SSAS (Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services) is a tool for data mining, reporting and online analytical processing (OLAP). It is used by companies to analyze large volumes of information that is spread across many databases. Many services have been added to the SQL Server by Microsoft which relate to data warehousing and business intelligence such as Analysis Services, Integration Services, etc.
SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) is Microsoft’s software system with server-based report generation capabilities. It forms a part of the Microsoft SQL Server services that includes SSAS and SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services). SSRS allows users to effortlessly and quickly generate reports from
SQL Server databases of Microsoft.
To learn these Microsoft services, there are five basic steps that you can consider taking. These are mentioned at below.
1. Decision to make a career: Microsoft technologies integrate, in some way or the other, with business intelligence. Hence,
one can start with SSRS training and then gradually move up a level to SSAS training. Data warehousing is a complex field of study and once you familiarize yourself with it well, you can use any of these SSRS and SSAS.
2. Finding the right sources of study: See if your organization has online subscriptions for employees where you can find good study material. There are many books by Microsoft that can help you understand the concepts of SSRS and SSAS. It is advised to start early with your study preparation to gradually move up your career ladder.
3. Getting certified is the next step: Microsoft has announced that there will not be any new certifications for SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Hence, you can begin with MCTS track and form there move ahead towards clearing more exams to acquire MCITP and Microsoft Certified Master. These are online tests where the passing score is seventy percent.
4. Getting trained for SSAS and SSRS: Many organizations do offer corporate training in SSAS and SSRS. However, if you company does not, then it would be recommended that you enroll in professional training courses. Such classes can help you prepare well for your certification exams. You can supplement your self-study with this classroom learning and interact with industry experts and instructors.
5. Preparing for the SSAS and SSRS interviews: The best way to be completely prepared with the SSAS and SSRS interviews is to become a part of the MSDN forums for specific technologies such as SSAS forums or SSRS forums. There are many questions that are discussed and answered to help clear queries.
By following these steps, you can find yourself in a much better position to learn Microsoft services like SSAS and SSRS, and make a career in business intelligence or data warehousing. We wish you all the best.
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