I had the oppurtunity to intern with Robert Bosch India Limited this summer at their Bengaluru Plant. Being a fresher and a HR aficionado, the learnings and experience that I got from Robert Bosch India Limited was an enabler for myself. Interning with a firm like Robert Bosch India Limited was a dream come true moment for me.

I joined Robert Bosch India Limited on 3rd of May, 2018 with lots of assumptions about the greatness of the company. I still remember me walking down the walkway of Robert Bosch India Limited with lots of anxiety. The moment I got inside the office premises, I got a feeling that the company is not just great but much greater than what impressions I earlier had. The work culture over there is really amazing. Some may disagree with me stating the large amount of work over there. But, I would say, if you love what you do, you would automatically love your job. What blew my mind was that, despite having such a workload, all the employees both in the factory & shop floor and those in the corporate office were very much welcoming and accommodating. The way they treated the interns should be appreciated. Everyone there I had interacted with clearly knew that the interns are there to learn and yes, everyone ensured that we get to learn something new from each and every interactions.
My internship with Robert Bosch India Limited was for a period of 2 months. The Industry learnings and corporate exposure that I got during my tenure are invaluable. I had the oppurtunity to work with the Ban/P - HRL - Contract Labour Department. My HR was an HRBP and an IR personnell at Bosch. The best thing I had experienced during my tenure of the internship with Robert Bosch India Limited is the valuable sessions taken by my HR post office hours. We used to have discussions on management topics and HR topics, where he used to prove us certain things cannot be taught in B-Schools and those can only be learnt practically by experiencing it. Me being a strong believer in practical learning over textbook learning felt such sessions useful and productive.
My Contributions
During my tenure with Robert Bosch India Limited, I was assigned to the Contract Labor Department and had involved in many activities related to the Department. I was involved in monitoring and generating Overtime Reports, CL Master Data Clean Up, formulating plans and generating ideas based on 5S Workplace Organization Methodology and preparation of MIS PPT and other reports as well. I also had the opportunity to sit along the panel and to coordinate the Graduate Apprenticeship Placement process and also the NEEM Trainee Interviews. I also had the opportunity to coordinate the Culture and Diversity Workshop held at Bosch. Apart from this, I had the opportunity to train a bunch of fellow interns on what I know and what I've gained from my learnings.
About my Project
The main objective of this Internship was to do my Research Project, as part of my PGDM Curriculum. For this, I had done a Live Project on "
CL Analytics: Developing a dashboard for Contract Labor Management to facilitate a data-driven Decision Making." The department had a problem. To overcome it, they used to depend on manual work which took 3-14 days. And this repeated every month. My approach was to recommend a permanent solution to this problem, that will reduce the work to less than 3 days and that will eliminate the need for manual work. The secondary objective of this project was to enhance the productivity of the employees in the department by making their job more smoother. For this, I had developed an Excel-based HR Dashboard for the Contract Labor Department using Visual Basic Tools and Macros in Excel. The same was appreciated by the HR Department at Robert Bosch India Limited.
The internship with Robert Bosch India Limited was a life-changing experience in the true sense of the phrase.
About Nibu
Nibu Koshy is a PGDM student at Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Kochi with HR and Finance as his specialization. He is currently the Placement Coordinator at Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Kochi. He had done his Summer Internship at Robert Bosch India Limited, Bengaluru.
Nibu had also served as Summer Internship Placements Coordinator at his college during the Academic year 2017-18. He is also a B.Com – Finance & Accounts graduate from Christ University, Bengaluru. He comes with a handful of certifications in Accounting, Stock Markets and Human resources.
Connect with Nibu
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nibukoshy
E-Mail: nibukoshy.official@gmail.com