wait behind - Stay somewhere after other people have left. Usage -I WAITED BEHIND to ask the lecturer a question. 4- Wait in - Stay at home because someone is going to visit. Usage - I WAITED IN for the guy to fix the TV. 5- Wait on - Serve people in a restaurant. Usage - They have two people WAITING ON each table. 6- Wait on - Sell goods in a shop. Usage -He WAITS ON customers in an electronics store. 7- Wait on - Provide someone with everything they need or want. Usage - He has a butler who WAITS ON him. 8- Wait on - Wait for a result before being able to make a decision. Usage -They're WAITING ON the results of the vote before taking a final decision. 9- Wait out - Wait till something has finished, usually something unpleasant. Usage -We'll have to WAIT OUT this uncertainty. 10- Wait up - Not go to bed because you are waiting. Usage -I was worried and WAITED UP until they got home safe and sound. 11- Wait up! Stop (imperative). Usage - Wait up! I need to talk to you. 12- Wait upon - Provide someone with what they require. Usage -They used to have servants WAITING UPON them. 13- Wait upon - Wait for a result before being able to make a decision. Usage -They must WAIT UPON the outcome of the match before they know who they'll be playing. 14- Wake up - Stop sleeping. Usage - I WOKE UP at half past six this morning. 15- Walk away from -Leave something you don't like. Usage -You can't just WALK AWAY FROM your problems. 16- Walk away - Win easily. Usage - She WALKED AWAY WITH the first prize. 17- Walk back from - Retract a statement. Usage -They declined to WALK BACK FROM their comments despite the controversy. 18- Walk in on - Enter somewhere unexpectedly and see something. Usage - He WALKED IN ON them planning to sack him. 19- Walk into - Get work without effort. Usage - He WALKED INTO a great job straight after university. 20- Walk into - Be unaware of the presence of something and either enter it (a trap) or bump into it (an obstruction). Usage - You WALKED INTO that one [You became victim to a trap I set]or I WALKED INTO a door and broke my nose. 23rd September 2014 1- Fire away - Ask questions. Usage- What do you want to know? FIRE AWAY and I'll tell you. 2- Fire off Send quickly, angrily or many (letter,emails, etc). Usage- He FIRED OFF an email complaining about the report. 3- Fire off Shoot, fire a gun (usually repeatedly). Usage- The police FIRED OFF several rounds and killed the man. 4- Fire up - Start a computer. Usage- She FIRED UP the computer and printed out a hard copy of the files. 5- Fire up - Excite, become excited. Usage- Everyone was FIRED UP 6- Close down - Close a shop, branch or business permanently. Usage- The banks have CLOSED DOWN a lot of branches in villages over the last few years. 7- Close down - Stop an opponent being a challenge. Usage- He CLOSED the player DOWN and stopped him being a threat. 8- Close in - Surround, envelop. Usage- The fog CLOSED IN and we couldn't see two yards in front of us. 9- Close in - Approach, get near. Usage- The police were CLOSING IN so they decided to try to make a break. 10- Close in on - Get near someone. Usage- The police were CLOSING IN ON the gang. 11- Close in upon - Get near someone. Usage- The police were CLOSING IN UPON the gang. 12- Close off - Block a place to stop people entering. Usage- The police CLOSED the road OFF after the explosion. 13- Close on - Get nearer. Usage- She is CLOSING ON the leader of the race. 14- Close out - Bring something to an end. Usage - We CLOSED OUT the meeting early and went home. 15- Close out Close or stop using. Usage- She CLOSED OUT the account and changed to another bank. 16- Close out - Ignore, exclude. Usage- They always CLOSE me OUT of their plans. 17- Close up Completely close something. Usage- They CLOSE UP the building after everyone has left. 18- Close up Join together. Usage- The leaves CLOSE UP when it rains. 19- Close up Move closer together. Usage- They CLOSED UP when they saw the gang coming towards them. 22nd September 2014 1- Fill in - Complete a form. Usage - I FILLED IN the application form and posted it off. 2- Fill in -  Substitute someone at work. Usage - She's just had a baby, so we have hired someone to FILL IN for her. 3- Fill in for - Substitute. Usage - I was away for a few days, so they had to get someone to FILL IN FOR me. 4- Fill in on - Give someone information. Usage - I'm sorry I missed the meeting; could you FILL me IN ON what happened. 5- Fill out - Complete a form. Usage -  I FILLED OUT the application form and mailed it. 6- Fill up - Fill something completely. Usage - I stopped at the garage and FILLED UP with petrol. 7- Filter in - Move into a lane of traffic without making other cars stop. Usage - The slip lane allows traffic to FILTER IN at the junction. 8- Filter out - Remove something unwanted. Usage - It FILTERS OUT all the impurities and chemicals in tap water so that it tastes better. 9- Find out - Discover. Usage - I went to the library to FIND OUT all I could about the life and work of Joe Meek. 10- Finish off - Finish completely. Usage - They FINISHED OFF all the chocolates and had to go to the all-night garage to buy some more. 11- Finish off - Kill a person or animal, often when they have already been hurt. Usage - The animal was badly hurt, so they FINISHED it OFF to end its suffering. 12- Finish off - Beat, make victory certain in sport. Usage - The second goal FINISHED them OFF. 13- Finish off - Consume all. Usage - We FINISHED OFF the coffee and had to get some more. 14- Finish up - Finally get somewhere, usually without planning to go there. Usage - We went out for diner and FINISHED UP in a club. 15- Finish up with - Have or do something at the end or as the last of something. Usage - We attended some workshops and FINISHED UP WITH the keynote speaker. 16- Finish with - End a relationship. Usage - She FINISHED WITH him a few months ago. 17- Finish with - Stop dealing with someone. Usage - He wanted to leave but I was furious and hadn't FINISHED WITH him. 18- Finish with - Finish using or requiring. Usage - Can I read the paper when you've FINISHED WITH it. 19- Fink on - Give away secrets about someone. Usage - He FINKED ON her to the authorities. 20- Fink out - Fail to keep a promise, arrangement, etc. Usage - He said he'd come with us then FINKED OUT at the last minute. 19th September 2014 1- Bog down - Slow make progress. Usage - Yasini got BOGGED DOWN in his research and didn't finish the project in time. 2- Bog in - Eat enthusiastically. Usage - We were starving and BOGGED IN when the food was served. 3- Bog into - Eat something enthusiastically. Usage - They BOGGED INTO the lunch. 4- Bog off! - Get lost. Usage - He lost his temper and told her to BOG OFF 5- Buy in - Force a CD or record into the charts by buying lots of copies. Usage - Joe Meek's last hit, 'Singin' the Blues', was probably BOUGHT IN at number 40, but failed to go any higher. 6- Buy into - Accept an idea. Usage - I never BOUGHT INTO the idea of a federalist Euopean Union. 7- Buy off - Pay someone to stop them causing trouble. Usage - He BOUGHT the newspaper OFF by placing a lot of adverts. 8- Buy out - Buy somebody's share in a company. Usage - His business partners BOUGHT him OUT to get rid of him. 9- Buy up - Buy all of something. Usage - We BOUGHT UP all the shop had before the price went up. 10- Carried away - Get so emotional that you lose control. Usage - The team got CARRIED AWAY when they won the championship and started shouting and throwing things around. 11- Carry forward - Include a figure in a later calculation. Usage - They CARRIED FORWARD their losses to the next financial year. 12- Carry forward - Make something progress. Usage - They hope the new management will be able to CARRY the project FORWARD. 13- Carry off - Win, succeed. Usage - She CARRIED OFF the first prize in the competition. 14- Carry off - Die of a disease. Usage - Cancer CARRIED him OFF a couple of years ago. 15- Carry on - Continue. Usage - CARRY ON quietly with your work until the substitute teacher arrives. 16- Carry on - Behave badly. Usage - The children annoyed me by CARRYING ON all morning. 17- Carry on with Have an affair. Usage - He's been CARRYING ON WITH someone at work for years. 18 -Carry out - Perform a task. Usage - The government is CARRYING OUT test on growing genetically modified crops. 19- Carry out - Food bought from a restaurant to take away. Usage - I'm too tired to cook- let's get a CARRYOUT. 20- Carry over Continue past a certain point. Usage - The meeting CARRIED OVER into the afternoon because there was so much to talk about. 21- Carry through - Complete successfully. Usage - They CARRIED the reforms THROUGH despite the opposition.   18th September 2014 1- Blow away - Kill. Usage - He grabbed a gun and BLEW the police officer AWAY. 2- Blow away - Beat rivals or competitors by a large margin. Usage - Their new product has BLOWN all the others AWAY. 3- Blow away -  Impress greatly. Usage -  Her first novel BLEW me AWAY. 4- Blow away - When the wind moves something from a place. Usage - The flag BLEW AWAY in the storm; we'll have to buy a new one. 5- Blow down - When the wind forces something to fall. Usage - A tree was BLOWN DOWN in the storm. 6 -Blow in - Arrive, sometimes suddenly or unexpectedly. Usage - He BLEW IN from Toronto early this morning. 7- Blow off - Not keep an appointment. Usage - We were going to meet last night, but she BLEW me OFF at the last minute. 8- Blow off - Ignore, not do something. Usage - I BLEW the homework OFF and did badly. 9- Blow off - Expel gas from the anus. Usage - He BLEW OFF in front of everybody. 10- Blow out - Extinguish candles, matches, Usage - She BLEW the candles OUT on her birthday cake. 11 -Blow out Defeat decisively. Usage -  The Broncos BLEW OUT the Raiders 55-0. 12- Blow over When a scandal gets forgotten. Usage - The scandal BLEW OVER within a fortnight when the press found someone else to attack. 13- Blow up Explode. Usage - The bomb BLEW UP without any warning. 14 - Blow up - Inflate. Usage - The pressure was low, so I BLEW the tyre UP. 15- Blow up  -Enlarge (e.g., photograph) Usage -  BLOW UP that photo so we can see his face. 16- Blow up - The beginning of a storm. Usage - A storm BLEW UP while we were out walking. 17- Blow up - Lose your temper, become angry. Usage -  They BLEW UP when they heard what I had done wrong. 18 -Blurt out - Say something quickly without thinking, especially if you shouldn't. Usage - I was really angry when he BLURTED OUT the secret. 19- Board out - Arrange for pets to stay somewhere while you're away. Usage - We BOARD our dog OUT with friends when we go abroad. 20- Board up - Cover windows or doors with wood, metal, etc.. Usage - They BOARDED UP all the windows to stop people getting into the empty houses.   17h September 2014 1. break out (of) -When you escape from a place where you are a prisoner, you break out or break out of that place. Usage: Bubba broke out of prison last month. 2. breakout p.v. When fighting begins suddenly, it breaks out. Usage: Rioting broke out after the general canceled the election. 3. lay off - When you lay off something, such as a food or an activity, you stop consuming the food, or doing the activity.

