I peer through the window at the pitch-black night. It has started to drizzle, and the city far away has retired for the day. The clock strikes 12 and the campus begins its hustle. I smile to myself, overcome with nostalgia, looking at the new batch, running up and down the stairs, for the hunt has begun. It’s now or never, when it comes to those three letters – POR.
What is a POR, you ask me? A POR, or Position of Responsibility, is a coveted resume point you achieve when you are selected as a member of a Club or Committee in a B-school. It is a well-known fact that B-school campuses are run by the students and these Committees are the facilitators. But a POR is much more than this. It is one of the best platforms to interact with your batch-mates, hone your managerial skills and have some fun in the process.
But how does one get a POR? Now there’s the harsh truth. The selection process can turn out to be an enriching or an exhausting experience. There are multiple rounds of group-discussions, presentations, interviews and elections that you need to sail through, to grab that POR. So, you might succeed and take a step forward in your b-school life or you may fail and lose your self-confidence. But here are some answers that will help you stay focused amidst all the POR commotion.
Which Clubs and Committees should I apply for?
Given the peer pressure, people apply for anything and everything that comes their way, irrespective of their interests and inclinations. I would suggest you think clearly and prioritize how you want to invest your time during these precious two years of b-school. Apply only for positions not just to get them on your resume, but to really learn something.
What if I do not get into any Club or Committee?
I remember how some of my batchmates were disheartened when they had tried to bag every possible POR, put in all their efforts, tried every other trick and yet did not make it. It often feels like the end of the world, when everyone around has a POR but you have none. That’s mostly because people compare this POR hunt with placement scenario. “If I am unable to make a mark at this stage, how will I even compete during placements”. But trust me, things do not work this way. A lot of my batchmates (including me), who failed to achieve good PORs during the initial days of b-school, ended up getting placed much earlier than others and bagged one of the best internships on campus.
In a nutshell, try to look at PORs as a learning opportunity. Give your 100% to bag that POR you really wish to take up. But do not lose yourself in the mad race, because it’s really not worth it. There are many more opportunities such as B-school competitions, live projects, internships and so on, that will give you better exposure and probably more satisfaction than a POR line in your resume that did not really add any value!