For other twenty people social media might fuel their hunger for fantasy but for us, it adds to the anger of managing one more sphere that too without courtesy. We want to say a lot many things on our LinkedIn profile about all those colleagues whom we always hated but end up recommending them just like our over flooded resume speaks nothing but managerial jargon which screams “HIRE ME” after every single line. Why can’t people accept the fact that we are born with the tendency of procrastination and out of nowhere, we have to deal with deadlines as if our other lines are not already dead.
While most of us are lost, that set is still dominated by MBA students, overwhelmed by their options and cornered with their enormously hunky degree, which can’t figure out the right model for those HBR cases, which anyway lies in infinite range of solutions, ensures that our quality sleep degrades exponentially and meanwhile your bank account shows that dreadful figure of huge pile of debt. For the minor set, the burn takes a time to set in and then explodes in blisters. We oppose stereotyping by creating our brand superior to other mortals and then being perpetual in our valuation and continue to do so at all sorts of family gatherings and those alumni reunions of our schools. We are good at pointing blunt and cynical chaos in cases while being constantly obnoxious about our stand. For us, the right to complain is the right to freedom.
Disclaimer: The fun intended not the pun should be taken seriously as this session isn’t spoon fed to MBA people.