Usage: Listen to the way you're coughing. You've got to lay off cigarettes.
4. lay... off p.v. When a company no longer needs workers because it does not have enough business, it temporarily or permanently lays off the workers.

Usage: Ford laid off 20,000 workers during the last recession. 5. cut... off p.v. When you abruptly and rudely drive a vehicle in front of other people's vehicles, causing them to suddenly slow down or stop, you cut them off. Usage: I had to slam on the brakes when some jerk cut me off on the way to work. 6. cut... off p.v. When someone is cut off while speaking on the telephone, the con­nection is accidentally broken. Usage: I was in the middle of an important call when I was cut off. 7. cut - When you create a physical or psychological barrier between your­self and other people, you cut yourself off from them. When you are separated from other people because of a barrier or a great distance, you are cut off from them. Usage: After Dan joined a cult, he completely cut himself off from his family and friends. 8.drop-off n. A decline in a business's sales, in the occurence of an event, or in the interest some people have in something, is a drop-off. Usage: There has been a drop-off in traffic deaths thanks to strict drunk driving. 9. drop off p.v. When the level of the ground declines steeply, it drops off. Be careful hiking this trail, it drops off steeply on the other side of the mountain.. 10.drop-off n. A steep decline in the level of the ground is a drop-off. The bus driver didn't see the drop-off, and the bus plunged into the gorge. 15th September 2014 1- Burn down - Burn completely. Usage -They had to completely rebuild the museum after the old one BURNED DOWN. 2- Burn off - Remove by burning or similar process. Usage - I BURN OFF a lot of calories in the gym. 3- Burn out - Lose enthusiasm and energy to continue in a demanding job. Usage -Jennie BURNT OUT after ten years working as a futures broker and went to live in the country. 4- Burn up - Destroy completely by fire. Usage -All his possessions were BURNED UP in the fire. 5- Burn up - Drive at high speed. Usage -The bank robbers BURNED UP the roads but were soon captured. 6- Burn up To be or cause to be highly annoyed. Usage - His undeserved win in the election really BURNS me UP. 7- Burst into - Catch fire very quickly. Usage -The car BURST INTO flames and the driver died as he didn't have time to get out. 8- Burst into - Laugh, cry or clap loudly. Usage -She BURST INTO laughter when she heard the joke. 9 -Bust up End a relationship, usually angrily or after arguing. Usage - They BUST UP after a row last night. 10 -Butt in - Interrupt. Usage -I hope you don't mind me BUTTING IN on your conversation, but I couldn't help hearing what you said. 11- Butt out  -Not be involved in other people's business. Usage - This is none of your business, so just BUTT OUT! 12- Butter up - Praise or flatter someone excessively. Usage - I tried BUTTERING my tutor UP but she still wouldn\'t let me hand it in late. 13 - Buy in Force a CD or record into the charts by buying lots of copies. Usage - Joe Meek's last hit, 'Singin' the Blues', was probably BOUGHT IN at number 40, but failed to go any higher. 14- Buy into - Accept an idea. Usage -I never BOUGHT INTO the idea of a federalist Euopean Union. 15- Buy off - Pay someone to stop them causing trouble. Usage - He BOUGHT the newspaper OFF by placing a lot of adverts. 16- Buy out - Buy somebody's share in a company. Usage -His business partners BOUGHT him OUT to get rid of him. 17- Buy up - Buy all of something. Usage -We BOUGHT UP all the shop had before the price went up. 18 -Buzz around - Move quickly around a place. Usage -Reporters were BUZZING AROUND the scene of the accident. 19- Buzz off - Leave somewhere. Usage -I'm BUZZING OFF now- I have to meet some people. 20 -Buzz off! - Go away (imperative). Usage - He told them to BUZZ OFF because they were annoying him. 16th September 2014 1- Argue down - Beat someone in a debate, discussion or argument. Usage - The teacher tried to ARGUE the girl DOWN, but she couldn't. 2- Argue down  - Persuade someone to drop the price of something they're selling. Usage - She ARGUED him DOWN ten percent. 3- Argue down Try to persuade people not to accept a proposition, motion, etc. Usage - They tried to ARGUE DOWN the proposal. 4- Argue out - Argue about a problem to find a solution. Usage -If we can't ARGUE our differences OUT, we'll have to take them to court. 5- Bail out - Save, rescue. Usage - The government had to BAIL OUT the airline because it was losing so much money. 6- Bail out - Remove water from something that is flooded. Usage - The boat was leaking so they had to BAIL it OUT. 7- Bail out - Jump out of a plane because it is going to crash. Usage -The pilot BAILED OUT when he saw that the engines had failed. 8- Bail out of - Pay a bond to release someone from jail. Usage -I must BAIL my drunken brother OUT OF jail. 9 -Bail out on - Stop supporting someone when they are in trouble. Usage -Everybody BAILED OUT ON him when the scandal broke. 10 - Bail up - Talk to someone and delay them. Usage - I was late because he BAILED me UP on the phone and wouldn't shut up. 11- Bail up - Rob someone at gunpoint. Usage -He was BAILED UP by a couple of muggers as he came out of the bank. 12- Ball up -  Confuse or make things complicated. Usage - The new project has BALLED me UP- I have no idea what to do. 13- Ball up - Roll or form into a round shape. Usage -He BALLED UP his napkin when he had finished eating. 14 - Balls up - Spoil, ruin. Usage - He BALLED the presentation UP. 15 -Bang about - Move in a place making a lot of noise. Usage - He's BANGING ABOUT in the kitchen. 16- Bang around - Move in a place making a lot of noise. Usage -I can hear him BANGING ABOUT upstairs. 17- Bang on Talk at great length. Usage - He BANGED ON for half an hour but no one was listening. 18- Bang on about - Keep talking about something. Usage -He's always BANGING ON ABOUT football. 19- Bang out - Play a musical instrument loudly. Usage -She BANGED the tune OUT on the piano. 20 - Bang up - Put someone in prison. Usage - The judge BANGED him UP for eight years. 21- Bang up - Damage badly. Usage - He BANGED UP his car last night.   15th September 2014 1. back... up -When you walk backward, you backup. When you drive a vehicle in reverse, you back up or back the vehicle up. Usage: The fire was so hot that we had to back up. 2. back up p.v. When you are explaining something, and you repeat something that you already said, you back up.

Usage:  You're going too fast. Can you back up a little and explain your plan again?
Sorry, I forgot part of the story. Let me back up a little.

3. back... up p.v. When you make a claim or statement and then show people evidence or give them information proving that the claim or statement is true or correct, you back it up.

Usage:   No one believed Jim's accusations because he couldn't back them up with any evidence.
The IRS asked me for some receipts to back up my deductions.

4. back... up -When you support people in a conflict or a confrontation, you back them up. When you support people by doing some work or a difficult assignment, you back them up. Usage: Linda said she would back me up if I complained about our supervisor. The general backed up his threats with 400,000 soldiers. Jerry is the bar's main bartender, and Tanya backs him up when it gets busy. 5. backup n.-Someone or something that supports or is ready to provide support in a conflict or a confrontation by doing some work or a difficult assignment is a backup.

Usage: When the rioters grew more violent, the police called for backup.
               The firefighter entered the burning building without a backup.

6. back... up p.v. When you duplicate important information, such as a computer program or data, so that you will still have it if the original information is lost or damaged, you back it up.

Usage: If you're going to install that new software, be sure you back up your entire hard disk first.
I back my work up every day before I go home.

7. back... up - When a piece of equipment or machinery is very important and another is kept available in case the one that is normally used fails, the second piece of equipment or machinery backs up the first. Usage: The hospital bought a generator to back up the unreliable city power supply. We kept the old computer                    to back the new one up. 8. back... up -When something backs up, it is being prevented from moving, progressing, or flowing normally. Usage: An accident backed up traffic for three miles. The assembly line is going to back up if     Erik doesn't get                  the parts he needs soon. 12th September 2014 take ... in - When you bring a car or other household appliance to a mechanic or repair person, you take it in.

Usage: Sally took her car in to have the oil changed.
take ... in -When you take in a play, movie, museum, or other attraction, you go to it or see it.

