MBA - BM GD/PI Experience
12th March 2018
Kenilworth Hotel, Kolkata
Time - 10:00 AM
GD Topic -
“Should mobile phones be banned inside classrooms.”
We were a total of 8 members. Each of us was offered a paper to write down our thoughts. The discussion was planned for 8 minutes. Subsequent to that, 2 minutes for conclusion & 5 minutes for writing the summary for the discussion.
Overall, the discussion was a healthy one. Everyone shared valid points, including me. Though I deliberately didn’t take the initiative, I was able to contribute to the discussion in a positive manner. The panel was kind enough to intervene and offered a chance to those who were unable to speak or participate. It wasn’t a mess at all (
Thank God!!). The panel gave 2 minutes to everyone to conclude the discussion.
Immediately, we were asked to write a summary on the back of the page provided to us. The panel collected our papers and told us to wait outside for the next round.
3 member panel, Let’s say A, B & C. All were in their 40s...I guess
I entered, greeted and was offered a seat. The panel seemed cheerful and happy. I don’t know why.
B: Tell me about yourself.
Reply: Gave my prepared answer.
B: What is the meaning of your name?
Reply: Told… also mentioned how my name is commonly used in most Bollywood songs. (
tried to amuse them, luckily I succeeded)
B: Tell me about my work experience.
AHHH…Showtime now.
Explained about my work experience, technology, sector. Elucidated about my role, told them about the projects I have worked (
I have worked for Kingdom Tower Project, Jeddah. It’s gonna be world’s highest building soon, surpassing Burj-al-Khalifa.)
The panel was impressed as they nodded positively.
C: Explain “Sustainability”.
Reply: Though poorly managed to give a good explanation, but was able to give a good example related to work experience.
C: Tell me about your family.
Reply: Told
C: Explain PNB Scam.
Reply: Explained it...(
It was a hot topic then)
C: Explain “Why PWC banned from auditing for 2 years”.
Reply: Explained relation to Satyam Case
C: What do know about “Lanjigarh”?
Reply: Told ….It is a mineral-rich area in the Kalahandi district of Odisha & also explained about Vedanta Aluminium Plant issue.
C: Explain “POSCO issue” in Odisha
Reply: Explained in detail
A: What is more important “ Role of Job or Salary of Job”
Reply: Answered.
A: Name 5 sanctuaries of Odisha, 5 Rivers of Odisha
Reply: Named it ..(
I’m good with Geography)
A: Draw the map of India & point out your current location
Reply: Did it…
A: Why MBA & why XIMB?
Reply: Gave my prepared answer …though I fumbled here a bit.
A: Why low grades, a year gap?
Reply: Gave my carefully prepared answer.
A: How important is MBA for you right now?
Reply: Again gave a carefully prepared answer after a lot of self-introspection.
Explained about my future goals & how MBA will help me to achieve them.
The panel finally stopped, & here comes the end of this pretty long interview.
I thanked them with a smile and left the room with mixed emotions.
Verdict: Converted
I’ll share few things which worked in my favour, which may or may not work for you.
- Marketing yourself well, stressing on the strong points and diverting the weak points in your profile.
- A good knowledge of current affairs & general knowledge.
- Careful selection of words + good command over your language.
- Accept your mistakes or failures, at the same time state what you learned out of it. Don’t try to justify your mistakes, it may backfire.
- Be authentic, original, energetic & try to maintain healthy eye-contact.
- Smile when you answer. Trust me, it works.