This would be the most appropriate one-liner for my internship. For a fresher and a finance aficionado that I was, SREI Equipment Finance Limited was the enabler to an experience that I would definitely want to harbour in the future. From all that I could have known, a treasury department was to do with allocation & mobilization of resources.
For an insight and even interesting anecdote, I’d suggest you to continue reading, since it’s not a story that you’d come across often.
Working under the Senior Vice President of the company not only ascended my learning experience but also helped me learn crucial life lessons. The ever so conducive work culture and family like atmosphere made me feel at home and kept me motivated despite multiple failures at my experiments. While the rest of the interns had given up on the predictive models, I refused to restitute. I knew it would be path-breaking, I knew it would be difficult, I knew I might as well not get there at all and it would all go in vain.
But more than the project, the overwhelming feedback that I had received, more than the food, stay and the hospitality from the city of joy, from my mentor, from my colleagues and my company, the one thing that I would look up to is my recurrent failures and never-ending effort trying to right all that was wrong in my opinion. With numerous tasks, key deliverables and learning modules in hand, it was challenging but absolutely worth it.
Not every time you win, at times you learn too and this was another such learning experience where I learned more than what I could learn from the project that got me an excellent feedback. Interning under someone as high as the senior VP of one of the fastest growing NBFCs in the country is never easy. But the credit goes to my mentor, despite being infinitely busy, he managed to arrange sessions of professionals with towering expertise & experience to provide us insights on key challenges of the market.
Representing our school for the very first time in the industry had me encumbered. However, the course structure, the classroom learning was what kept me going. As inquisitive as I was, I put my habits and tricks to test that I had learned from my internship to earn my friends and myself a decent chunk of money from the market. Those practices still are fruitful and effective. And as clichéd as it might sound, I had a happy ending to a story that I was the hero of.
About the Author:
Rohit Arun Agrawal