Usage: After dinner we took in a movie. burn ...out-When people are forced to leave their home or some other shelter or hiding place because of fire or fire damage, they are burned out. Usage: The only way to get the enemy soldiers out of the tunnels was to burn them out. fall over -When you fall over yourself or (usually) fall all over yourself, you try so hard to serve someone or to make someone like you that you appear foolish. Usage: The supervisor fell all over himself trying to satisfy the customer. tear... down-When you tear down a building, you deliberately and completely destroy it. Usage: They tore so many old buildings down in my hometown that I barely recognize it. catch up - When you move faster and reach the same level or place as people who had been moving faster or doing better than you were, you catch up or catch up with them. Usage: After missing several weeks of class, Raquel is so far behind that she'll never catch up. caught up - After you have moved faster and reached the same level or place as people who had been moving faster or doing better than you are, you are caught up. Usage: When I was sick, I missed a lot of schoolwork, but I worked hard and now I'm caught up. get along -When you get along with people, you have peaceful, harmonious relations with them. Get on is similar to get along. Usage: Jim and his cousin aren't good friends, but they get along. hook up (to)-When you connect one electronic device to another, you hook it up or hook it up to something. Usage:  I hooked my sound system up to my TV, and now the TV is in stereo.  hook up (with)- When you meet people somewhere, usually after you have done some things separately, you hook up or hook up with them. Usage:  You do your shopping, I'll go to the post office, and we'll hook up around 2:30, okay? 11th September 2014 boil down to -When you say that something boils down to something else, you are saying that it is the basic cause of a more complicated situation or problem. Usage: Most of the crime in this city boils down to drugs.  come down with - When you are starting to get sick, you are coming down with something or coming down with  an illness. Usage:I don't feel well. Maybe I'm coming down with something. get around to- When you do something after waiting for some time because you are lazy, inefficient, or do not want to do it, you get  around to it. Usage:I didn't get around to doing my taxes until April 14. go back on - When you make a promise, but you do not do what you promised to do, you go back on  your promise. Usage:I promised to take my son to a baseball game, and I'm not going back on my word. monkey around with  [informal]- When you adjust or try to repair mechanical devices even though you do not have permission or do not have the skill to do it properly, you monkey around with them. Usage: I monkeyed around with my camera, and I think maybe I fixed it. hold up-When an object remains in good condition after heavy use, it holds up. Usage: These cheap shoes won't hold up more than six weeks. take in - [usually passive] When you are taken in by someone, that person successfully tricks or deceives you. Usage: Stalin was taken in by Hitler's assurances. take... in - When you allow people to live with you, you take them in.

Usage: Judy's brother had nowhere to go, so she took him in.
The Ortega offered to take their neighbors in after the fire.

  10th September 2014 Ill at ease –socially uncomfortable,nervous Usage: They were ill at ease because they didn't speak the language Vent your spleen -to get rid of one’s feelings of anger caused by someone/something by attacking someone/something. Usage: Jack vented his spleen at his wife whenever things went badly at work. talk someone's head /ear off- to bore or weary someone by excessive talk; talk incessantly. Usage: All I wanted was a chance to read my book, but my seatmate talk my ear off. talk away- to spend or consume (time) in talking. Usage: We talked away the tedious hours in the hospital.  talk around- to bring (someone) over to one's way of thinking;persuade. Usage: She sounded adamant over the phone, but I may still be able to talk around. talk down to- to speak condescendingly to; patronize. Usage: Children dislike adults who talk down to them.   9th September 2014 Phrasal verbs - Put put across: to communicate The public speaker put the message across so clearly and effectively that he got a standing ovation from the audience. put away – to return to its place After I folded the dry clothes, I put them away in the bedroom closet. put away (2) – to imprison The police captured and put the notorious gang member away. put back– to place something where it was before If you use the hairdryer, could you please put it back to the second shelf in the right cupboard? put down (1) – to kill a sick animal Our cat had cancer and was in too much pain so the vet had to put her down. put down (2)– to insult If John continues putting Margaret down, especially when everyone hears it, I am sure she will leave him. put off– to postpone We had to put the meeting off because too many people were ill with the flu. put on (1) – to wear Put your shoes on and let’s go! We’ll be late! put on (2)– to perform Cirque de Soleil put a great show on last night. We were lucky to get tickets in the last moment. put on  – to fool You’re putting me on! It can’t possibly still snow in May! put out – to extinguish Many brave firefighters perished while putting the forest fires out last summer. put through – to implement All items on the agenda were discussed in the meeting. Later we also put them through successfully. put through (2)– to make a telephone connection “The telephone lines were damaged in the earthquake so I cannot put you through.” informed the operator. put up (1)– to build The new building was put up in record time. Which company put it up? put up (2)– to accommodate I’ll be able to put you up for two nights, but then you’ll have to book a hotel room. put up with – to tolerate Zack couldn’t put up with the cold any longer so he decided to move to Florida. Now he has to put up with the hurricanes. Phrasal verbs - Air clear the air-to eliminate dissension, ambiguity, or tension from a discussion, situation, etc.:  Usage: The staff meeting was intended to help clear the air. in the air-in circulation; current: Usage: There's a rumor in the air that we're moving to a new location. into thin air -completely out of sight or reach: Usage: He vanished into thin air. off the air-not broadcasting,(of a computer) not in operation. Usage: The station goes off the air at midnight. on the air-in the act of broadcasting; being broadcast: Usage: The program will be going on the air in a few seconds. 5th September 1- Bring about - Make something happen. Usage - The changes to the law were BROUGHT ABOUT by the government because so many people were ignoring the old one. 2- Bring along -  Bring someone or something to certain place. Usage - You can BRING your friends ALONG if you like. 3- Bring along Help someone improve. Her coach has BROUGHT her ALONG a lot in the last six months. 4- Bring around-  Persuade or convince someone. Usage - It took me ages to BRING him AROUND to my point of view. 5- Bring around-  Bring something with you when you visit. Usage - He BROUGHT some books AROUND when he came last night. 6- Bring around - Get someone talking about something. Usage - He didn't want to discuss the details, but Imanaged to BRING him AROUND and he told me everything. 7- Bring back - Cause someone to remember. Usage - Visiting my old school BROUGHT BACK memories of when I was a pupil there. 8-Bring back - Return. Usage - He took the calculator home yesterday and hasn't BROUGHT it BACK yet. 9- Bring down - Make a government fall. Usage - The vote of no-confidence BROUGHT the government DOWN. 10- Bring down - Make something cheaper. Usage - The improvements in technology have BROUGHT the prices of computers DOWN considerably in recent months. 11 -Bring forth - Produce something, make it known or visible. Usage - The prosecution BROUGHT FORTH a lot of evidence against him. 12- Bring forth - Produce. Usage -  She BROUGHT FORTH a surprising result. 13- Bring forth - Make something happen. Usage - The report has BROUGHT FORTH a lot of criticism of the policy. 14- Bring forth - Remove something from where it is kept or hidden. Usage - She BROUGHT FORTH the diary and showed it to us. 15- Bring forward - Make something happen earlier than originally planned. Usage - The meeting has been BROUGHT FORWARD to this Friday instead of next week because some people couldn't make it then. 16- Bring in - Earn. Usage - The job BRINGS IN two thousand dollars a month. 17- Bring off - Succeed with something difficult. Usage - No one thought she'd manage to do it, but she BROUGHT it OFF in the end. 18- Bring on- Cause something to happen or speed up Usage -  Getting wet in the rain yesterdaythe process. BROUGHT ON my cold. 19- Bring on - Make something appear. Usage - BRING ON the dancers! 20 -Bring out - Release or publish. Usage - The band are BRINGING OUT a new CD in the autumn. 21- Bring out - Elicit a response. Usage - Suzie BRINGS OUT the best in him. 22- Bring out - in Cause a health problem or reaction. Usage - It was the lobster that BROUGHT meOUT in this rash all over my body. 23- Bring round - Make someone wake up from unconsciousness or an anaesthetic. Usage - The doctors BROUGHT him ROUND a few hours after the operation. 24- Bring up - Mention. Usage - They didn't BRING the subject UP at the meeting. 25- Bring up - Raise a child. Usage - My parents BROUGHT me UP strictly. 26- Bring up - Be officially charged with a crime. Usage - He was BROUGHT UP on charges ofpublic intoxication. 27- Bring Up - Mention. Usage - They didn't BRING the subject UP at the meeting. 28- Bring Up - Raise a child. Usage -  My parents BROUGHT me UP strictly. 4th September 1- Back away - Retreat or go backwards. Usage- The crowd BACKED AWAY when the man pulled a knife. 2- Back down - Retract or withdraw your position or proposal in an argument. Usage- She refused to BACK DOWN and was fired. 3- Back into - Enter a parking area in reverse gear. Usage- He prefers to BACK his car INTO the garage. 4- Back off - Retreat. Usage- The police told the protesters to BACK OFF. 5- Back out - Fail to keep an arrangement or promise. Usage- He BACKED OUT two days before the holiday so we gave the ticket to his sister 6- Back out of - Fail to keep an agreement, arrangement. Usage- She BACKED OUT OF the agreement at the last minute. 7- Back out of - Exit a parking area in reverse gear. Usage- She BACKED the Rolls OUT OF its parking space. 8- Back up - Make a copy of computer data. Usage- You should always BACK UP important files and documents so that you won't lose all your work if something goes wrong with the hardware. 9- Back up - Support. Usage- The rest of the staff BACKED her UP when she complained about working conditions. 10- Back up - Drive a vehicle backwards. Usage-Tom BACKED UP without looking and ran over his laptop.   3rd September, 2014 1- Break away - Leave an organisation, usually to form a new one. Usage-The SDP BROKE AWAY from the Labour Party. 2- Break down - End negotiations unsuccessfully. Usage-The talks between management and the unions BROKE DOWN acrimoniously. 3- Break down - Start crying. Usage- He BROKE DOWN in tears. 4- Break down - Stop working. Usage-My car's BROKEN DOWN, so I came by taxi. 5- Break down - Remove a barrier or obstacle. Usage- He had to BREAK DOWN their opposition to his ideas. 6- Break in - Go into a building to steal something. Usage- The burglars BROKE IN and stole the TV and video. 7- Break in - Interrupt something. Usage- I'm sorry to BREAK IN on your conversation, but there's a problem. 8- Break in - Train a horse to be ridden. Usage- It took ages to BREAK the horse IN. 9- Break in - Carefully use new products until they are fully functional. Usage- I must watch my speed until I BREAK IN my new Volvo. 10- Break off - Break a piece from something. Usage-She BROKE OFF a square of chocolate and gave it to her dog. 11- Break off - End a relationship. Usage- She BROKE OFF their engagement when she found out that he'd been unfaithful. 12- Break out - Start (war, conflict). Usage- They're worried that war will BREAK OUT. 13- Break out in - Sweat heavily, develop skin sores or irritation. Usage- The measles caused me to BREAK OUT IN a rash. 14 - Break out of-  Escape. Usage- Three dangerous Category A prisoners BROKE OUT OF Wandsworth Prison last night. 15- Break through - Pass a barrier or obstacle. Usage- The crowd BROKE THROUGH the police barriers and attacked the hunters. 16- Break up - Break into many pieces. Usage- The plate BROKE UP when he dropped it on the floor. 17- Break up - Close an educational institution for the holidays. Usage- Schools BREAK UP at the end of June for the summer holidays. 18- Break up - Finish a relationship. Usage- They had been going out for a couple of years before they BROKE UP. 19- Break up -  Become inaudible over the telephone because of interference. Usage- You're BREAKING UP; I'll call you back in a minute and see if we get a better connection.   2nd September, 2014 Phrasal Verbs 1- Run across - Meet or find accidentally. Usage - I RAN ACROSS an old friend in the library. 2- Run after - Chase, pursue. Usage - The police RAN AFTER the guy who'd stolen it, but he was too fast for them. 3- Run after -  Try to become romantically involved with someone. Usage - He was RUNNING AFTER her for ages never managed to get a date. 4- Run against - Oppose, make difficulties. Usage - Opinion is RUNNING AGAINST his policies and he has very little support. 5- Run along - Go away, leave (often as an imperative). Usage -They kept disturbing him, so he told them to RUN ALONG and leave him in peace. 6 - Run around - Be very busy doing many things. Usage - I'm exhausted- I've been RUNNING AROUND all day. 7 - Run away - Escape from people chasing you. Usage - He RAN AWAY from his attackers. 8 - Run away -  Leave home because of problems with other family members or to elope. Usage - She RAN AWAY to avoid a forced marriage. 9- Run down - Hit a pedestrian with a vehicle. Usage - The minicab RAN him DOWN on the zebra crossing. 10 - Run down - Lose energy or power. Usage - You should only recharge the battery when it has fully RUN DOWN. 11- Run down - Criticise, disparage. Usage - They're always RUNNING me DOWN and I am sick and tired of it. 12 - Run down - Find the source or origin of something. Usage -The police RAN DOWN all the leads they had and caught them. 13- Run for - Campaign for a position. Usage - She's thinking about RUNNING FOR the presidency. 14- Run in - Arrest, take to police station for questioning. Usage - They RAN him IN last night. 15- Run in - Drive a new car carefully in order not to damage the engine. Usage - She RAN the car IN for a thousand miles. 16- Run in - Pay a casual visit. Usage - We RAN IN and chatted for an hour. 17- Run in - Insert. Usage - He RAN a graph IN next to the text. 18- Run into - Cost. The project has RUN INTO millions of dollars without any prospect of a return on this investment. 19- Run into - Meet by accident. Usage - I RAN INTO James in a bar in the City on Friday. 20- Run off - Make photocopies. Usage - Could you RUN OFF two hundred copies of this report, please. 21 - Run on - Be powered by. Usage - The van RUNS ON diesel. 22- Run out of-  Have none left. Usage - We've RUN OUT OF sugar; I'm going to the shops for some. 23- Run over -  Explain quickly. Usage - Could you RUN OVER that point again;I'm afraid I didn't quite understand it. 24 - Run over - Hit with a vehicle. Usage - The driver couldn't stop in time and RAN the fox OVER when it ran in front of his car. 25- Run over - Exceed a time limit. The meeting RAN OVER by twenty minutes. 26- Run through - Practise a dramatic work like a play quickly. Usage - The cast RAN THROUGH the play the day before it opened to the public. 27- Run through - Stab or wound deeply with a knife, sword, Usage - The musketeer RAN his enemy THROUGH with a sword and killed him. 28- Run to - Go to someone for help. Usage - Whenever he gets into debt, he RUNS TO his parents for help. 29 - Run to -  Include in things you like. Usage - His musical tastes RUN TO the Residents, who are hated by most people. 30 - Run to - Have enough money to buy something, often negative. Usage -Things are a bit tight and won't RUN TO going abroad for a holiday. 31- Run up - Move quickly to where someone is. Usage - He RAN UP next to me and started shouting. 32 - Run up - Hoist, raise a flag. Usage -They RAN UP the Union Jack. 33 - Run up - Do or make something very quickly. Usage - He RAN UP a few examples for them to look at. 34- Run up - Spend a lot of money on credit. Usage - He RAN UP a lot of bills at the hotel. 35 -Run up against - Encounter problems, often unexpected. Usage -They RAN UP AGAINST a lot of opposition to the construction. 36 - Run up on - Approach someone without their knowing. Usage - Robert was sitting in his car and a guy RAN UP ON him and shot through the car but missed. 37- Run with - Keep company, normally bad. Usage - She RUNS WITH some dodgy characters. 1st September, 2014 Phrasal Verbs 1)Ask about -  Ask how someone is doing, especially professionally and in terms of health. Usage - He ASKED ABOUT my father. 2) Ask after - Enquire about someone's health, how life  is going. Usage - Jenny rang earlier and ASKED AFTER you, so I told her you were fine. 3) Ask around  - Ask a number of people for information of help. Usage - I have no idea, but I'll ASK AROUND at work and see if anyone can help. 4) Ask around -  Invite someone. Usage - We ASKED them AROUND for dinner. 5) Ask for -  To provoke a negative reaction. Usage -You're ASKING FOR trouble. 6) Ask for -  Request to have or be given. Usage - I ASKED FOR the menu. 7) Ask in -  To invite somebody into your house. Usage - 'Jon's at the door.' 'ASK him IN.' 8) Ask out - To invite someone for a date. Usage - He wanted to ASK her OUT but was too shy. 9) Ask over - Invite. Usage - They have ASKED us OVER for drinks on Friday. 10) Ask round - Invite someone. Usage - We ASKED John ROUND for dinner.

