Here are a few of the latest IIM Bangalore Interview Experiences 2025 to help you better understand the B-School Interview scenario. To access college-wise PI transcripts specific to your background, download from InsideIIM’s PI Transcripts Bank.
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IIM Bangalore Interview Experiences 2025: Transcript 1
Required WAT PI score according to vercel - 23.02/50
WAT - A well renowned AI historian writes that AI can learn and change on its own, therefore it's hard to control. Comment about this argument and suggest ways to deal with such predictions.
Wrote about controlling of source training data and hard stops for unwanted chain of thoughts by ai.
Messed up the spelling of 'controling' in the essay :(
Expecting 6.5-7 out of 10
Interview panels - one Sir (S), one Ma'am (M), both old.
M - So you're the last in your panel, feeling tired?
Me - No ma'am I'm very excited for this opportunity
M - Did you get any insights from the other guys?
Me - yes ma'am I was asking them whether they got a chance to introduce themselves, and they said no
M - oh do you want to introduce yourself? Go ahead.
Me - (speaking about my life) stopped by M when I said I estimated the return on my MBA through discounted pay back method. Said that I also prepared a qr code with the link to the excel sheet in case they wanna take a look
M - oh no need, just tell us about it.
Me - told
M - so how much time does it take you to pay back?
Me - somewhere around 3.47 years
M - you'll pay back the loan in that time?
Me - no ma'am this is when my present value of cash inflows by virtue of my mba
M - you're not working, so are you considering only loans in this?
Me - no ma'am also my foregone earnings if I get a job
M - is it tough getting a job after bcom? You could have taken a job, we give points for that
Me - it is a bit tough ma'am in this market, and less than 12 months have very negligible points
M - so did you have a job offer?
Me - no
M - so how much does an mba cost you? You said in foregone earnings you can earn 4.5 lakhs in hand in this market without mba.
Me - I can't recall the exact figure I calculated, but approx 35 ish lakhs instead of 40 ish (by simple addition) because of present value of money factor
M - so how much do you expect to make after mba?
Me - explained my calculations with assumed ctc 25lakhs and in hand rate 70-75%
M - further cross questioning on in hand rate in different domains, and meaning of ctc
M - have you done stability analysis?
Me - I'm afraid I haven't heard of that term
M- like did you acknowledge uncertainties? Like are you sure you'll get a 25 lakh package?
Me - explained that I made a Calculator and can use optimistic and conservative assumptions.
M - so what's the range?
Me - 2 to 4 years
M - you told about new tax slabs, what are 2 more reforms in budget?
Me - custom duties removal in medicines and ev battery and semiconductor
M - something about msme?
Me - redefining of limits and increased loan for them
M - so what's the effect of the first?
Me - more firms can register as msme.
M - for existing firms?
Me - I haven't thought about that. I was then told to think now. I told, they can get more funds and still retain status as msme
Passes on to Sir
S - you mentioned something about a club in your sop?
Me - (had formed a stupid teetotalers club just a month ago, spoke about that)
S - so you had no experience with that and just wrote it on the sop? Hardly days before sop you formed the club! (Visibly frustrated)
Me - yes sir, I was very excited about that at that time, I agree that was a bad point to include in my sop. Part of the reason I wanted to introduce myself at the start of the interview because I felt my sop is weak
S - I'll ask you about finance. Asked about poverty solving through rbi giving money to poor people every 3 months. Why doesn't it?
Me - Sir currency is just a means of exchange. If I have 10 apples and you have 10 oranges,...
S - why bringing apples oranges, talk about the problem at hand
Me - explained how printing more money reduces purchasing power of all and that it's a short term solution
S (after cross questioning more and still not satisfied) - Since you talked about risk free return (had told this during discount rate calculation to M), tell me about sovereign bonds.
Me - havent read about that sir
S - it was in every major newspaper. Don't you read news?
Me - no sir but I keep tab of news
S - any recent news?
Me - chatgpt vs deepseek
S - there is something more recent in that field
Me - tried answering about alibaba's ai but S told to leave it
S - who decides money's worth?
Me - not very sure, but the govt doesn't set the value directly, maybe foreign exchange
S - no. Ok what's happening with rupee on foreign exchange?
Me - it's falling down
S - why?
Me - tried to answer about tariffs
S - so how was it performing before Trump?
Me - accepted that I don't know and after multiple to and fro, he let me leave. I tried to bring in demand supply curves in it, he told me to explain, I started and he immediately stopped me.
Back to ma'am
M - so you plan to work in finance?
Me - yes ma'am but not decided any particular role yet. Want to explore which opportunities best fit me.
M - ok that's all you may leave.
Targeting 25 out of 50, I require 18-19 in 40 in interview. Stopped many times but managed to keep a smile most of the times. Overall bad experience, I think I'll fall just short of 14-15
Advice to future aspirants, don't write a sloppy SOP, especially for IIM B.
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IIM Bangalore Interview Experiences 2025: Transcript-2
10th Feb, Delhi
WAT: is technology in education a boon or a bane for young learners
Panel: 3 male panelists, 40s+, idk alumnus tha koi ki nahi,
The interview revolved largely around SOP and work ex
Transcript: not in correct order, and cannot recall who asked what
P: what's the most fun thing that happened at work
P: why did they take you, someone without supply chain knowledge and put you in front of the client, isn't it wrong on Accenture's part
A: answered about job shadow and how they liked my work in the first 2 months and could see that I'd keep up and do well
P: explain about work ex, what did you do, quantify, how did you get the savings you've mentioned (a lot of cross questioning here ki did you consider this factor, did you consider that factor, and then logistics ka cost badh gaya hoga to use kaise manage kiya)
P: why do you call it optimization and they took me on some chain of thought as to what optimization is
P: who regulates pharma in india (fumbled and said DCGI, they later asked me who regulates bank and I said RBI, they said not the governor na? i said yes, RBI. they asked the banks question to show dcgi is a post and not the regulatory body, I accepted my mistake and that i couldn't recall the exact name but will look into it post the interview)
P: why did you mention the savings you'd brought for the client in your SOP, they grilled me a lot on this as to this could've been luck also, and did i not do anything else that was impactful, that anyone can bring savings by making an inefficient system efficient (I talked about ofc there's a lot to saved when we increase efficiency, but actually implementing, executive and working with clients and the ability to actually get the work done is what stands out, that the execution was good enough to bring in the results, as for the luck factor, I mentioned ki there are a lot of variables that can be controlled and can't be controlled, so while a certain aspect of luck could've played in my favour, it's more about the tenacity, the dedication and perseverance to go in everyday and get the job done, follow the process, pivot when needed to improve upon the controllable factors. in the end, it's about the can do attitude)
During the luck discussion, one professor said he disagrees with the other prof about luck and thinks accenture is unethical that I saved so much money for the client and are only paying me some miniscule amount lmao
P: What's your biggest failure, can you get back up when it happens, is pr they grilled ki aisa maan nahi skta ki koi failure na ho ( i talked about how i didn't have a big one, but I'd made a few mistakes and learnt from them) and basically when someone with a great track record comes who hasn't faced a failure, the first time they fail, it hits them like a hard truck so they want to see if i can handle that ( i talked about how with my family i was struggling with my parents to convince for education in delhi, and i thought there was a chance I'd fail, I'd actually prepared for scholarships, looked into further scholarships, made plans on how to get my education anyway possible, so while I've not faced a failure, I've faced challenges and I always make plan Bs to counter the same)
That's it, they said interview is done
I kept the swan thing again and mentioned how i love the golden venture origami thing because of how it originated, we discussed the story and tata byebye
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