How to do an attractive pricing of your product, Brand Valuation, know about Female Economists of the World, the Biotech Bubble and much more in this week's Shreyas Recommends.
Are there positives to standing in a queue?
The somewhat skin-crawling nature of the word
“Human Capital”
Niti Aayog
A new bubble is brewing:
the biotech bubble
Horribly bad maps
Words explorer from
past Indian Budget speeches
If you ever wondered
what happens when tech companies get insane valuations
psychology of attractive pricing of products
still prefer paper reading to digital reading. They pay more attention when reading on paper
How clocks changed the humanity
Watch: Perennial question in marketing:
How do you ascertain the value of a brand
Being an MBA ->
walking like a Indian cow
Harebrained inflation in Venezuela:
pack of condoms for US$755
How to grow a forest really, really fast
History of photocopiers, and how they ushered the era of printers
What do millennials want from their work
Appreciating the female economists
Cholesterol is no longer a worrying food ingredient (at least in the US). You should still watch your diet though
The time people
tried to correct the smartest person on the planet and they were all wrong
Do you like flowcharts?
Shreyas is a Delhi-based Consultant working with PricewaterhouseCoopers. He blogs at He is an alumnus of IIM Indore. Follow him on InsideIIM at