Vocabulary 1) Array - marshal; Usage - draw up in order. His actions were bound to array public sentiment against him. 2) Array - clothe; adorn. Usage - She liked to watch her mother array herself in her finest clothes before going out for the evening 3) Bate - let down; restrain. Usage - Until it was time to open the presents, the children had to bate their curiosity. bated 4) Bait - harass; tease. Usage - The school bully baited the smaller children, terrorizing them 5) Bauble - trinket; trifle. Usage - The child was delighted with the bauble she had won in the grab bag 6) Belligerent - quarrelsome. Usage - Whenever he had too much to drink, he became belligerent and tried to pick fights with strangers. belligerence 7) Bequeathe - leave to someone by a will; hand down. Usage - Though Maud had intended to bequeath the family home to her nephew, she died before changing her will 8) Beseige - surround with armed forces; harass (with requests). Usage - When the bandits besieged the village, the villagers holed up in the town hall and prepared to withstand a long siege. Members of the new administration were besieged with job applications from people who had worked on the campaign 9) Besmirch - soil, defile. Usage -  The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society 10) Blandishment - flattery. Usage - Despite the salesperson's blandishments, the customer did not buy the outfit.  

27th August, 2014

Phrasal Verbs

1) make after :- To chase. Usage :- The policeman made after the thief. 2) mow down :- To kill or slaughter, especially in large numbers. Usage :- Their machine-gunners mowed down the rebels. 3) lap up :- To consume by lapping (taking in a liquid or food by lifting it with the tongue) Usage :- The cat is lapping up the milk in its bowl. 4) nail down :- To make something (e.g. a decision or plan) firm or certain Usage :- Have you nailed down your plans? 5) rack off :- go away. Usage :- She told them to rack off. 6) stumble upon :- To meet somebody by chance. Usage :-  I stumbled upon John at the mall. 7) salt away :- To save money Usage :- He earns a lot of money, but instead of spending it, he salts it away. 8) stir up :- To arouse or excite passion or action. Usage :- The photos stirred up unpleasant feelings from the past. 9) tack up :- To prepare a horse for riding by equipping it with tack (harness, reins, saddle etc.) Usage :- Her father taught her how to tack up a horse. 10) urge on :- To motivate; to encourage. Usage :- The crowd urged the players on.  


  1) finicky :- too particular; fussy Usage :- The old lady was finicky about her food and ate very little. 2) flaccid :- flabby Usage :- His sedentary life had left him with flaccid muscles. 3) talent Usage :- She has an uncanny flair for discovering new artists before the public has become aware of their existence. 4) flamboyant :- ornate Usage :- Modern architecture has discarded the flamboyant trimming on buildings and emphasizes simplicity of line. 5) fritter :- waste Usage :- He could not apply himself to any task and frittered away his time in idle conversation. 6) inimical :- unfriendly; hostile Usage :- She felt that they were inimical and were hoping for her downfall. 7) insensate :- without feeling Usage :- She lay there as insensate as a log. 8) insurgent :- rebellious Usage :- We will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes. 9) interpolate :- insert between Usage :- She talked so much that I could not interpolate a single remark. 10) jettison :- throw overboard Usage :- In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to jettison much of his cargo.  

