Mayuri Jadhav
Alumni | IIM Indore (Since 1996)
Mayuri Jadhav is currently a PGP1 student at IIM Indore. She has previously completed Computer Engineering from Mumbai University. She loves singing, reading fiction and penning down her thoughts.
Mayuri Jadhav is currently a PGP1 student at IIM Indore. She has previously completed Computer Engineering from Mumbai University. She loves singing, reading fiction and penning down her thoughts.
16 Stories
Of Clubs, Committees And Commotion – POR Hunt At B-Schools!
I peer through the window at the pitch-black night. It has started to drizzle, and the city far away has retired for the day. The clock strikes 12 and the campus begins its hustle. I smile to myself, overcome with nostalgia, looking at the new batch, running up and down
Design Thinking Lectures At IIM Indore - Colours And Creativity In Management
We rushed to the 8.45 am lecture like any other day, with breakfast in one hand and books in the other. Something felt different about that day – 5 back-to-back lectures of the same subject in a day – no one had a clue what was happening. We entered our
How Important Are Grades In A B-School?
With June already here, MBA aspirants have ramped up their preparations and b-schools have geared up to welcome their new batches. Whether you are an aspirant or you are joining your dream b-school shortly, there’s always this one thing that needs to be answered – Do grades really matter when
MS Vs MBA – Engineer’s Edition
Engineers these days are venturing into different avenues, such as management studies, entrepreneurship, research, arts and the list runs long. You name it, engineers can do it. The opportunities available have grown horizontally as well as vertically across sectors but the age-old dilemma of MS vs MBA still prevails. The