That was my first day in IIM Udaipur. I woke up with doubtful thoughts that whether or not I belong to this place. The confusion becomes apparent when you have so many other options in hand. Wondering all of it I opened up my window and saw outside. The soft orange colour was emerging from the green valley just in front of me. The mighty mountains with the cold and fresh breeze left me bewildered. Happily, I got ready for my first class. The first person I met became my friend within no seconds. Everything around made me question my doubt of being a stranger to this place. The very first morning and I was of this place. In IIM Udaipur.
Hurriedly I along with my friend rushed towards the class. A friend changed to a group of friends within a single class sitting on the last bench of the classroom. The first class where we were taught the importance of the team work started with activity. We did not realise that we were learning. We played together and shouted together. The first day and our throats were soared. During the end of the session, we learned a lot of things. The first being the metaphorical way of calling ourselves numbers, and why we call ourselves numbers? We learned that in a team everybody is a number, that number comes at the right time, every number follows a sequence, then only a series is completed. What it means is a team we should learn the importance everybody plays, and we should remember when we have to play our role and also give others their role. If we anyhow mismanage it the sequence gets spoiled, and it breaks, or to say the team gets shattered. So every number should remember its number and others number too for cent percent efficiency. After we had learned this, we thought that the learning is over. But it didn't.
We went for the lunch which was a time full of enthusiasm and discussion, and everybody was telling each and everyone their number loud and clear. People openly announced who they were and why they were there at IIM Udaipur. We went back to the class, and there was another activity planned for us. This activity made us learn the importance to remember your passions and ambitions. To remember the number you are. It made us learn not to accept anything that is not for you and not worth for you, the importance of remembering your number very clearly in your head and retaining it till the end of this course journey. It was half-day, and I was lost into introspection. All motivated and cheered up for life. All enthusiastic to travel a beautiful journey at IIM Udaipur. And here I am writing this after one and a half month later writing about it. It feels that I have travelled a leap of changes making me better every day with every lesson I learn but not forgetting the first one I got in this place. I remember my number and I help others remember theirs too.