25th August, 2014

Phrasal Verbs

1) ice over :- To become covered in ice, usually of a body of water. Usage :- The river has iced over. 2) iced up :- To become clogged with ice, usually of a mechanical device. Usage :- I couldn't drive my car because the engine had iced up. 3) hammer out :- To come to an agreement after much arguing Usage :- The lawyer managed to hammer out an agreement with the insurance company over the accident damage. 4) hark back :- To talk about something again and again. Usage :- She is often harking back to her success saying how other girls couldn't pass the test. 5) hive off :- To separate from a larger group. Usage :- They will try to hive off the students with low abilities. 6) faff around :- To waste time; spend time idly. Usage :- It's time to do something useful instead of faffing around. 7) ferret out :- To discover something after searching. Usage :- The FBI couldn't ferret out the truth. 8) fess up :- To confess to something; to admit something. Usage :- The boys fessed up and were punished by the teacher. 9) eke out :- To supplement; to add to something. Usage :- The old man eked out his pension by selling vegetables from his garden. 10) measure up :- To meet the required standard, to be as good as. Usage :- He didn't measure up in his new job. So they had to find a substitute.  


  1) bulwark :- earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends Usage :- The navy is our principal bulwark against invasion. 2) cache :- hiding place Usage :- The detectives followed the suspects until he led them to the cache where he had stored his loot. 3) canny :- shrewd; thrifty Usage :- The canny Scotsman was more than a match for the swindlers. 4) capacious :- spacious Usage :- In the capacious areas of the railroad terminal, thousands of travelers lingered while waiting for their train. 5) cede :- transfer; yield title to Usage :- I intend to cede this property to the city. 6) exodus :- departure Usage :- The exodus from the hot and stuffy city was particularly noticeable on Friday evenings. 7) exult :- rejoice Usage :- We exulted when our team won the victory. 8) feint :- trick; shift; sham blow Usage :- The boxer was fooled by his opponent's feint and dropped his guard. 9) fervent :- ardent; hot Usage :- She felt that the fervent praise was excessive and somewhat undeserved. 10) fiasco :- total failure Usage :- Our ambitious venture ended in a fiasco and we were forced to flee.      

22nd August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

 1) bang about :-To make a lot of percussive noise while doing an activity. Usage :- He banged about in the living room. 2) belt up :- To stop talking or chattering; shut up; be quiet Usage :- Please, belt up! I can't concentrate on my work. 3) call forth :-To induce, inspire.

     Usage :- This is a story that calls forth a lot of beautiful memories.

    4) cap off :- To finish.

     Usage :- He capped off the meeting with important decisions.

    5) cast aside :- To discard, reject, get rid of someone. Usage :- In his ambition to get rich, he uses people and then casts them aside when they can do no more for him. 6) chance upon :- To find by chance. Usage :- They chanced upon an old strange ring in her drawer. 7) damp down :- To reduce the intensity of something such as a fire, an emotion or a problem. Usage :- She was angry but she tried to damp down her feeling at that moment. 8) drum up :- To generate or encourage. Usage :- A lot of money was spent by the government to drum up new business. 9) duck out of :- To evade doing something. Usage :- You can't duck out of her responsibilities. 10) duff up :- To beat someone repeatedly Usage :- The criminals threatened to duff the young lady up if she went to the police.


  1) avow :- declare openly Usage :- I must avow that I am innocent. 2) babble :- chatter idly Usage :- The little girl babbled about her doll. 3) balmy :- mild; fragrant Usage :- A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast. 4) muscular strength; sturdiness Usage :- It takes brawn to become a champion weight-lifter. 5) cajole :- coax; wheedle Usage :- I will not be cajoled into granting your wish.  6) chastise :- punish Usage :- I must chastise you for this offense. 7) harbinger :- forerunner Usage :- The crocus is an early harbinger of spring. 8) humdrum :- dull; monotonous Usage :- After years of adventure, he could not settle down to a humdrum existence. 9) implore :- beg Usage :- He implored her to give him a second chance. 10) inane :- silly; senseless Usage :- Such comments are inane because they do not help us solve our program.    

21st August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

      1) abound in :-  To have something in great numbers or quantities. Usage :- The city abounds in good restaurants. 2) ache for :- To desire, or want something, or someone, very much. Usage :- She ached for him and thought she would never be able to live without him. 3) air out :- To expose to air; to leave open or spread out, as to allow odor or moisture to dissipate. Usage :- Air out the blanket. 4) abut on :- To border on. Usage :- The houses abut on a large busy street. 5) abound with :- (Also abound in) To have something in great numbers or quantities. Usage :- The stream abounds with fish. 6) barge in :- To intrude; to enter or interrupt suddenly and without invitation. Usage :- He had the nerve to barge in and make demands of the CEO in spite of his disastrous results. 7) bear down on :- To approach someone in a threatening and a very determined way. Usage :- I could see the snow bearing down on me. 8) belt out :- to sing loudly. Usage :- Before we started the match, we belted out the national anthems. 9) call after :- To give a baby the same name as someone else. Usage :- He was called after his grandfather. 10) carve out :-  To create (a reputation, chance, role, rank, career, victory) by hard work. Usage :- He has succeeded in carving out a nice career in the cinema industry.  


1) foray :- raid Usage :- The company staged a midnight foray against the enemy outpost. 2) forgo :- give up; do without

Usage :- Determined to lose weight for the summer, Ida decided to forgo dessert until she could fit into a size eight

3) germane :- pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand Usage :- The lawyer objected that the testimony being offered was not germane to the case at hand. 4) glutton :- someone who eats too much Usage :- When Mother saw that Bobby had eaten all the cookies, she called him a little glutton. 5) gnarled :- twisted Usage :- The gnarled oak tree had been a landmark for years and was mentioned in several deeds. 6) hapless :- unfortunate Usage :- This hapless creature had never known a moment's pleasure. 7) lampoon :- ridicule Usage :- This article lampoons the pretensions of some movie moguls. 8) largess :- generous gift Usage :- Lady Bountiful distributed largess to the poor. 9) leonine :- like a lion Usage :- He was leonine in his rage. 10) lithe :- flexible; supple Usage :- Her figure was lithe and willowy.

20th August, 2014

  Phrasal Verbs 1) cut in - interrupt Usage - Your father cut in while I was dancing with your uncle. 2) drop back - move back in a position/group Usage - Andrea dropped back to third place when she fell off her bike. 3) get round to - finally find time to do Usage - I don't know when I am going to get round to writing the thank you cards. 4) grow apart - stop being friends over time Usage - My best friend and I grew apart after she changed schools. 5) grow out of - get too big for Usage - Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has grown out of her old ones. 6) abide by - Accept or follow a decision or rule Usage - We have to abide by what the court says. 7) balls up - Spoil, ruin Usage - He ballsed the presentation up. 8) bank on - Count or rely on Usage - I am banking on you for this job. 9) bawl out - scold, shout Usage - She bawled me out for coming home drunk. 10) beaver away at - Work hard doing something Usage - I have to beaver away at it or else I will fail the course.  


1) finesse - skill Usage - He played the game showing off his newly developed finesse. 2) abysmal - bottomless Usage - His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance. 3) acuity - sharpness Usage - In time his youthful acuity of vision failed him, and he needed glasses. 4) amicable - friendly Usage - The dispute was settled in an amicable manner with no harsh words. 5) callous - hardened; unfeeling Usage - He had worked in the hospital for so many years that he was callous to the suffering in the wards. 6) chafe - warm by rubbing Usage - The collar chafed his neck. 7) cite - quote; commend Usage - She could cite passages in the Bible from memory. 8) collate - examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order Usage - They collated the newly found manuscripts to determine their age. 9) deify - turn into a god; idolize Usage - Admire the rock star all you want; just don't deify him. 10) delirium - mental disorder marked by confusion Usage - The drunkard in his delirium saw strange animals.    

 19th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

1) pepper something with :- include a large a number of with some other main component Usage :- She peppered her talk with jokes about her college days. 2) pick on someone :- treat badly, bully Usage :- Don't pick on Jimmy! 3) pin someone down :- get a commitment from Usage :- He finally pinned his boss down on his raise. 4) pitch in :- help with money or physically Usage :- Let me pitch in. That looks heavy. 5) play out :- happen to the end Usage :- Let's see how this plays out next week. 6) plug away :- continue working on Usage :- I plugged away on the report until three o'clock. 7) provide against something :- make plans for the bad times Usage :- They've purchased many goods to provide against disaster. 8) prowl around :-  move around very quietly Usage :- She prowled around the room to not wake her sleeping child. 9) pull through :- survive Usage :- The injured man pulled through in the end. 10) ration something out :-  give out very slowly Usage :- We have to ration the cookies out. There are too many of us!  


  1) converse :- opposite Usage :- The inevitable converse of peace is not war but annihilation. 2) daunt :- intimidate Usage :- Your threats cannot daunt me. 3) dawdle :- loiter; waste time Usage :- Inasmuch as we must meet a deadline, do not dawdle over this work. 4) dearth :- scarcity Usage :- The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools. 5) debauch :- corrupt; make intemperate Usage :- A vicious newspaper can debauch public ideals. 6) decant :- pour off gently Usage :- Be sure to decant this wine before serving it. 7) decapitate :- behead Usage :- They did not hang Lady Jane Grey; they decapitated her. 8) decorum :- propriety; seemliness Usage :- Shocked by the unruly behavior, the teacher criticized the class for its lack of decorum. 9) decoy :- lure or bait Usage :- The wild ducks were not fooled by the decoy. 10) deface :- mar; disfigure Usage :- If you deface a library book, you will have to pay a hefty fine.        

18th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

  1) mock something up :- make a model of Usage :- Please mock the web page up for our director. 2) muck about / around :- spend time in a relaxed way with no specific purpose Usage :- I mucked around on Saturday. 3) opt out (of something) :- choose not to do Usage :- We've decided to opt out of all mailing lists. 4) pack something away :- put into storage Usage :- Pack away those boxes in the attic. 5) page through something :- browse, skim through Usage :- You can page through a magazine while you wait. 6) pencil something in :- make an appointment Usage :- Please pencil the meeting in for next week. 7) pepper something with :- include a large a number of with some other main component Usage :- She peppered her talk with jokes about her college days. 8) pertain to something :- be about Usage :- This meeting pertains to last quarter's fall in profit. 9) pig out :- eat lots of food Usage :- Let's pig out on Saturday! 10) polish something off :- finish Usage :- Would you like to polish the cake off?  


  1) allay :- calm; pacify Usage :- The crew tried to allay the fears of the passengers by announcing that the fire had been controlled. 2) ape :- imitate or mimic Usage :- He was suspended for a week because he had aped the principal in front of the whole school. 3) arcane :- secret; mysterious Usage :- What was arcane to us was clear to the psychologist. 4) assail :- assault Usage :- He was assailed with questions after his lecture. 5) despotism :- tyranny Usage :- The people rebelled against the despotism of the king. 6) detraction :- slandering; aspersion Usage :- He is offended by your frequent detractions of his ability as a leader. 7) dilatory :- delaying Usage :- Your dilatory tactics may compel me to cancel the contract. 8) dingy :- dull; not fresh; cheerless

Usage :- Refusing to be depressed by her dingy studio apartment, Bea spent the weekend polishing the floors and
windows and hanging bright posters on the walls.

9) disarray :- a disorderly or untidy state Usage :- After the New Year's party, the once orderly house was in total disarray. 10) disdain :- treat with scorn or contempt Usage :- You make enemies of all you disdain.

14th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

 1)  get back at someone :- take revenge Usage :- I'll get back at you for doing that! 2) get down on something or someone :- criticize Usage :- Stop getting down on George. He's doing his best. 3) give off something :- emit, send out from Usage :- The garbage can gives off a distinct order of trash. 4) have someone on :- joke with someone Usage :- I don't believe you. You're having me on. 5) kick something off :- begin Usage :- We're kicking off the sale this weekend. 6) major in something :- work towards getting a degree in at university Usage :- Peter majors in economics at U of P. 7) max something out :- reach a financial or other limit Usage :- I've maxed out my bank account this week. 8) measure up :- be of the same high quality as someone or something Usage :- I'm afraid she doesn't measure up to our standards. 9) mull something over :- think about, consider Usage :- I'll mull your suggestions over this weekend. 10) pander to someone or something :- try to please Usage :- Angie panders to the director thinking she can get a promotion.


  1) coddle :- treat gently; pamper Usage :- Don't coddle the children to much; they need a taste of discipline. 2) coercion :- use of force Useful :- They forced him to obey, but only by great coercion. 3) cognizance :- knowledge

Usage :- During the election campaign, the two candidates were kept in full cognizance of the international

4) conceit :- whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor

Usage :- He was an entertaining companion, always expressing himself in amusing conceits and witty turns of

5) condescend :- bestow courtesies with a superior air Usage :- The king condescended to grant an audience to the friends of the condemned man. 6) insurgent :- rebellious Usage :- We will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes. 7) pedant :- scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities Usage :- Her insistence that the book be memorized marked the teacher as a pedant rather than a scholar. 8) pertinent :- suitable; to the point Usage :- The lawyer wanted to know all the pertinent details. 9) petulant :- touchy; peevish Usage :- The feverish patient was petulant and restless. 10) pithy :- concise; meaty Usage :- I enjoy reading his essays because they are always compact and pithy.  

13th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

1) fire away :- ask Usage :- Go ahead and fire away. What are your questions? 2) fit in :- belong to a group, feel comfortable Usage :- Do you fit in at school? 3) flood back :- return suddenly Usage :- The memories come flooding back when you hear certain songs. 4) fly by :- go quickly Usage :- Last year flew by! 5) fuss over :- pay much attention to Usage :- Stop fussing over your hair. You look fine. 6) gloss over :- spend very little time doing Usage :- The teacher glossed over the more difficult grammar. 7) gobble something up :- eat quickly Usage :- Jack gobbled up his breakfast and left for work. 8) hold in :- concentrate on, come close to finding Usage :- I'm holding in on this math problem, but it's difficult! 9) light on :- find by chance Usage :- Walking down the road I lit upon a piece of gold! 10) lug  around :- carry with you Usage :- I lugged my baggage around the airport.  


  1) amputate :- cut off part of body; prune

Usage :- When the doctors had to amputate Ted Kennedy's leg to prevent the spread of cancer, he did not let the
loss of his leg keep him from participating in sports.

2) anachronism :- something or someone misplaced in time Usage :- Shakespeare's reference to clocks in Julius Caesar is an anachronism; no clocks existed in Caesar's time. 3) anathema :- solemn curse; someone or something that is despised Usage :- He heaped anathema upon his foe. 4) ancillary :- serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary

Usage :- In an ancillary capacity Doctor Watson was helpful; however, Holmes could not trust the good doctor to
solve a perplexing case on his own.

5) hoodwink :- deceive; delude

Usage :- Having been hoodwinked once by the fast-talking salesman, he was extremely cautious when he went to
purchase a used car.

6) hue :- outcry Usage :- When her purse was snatched, she raised such a hue and cry that the thief was captured. 7) hurtle :- crash; rush Usage :- The runaway train hurtled toward disaster. 8) hyperbole :- exaggeration; overstatement Usage :- This salesman is guilty of hyperbole in describing his product; it is wise to discount his claims. 9) ignominious :- disgraceful Usage :- The country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious. 10) imbibe :- drink in Usage :- The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly.  

12th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

1) dawn on :- realize something Usage :- It dawned on me that I had left my books at home. 2) dip into :- read or watch Usage :- I enjoy dipping into a little Shakespeare from time to time. 3) dive into :- learn with enthusiasm Usage :- My son dove into math and did very well. 4) double back :- return Usage :- Let's double back to the cabin to get something to eat. 5) dream up :-  invent Usage :- The man dreamt up the invention and became a millionaire. 6) drum up :- find Usage :- Can you drum up some dishes for dinner? 7) dry up :- not available Usage :- I think the rice has dried up. Let's go to the store. 8) even out :- make smooth Usage :- Even the sheets out when you make a bed. 9) factor in :- include Usage :- You need to factor the manufacturing costs in before you make an estimate. 10) fork money over :- pay Usage :- Please fork over the money for the meal.  


  1) inclement :- stormy; unkind Usage :- I like to read a good book in inclement weather. 2) incognito :- with identity concealed; using an assumed name Usage :- The monarch enjoyed traveling through the town incognito and mingling with the populace. 3) incoherent :- unintelligible; muddled; illogical Usage :- The bereaved father sobbed and stammered, his words becoming almost incoherent in his grief. 4) incredulous :- withholding belief; skeptical

Usage :- When Jack claimed he hadn't eaten the jelly doughnut, Jill took an incredulous look at his smeared face and

5) incriminate :- accuse; serve as evidence against Usage :- The witness's testimony against the racketeers incriminates some high public officials as well. 6) incumbent :- officeholder Usage :- The newly elected public official received valuable advice from the present incumbent. 7) indigence :- poverty Usage :- Neither the economists nor the political scientists have found a way to eliminate indigence from our society. 8) inertia :- state of being inert or indisposed to move Usage :- Our inertia in this matter may prove disastrous; we must move to aid our allies immediately. 9) infernal :- pertaining to hell; devilish Usage :- They could think of no way to hinder his infernal scheme. 10) infidel :- unbeliever Usage :- The Saracens made war against the infidels.  

11th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

1) attend to :- take care of something you need to do Usage :- Peter attended to preparations for the party while his wife cooked the dinner. 2) allow something for :- provide time, money, or other resource for something Usage :- You need to allow two hours for traffic. 3) account for :- explain, be the reason for Usage :- His lack of interest accounts for his poor grades. 4) bandy about :- discuss Usage :- The men bandied their past about as they sipped their beers in a pub. 5) barge in :- enter a place or a conversation unexpectedly Usage : - I hate to barge in, but I think you're wrong! 6) beg off :- excuse yourself from doing Usage :- I have to beg off tonight. I'm just too tired. 7) blow over :- eventually finish Usage :- These problems will blow over with time. Don't worry so much. 8) cast something aside :- throw away Usage :- We cast the trash aside and continued the hike with a much lighter load. 9) cave in :- admit defeat Usage :- He caved in and let his daughter travel to Europe. 10) chime in :- make a comment about something Usage :- Peter chimed in on the new project.  


  1) cantankerous :- ill-humored; irritable

Usage :- Constantly complaining about his treatment and refusing to cooperate with the hospital staff, he was a
cantankerous patient.

2) cameo :- shell or jewel carved in relief

Usage :- Tourists are advised not to purchase cameos from the street peddlers of Rome who sell poor specimens of
the carver's art.

3) carnage :- destruction of life Usage :- The carnage that can be caused by atomic warfare adds to the responsibilities of our statesmen. 4) carnal :- fleshly Usage :- The public was more interested in carnal pleasures than in spiritual matters. 5) carping :- petty criticism; fault-finding Usage :- Welcoming constructive criticism, Lexy appreciated her editor's comments, finding them free of carping. 6) carrion :- rotting flesh of a dead body Usage :- Buzzards are nature's scavengers; they eat the carrion left behind by other predators. 7) castigation :- punishment; severe criticism Usage :- Sensitive even to mild criticism, Woolf could not bear castigation that she found in certain reviews. 8) categorical :- without exceptions; unqualified; absolute

Usage :- Though the captain claimed he was never, never sick at sea, he finally qualified his categorical denial; he
was hardly ever sick at sea.

9) cavalcade :- procession; parade Usage :- As described by Chaucer, the cavalcade of Canterbury pilgrims was motley group. 10) cede :- transfer; yield title to Usage :- I intend to cede this property to the city.                        

7th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

1) knock  back :- drink Usage :- Let's knock back a few beers after class. 2) keel over :- fall over from exhaustion Usage :- I got home and keeled over. I was so tired!   3) blunder around :- move about clumsily Usage :- Stop blundering about the room. Turn on the light. 4) bugger up :- make a failure out of something that should be a success Usage :- Don't bugger it up! You'll only get one chance. 5) build on :- continue to improve on something Usage :- The company wants to build on its success in Asia. 6) capitalize on :- take advantage of something Usage :- Let's capitalize on this opportunity. 7) chicken out :- not do something in the end Usage :- I chickened out and didn't go bungee jumping. 8) crop up :- appear, start to happen Usage :- A number of problems cropped up as we worked on the project. 9) dawn on :- realize something Usage :- It dawned on me that I had left my books at home. 10) drop in :- visit by surprise Usage :- Our son dropped in for a moment yesterday.  


  1) intangible :- not able to be perceived by touch; vague

Usage :- Though the financial benefits of his Oxford post were meager, Lewis was drawn to it by its intangible 
rewards: prestige, intellectual freedom, the fellowship of his peers.

2) interloper :- intruder Usage :- The merchant thought of his competitors as interlopers who were stealing away his trade. 3) inundate :- overflow; flood Usage :- The tremendous waves inundated the town. 4) iota :- very small quantity Usage :- She hadn't an iota of common sense. 5) irascible :- irritable; easily angered Usage :- Her irascible temper frightened me. 6) premonitory :- serving to warn Usage :- You should have visited a doctor as soon as you felt these premonitory chest pains. 7) preponderance :- superiority of power, quantity, etc.

Usage : - The rebels sought to overcome the preponderance of strength of the government forces by engaging in
guerrilla tactics.

8) salubrious :- healthful

Usage :- Many people with hay fever move to more salubrious sections of the country during the months of August
and September.

9) savory :- tasty; pleasing, attractive, or agreeable Usage :- Julia Child's recipes enable amateur chefs to create savory delicacies for their guests. 10) scapegoat :- someone who bears the blame for others Usage :- After the Challenger disaster, NASA searched for scapegoats on whom they could cast the blame.    

5th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

1) want in on :- desire to be a part of    Usage :- He wants in on the opportunity. 2) water something down :- make something easier to understand Usage :- He watered the information down so everyone could understand. 3) wean off something :- slowly reduce Usage :- I'm weaning myself off cigarettes this month. 4) weed on :- remove from a group Usage :- I'd like you to weed the applicants out and find two people to interview. 5) whiz through :- do quickly Usage :- I whizzed through the book in two days. 6) wimp out :- decide you can't do something in the end because you are afraid Usage :- Jack wimped out and didn't come on the hike. 7) tag along :- join a group of people to go somewhere Usage :- Is it okay if my brother tags along? 8) tank up :- put fuel into something Usage :- I need to tank up before we leave this morning. 9) toy with :- consider doing, but not for a very long time Usage :- They're toying with the idea of moving to Florida. 10) trade up :- sell something in order to get something better Usage :- I traded up to a luxury sedan.  


1) abut :- border upon; adjoin Usage :- Where our estates abut, we must build a fence. 2) accoutre :- equip Usage :- The fisherman was accoutred with the best that the sporting goods store could supply 3) acquiesce :- assent; agree passively

Usage :- Although she appeared to acquiesce to her employer's suggestions, I could tell she had reservations about
the changes he wanted made.

4) expletive :- interjection; profane oath Usage :- The sergeant's remarks were filled with expletives that offended the new recruits. 5) expunge :- cancel; remove Usage :- If you behave, I will expunge this notation from your record. 6) extenuate :- weaken; mitigate Usage :- It is easier for us to extenuate our own shortcomings than those of others. 7) extol :- praise; glorify Usage :- The astronauts were extolled as the pioneers of the Space Age. 8) extraneous :- not essential; external Usage :- Do not pad your paper with extraneous matters; stick to essential items only. 9) exuberant :- abundant; effusive; lavish Usage :- His speeches were famous for his exuberant language and vivid imagery. 10) facile :- easy; expert Usage :- Because he was a facile speaker, he never refused a request to address an organization.

4th August, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

  1) happen along :- find by chance Usage :- Mary happened along the book at a garage sale.  2) hinge on :- be dependent upon something Usage :- The election hinges on his popularity.    3) nag at :- continue to complain Usage :- Stop nagging at me. I'll get the job done when I can! 4) nose around :- try to find out information, intrude Usage :- Why are you nosing around here? 5) ooze out :- come out of slowly Usage :- Water is oozing out of the wall. 6) open out :- become wider Usage :- The living room opens out onto the dining room.  7) palm off :- convince people about an explanation that is not true Usage :- You can't palm that story off on me! 8) pipe down :- be quite Usage :- Pipe down in this room. I can't hear myself out 9) plunk down :- spend money on Usage :- I plunked down $500 on the computer. 10) prowl around :- move around very quietly Usage :- She prowled around the room to not wake her sleeping child.  


 1) abet :- assist, usually in doing something wrong Usage :- She was unwilling to abet him in the swindle he had planned.  2) abscond :- depart secretly and hide Usage :- The teller absconded with the bonds and was not found. 3) absolve :- pardon (an offense) Usage :- The father confessor absolved him of his sins. 4) abysmal :- bottomless Usage :- His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance. 5) acclimate :- adjust to climate or environment

Usage :- One of the difficulties of our present air age is the need of travellers to acclimate themselves to their new
and often strange environments.

6) acclivity :- sharp upslope of a hill Usage :- The car could not go up the acclivity in high gear. 7) adventitious :- accidental; casual Usage :- He found this adventitious meeting with his friend extremely fortunate. 8) agape :- openmouthed Usage :- She stared, agape, at the many strange animals in the zoo. 9) agrarian :- pertaining to land or its cultivation Usage :-  As a result of its recent industrialization, the country is gradually losing its agrarian traditions. 10) alcove :- nook; recess

Usage :- Though their apartment lacked a full-scale dining room, an alcove adjacent to the living room made an
adequate breakfast nook for the young couple.

  1st August, 2014  

Phrasal Verbs

1) veer off :- move away from, change direction Usage :- The airplane veered off to the west. 2) veg out :- waste time Usage :- I vegged out over the weekend. 3) vouch for :- tell someone that something or someone is good, reliable Usage :-  I can vouch for Peter. He's an excellent employee. 4) weigh in on :- give an opinion about Usage :- Susan weighed in on the conversation. 5) wimp out :- decide you can't do something in the end because you are afraid Usage :- Jack wimped out and didn't come on the hike. 6) zoom off :- leave quickly Usage :- He zoomed off after the meeting finished. 7) horse around :- not take something seriously Usage :- Stop horsing around and get to work! 8) hinge on :- be dependent upon something Usage :- The election hinges on his popularity. 9) farm out :- ask another company to do, outsource Usage :- The corporation farmed its customer service out to three companies. 10) fiddle around :- spend time on no specific task, waste time Usage :- I like to fiddle around on Saturdays. It's relaxing.  


  1) voluminous :-  large in volume or bulk; large in number or quantity, especially of discourse Usage :- A caftan is a voluminous garment; most people wearing one look as if they're draped in a small tent. 2) vie: strive for victory or superiority; contend; compete Usage :- Politicians vie with one another, competing for donations and votes. 3) endemic: prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country Usage :- This disease is endemic in this part of the world; more than 80 percent of the population are at one time or another affected by it. 4) ensconce: settle oneself securely or comfortably; place or conceal in secure place Usage :- Now that you ensconce their children safely in the private school, the jet-setting parents decide to leave for Europe. 5) equivocal: open to two or more interpretations and often intended to mislead Usage :- Rejecting the candidate's equivocal comments on tax reform, the reporters pressed him to state clearly where he stood on the issue. 6) equivocate: lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth Usage :- The audience saw through his attempts to equivocate on the subject under discussion and ridiculed his remarks. 7) ethos: disposition, character, or fundamental values peculiar to a specific person, people, culture, or movement Usage :- Seeing how tenderly ordinary Spaniards treated her small daughter made author Barbara Kingsolver aware of how greatly children were valued in the Spanish ethos. 8) exchequer: one of the superior courts of law; department of state having charge of the collection and management of the royal revenue Usage :- The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain. 9) expedite: process fast and efficiently; execute quickly and efficiently Usage :- Because we are on a tight schedule, we hope you will be able to expedite the delivery of our order. 10) exuberance: overflowing abundance; joyful enthusiasm; flamboyance; lavishness Usage :- I was bowled over by the exuberance of Amy's welcome. What an enthusiastic greeting!    

31st July, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

 1) keel over :- fall over from exhaustion Usage :- I got home and keeled over. I was so tired! 2) keep at :- continue doing, or bothering a person Usage :- You need to keep at your homework if you want to get good grades. 3) kick around :- consider Usage :- We're kicking his ideas around this weekend. 4) knit together :- have in common Usage :- Our love of nature knits us together. 5) knuckle down :- become serious about working, studying, etc. Usage :- We need to knuckle down and prepare for the test. 6) lace up :- tighten with string, usually with shoes Usage :- Lace up your shoes and let's go. 7) lead off :- begin a meeting, presentation, discussion Usage :- Let's lead off with the new project in Chicago   8) linger on :- spend more time on something Usage :- I'd like to linger on the topic for a few moments. 9) loaf around :- waste time Usage :- I loafed around on Saturday. It was good to relax. 10) lug  around :- carry Usage :- I lugged my baggage around the airport.  


 1) acumen :- mental keenness
Usage :- His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.

2) chauvinist :- blindly devoted patriot Usage :- A chauvinist cannot recognize any faults in his country, no matter how flagrant they may be. 3) chronic :- long established, as a disease

Usage :- The doctors were finally able to attribute his chronic headaches and nausea to traces of formaldehyde gas
in his apartment.

4) collateral :- security given for loan Usage :- The sum you wish to borrow is so large that it must be secured by collateral. 5) condescend :- bestow courtesies with a superior air Usage :- The king condescended to grant an audience to the friends of the condemned man. 6) despoil :- plunder. Usage :- If you do not yield, I am afraid the enemy will despoil the countryside. 7) diabolical :- devilish Usage :- "What a fiend I am, to devise such a diabolical scheme to destroy Gotham City," chortled the Joker gleefully. 8) vex: annoy; disturb Usage :- Please try not to vex your mother; she is doing the best she can. 9) vilify:  degrade; spread negative information about Usage :- Waging a highly negative campaign, the candidate attempted to vilify his opponent's reputation. 10) vouchsafe :- grant; promise or agree Usage :- Occasionally the rock star would drift out onto the balcony and vouchsafe the crowd below a glimpse of her celebrated features.  

30th July, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

1) bail out :- help someone in a difficult situation Usage :- Peter bailed Tom out last week when he offered his apartment as a place to stay. 2) blunder around :- move about clumsily Usage :- Stop blundering about the room. Turn on the light. 3) bounce off :- discuss an idea with someone Usage :-  I bounced a few ideas off Doug for his opinion. 4) buy into :- believe Usage :- I don't buy into that story. I think there are some major problems. 5) bum around :- waste time Usage :- Let's bum around today at the house. I don't want to go anywhere. 6) bugger up :- make a failure out of something that should be a success Usage :- Don't bugger it up! You'll only get one chance. 7) clog up :- block, make difficult to move Usage :-  The traffic clogged up the entire city yesterday. 8) cough up :- pay for

Usage :- I'd like you to cough the fee up for this club.

9) crop up :- appear, start to happen Usage :- A number of problems cropped up as we worked on the project. 10) choke up :- become sad Usage :- I choked up when I heard about  the poor fellow.  



1) aloof :- apart; reserved
Usage :- Shy by nature, she remained aloof while all the rest conversed.

2) amalgamate :- combine; unite in one body
Usage :- The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national body.

3) amass :- collect
Usage :- The miser's aim is to amass and hoard as much gold as possible.

4) anecdote :- short account of an amusing or interesting event Usage :- Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Raegan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds.

5) annul :- make void
Usage :- The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage.

6) annihilate :- destroy
Usage :- The enemy in its revenge tried to annihilate the entire population.

7) anoint :- consecrate
Usage :- The prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, crowning him king of Israel.

8) germane :- pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand
Usage :- The lawyer objected that the testimony being offered was not germane to the case at hand.

9) gibe :- mock
Usage :- As you gibe at their superstitious beliefs, do you realize that you, too, are guilty of similarly foolish

10) gloat :- express evil satisfaction; view malevolently
Usage :- As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you think of the many victims you have defrauded?


28th July, 2014


Phrasal Verbs

  1) get around :- to find a way of avoiding a difficult or unpleasant situation, so that you don't have to deal with it. Usage :- There is no way of getting around it . You are going to have to tell her the truth. 2) get down to :- to begin to work on something seriously. Usage :- It's time I got down to some serious work. 3) get over :- to overcome or deal with or gain control of something. Usage :- She can't get over her shyness.

4) come through :- to survive something.
Usage :- She came through the operation very well.

5) come down :- To become ill.
Usage:- I think I’m coming down with a cold. I feel terrible.

6) account for :- explain, be the reason for Usage :- His lack of interest accounts for his poor grades. 7) back away :- avoid doing something unpleasant Usage :- She backed away from taking on the responsibility. 8) band together :- create a group Usage :- We banded together after three years for the concert. 9) bang away :- do repeatedly Usage :- Keep banging away at the grammar and you'll soon be a master! 10) belt out :- sing Usage :- Let's belt out a song for the old times!  


  1) abeyance :- suspended action Usage :- The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival. 2) abjure :- renounce upon oath Usage :-He abjured his allegiance to the king. 3) accede :- agree Usage :-If I accede to this demand for blackmail, I am afraid that I will be the victim of future demands. 4) admonish :- warn; reprove Usage :-He admonished his listeners to change their wicked ways. 5) adroit :- skillful Usage :- His adroit handling of the delicate situation pleased his employers. 6) nexus :- connection Usage :- I fail to see the nexus that binds these two widely separated events. 7) provisional :- tentative Usage :-The appointment is provisional; only on the approval of the board of directors will it be made permanent. 8) proxy :- authorized agent Usage :- Please act as my proxy and vote for this slate of candidates in my absence. 9) rancor :- bitterness; hatred Usage :- Let us forget out rancor and cooperate in this new endeavor. 10) rarefied :- made less dense [of a gas] Usage :- The mountain climbers had difficulty breathing in the rarefied atmosphere.  
25th July, 2014

Phrasal Verbs

1) nose around :- sneak around. Usage :- I hate it when my mother noses around my room. 2) take after :- resemble Usage :- My second son seems to take after his mother. 3) yammer on about  :- to talk in an annoying way about something or complain about Usage:- He just yammered on and on about how horrible the waiter was. 4) think back on :- recall Usage:- I often think back on my childhood with great pleasure. 5) zone out :- stop paying attention Usage :- He zoned out during class. 6) zip around :- move quickly from place to place Usage :- I zipped around town after work today. 7) zero in on :- discover Usage :- He zeroed in on the correct information today. 8) hold out against :- not give in, resist Usage :- They held out against enemy attack. 9) bone up on :- review / study thoroughly for a short time. Usage :- If you’re going to travel to Peru, you’d better bone up on your Spanish. 10) butter up :- praise someone excessively with the hope of getting some benefit. Usage :- I guess Marty reall wants to be promoted. He’s been buttering his boss up all week.


1) abase :- humiliate,lower,degrade

Usage :- Anna expected to have to curtsy to the King of Siam; when told to cast herself down on the ground before
him, however she refused to abase herself.

2) aberrant :- abnormal or deviant
Usage :- Given the aberrant nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment.

3) agog :- highly excited; intensely curious
Usage :- We were all agog at the news that the celebrated movie star was giving up his career in order to enter a

4) agrarian :- pertaining to land or its cultivation
Usage :- As a result of its recent industrialization, the country is gradually losing its agrarian traditions.

5) opulence :- extreme wealth; luxuriousness; abundance
Usage :- The glitter and opulence of the ballroom took Cinderella’s breath away.

6) ordeal :- severe trial or affliction
Usage :- Terry Anderson spoke movingly of his long ordeal as a hostage in Lebanon.

7) ostracize :- exclude from public favor; ban
Usage :- As soon as the newspapers carried the story of his connection with the criminals, his friends began to
ostracize him.

8) panacea :- cure-all; remedy for all diseases
Usage :- There is no easy panacea that will solve our complicated international situation.

9) panache :- flair; flamboyance
Usage :- Many performers imitate Noel Coward, but few have his panache and sense of style.

10) relapse :-fall back or sink again
Usage :- The economy relapsed into a depression from the peak.

Verbal Question of the day :- TestPrep 24th July,2014

Phrasal Verbs

1) come across something :-  find something unexpected. Usage :- I came across these old photos when I was tidying the closet. 2) get back into something :- become interested in something again Usage :- I finally got back into my novel and finished it. 3) average out at :- Result in an average (amount) Usage :- The price of lunch averages out at  $10 per person. 4) beef up :- Improve or make more substantial. Usage :- He beefed up his presentation with diagrams and statistics. 5) clamp down on :- Act strictly to prevent something. Usage :- The government decided to clamp down on smoking in public areas. 6) dispense with :- Decide to do without something. Usage : - They've dispensed with the paper version of the book. 7) drift off :- gradually fall asleep. Usage :- He sat back, closed his eyes and drifted off. 8) gloss over :- Treat something briefly so as to avoid embarrassing details. Usage : - The director glossed over the recent drop in sales. 9) head for :- Go/move in a certain direction. Usage :- The boat was heading for the rocks. 10) iron out :- Resolve by discussion/ eliminate differences.

Usage :- The meeting tomorrow will be an opportunity to iron out difficulties.



1) Accretion : - growth; increase Usage :- The accretion of wealth marked the family's rise to power. 2) Accrue :- come about by addition Usage:- You must pay the interest that has accrued  on your debt as well as the principal sum. 3) Abdicate :- renounce; give up Usage :- When Edward VII abdicated the British throne, he surprised the entire world. 4) Aegis :- shield; defense Usage :- Under the aegis of the Bill of Rights, we enjoy our most treasured freedoms. 5) Prolific :- abundantly fruitful Usage :- She was a prolific writer who produced as many as three books a year. 6) Pacify :- soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue Usage :- Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them. 7) Laudable :- praiseworthy; commendable Usage :- His laudable deeds will be remarked by all whom he aided. 8) Haughtiness :- pride; arrogance Usage :- I resent his haughtiness because he is no better than we are. 9) Fractious :- unruly Usage :- The fractious horse unseated its rider. 10) Mire :- entangle; stick in swampy ground Usage :- Their rear wheels became mired in mud.