Disclaimer: This piece was ‘inspired’ by this article from the inimitable Times of India, featuring 5 pocket-friendly date ideas, which in my opinion are guaranteed to ensure that you start the next day looking for a new partner.
Another Disclaimer: You are welcome to try any of the below suggestions at your own risk. I would never recommend any of the ideas I champion.
Yet another Disclaimer: If you have been lucky enough to not be alone on this, the most holiest of days, you really should stop reading this and go spend some time together. Anything you do will be better, seriously.
Oh glorious day!
There is something really special about the morning. The sun shines down more benignly, birds seem to chirp a little more prettily, alarm clocks go about their business a little more sweetly. Even the distinct smell of desperation and unwashed laundry that usually pervades the air is replaced by something sweeter and almost reminiscent of deodorant. For the lack of anything better, we can say it smells like love is in the air.
But for all the auspiciousness of the day, it can’t be denied that it does come at a rather inconvenient time when a majority of students are encumbered with other, lesser pursuits such as jobs, sadistic faculty, 30 assignments and presentations every day, impending final exams and similar trivialities.
However, it is said that love conquers all and therefore it must be our noble pursuit to act as enablers and facilitate the smooth functioning of endearment on this special day (just like the Hindu Mahasabha). So below are a few tips that may help you enjoy a romantic day amidst all the chaos and struggle for survival that is a B-school.
A couple of these suggestions are from a guy’s perspective. Not because I’m sexist but for the simple fact that there a lot more guys around than girls and they need all the help they can get. For all the flak it receives, the Indian sex-ratio appears rather healthy when compared to that of a B-school. (To all the incredulous engineers, yes I share your pain. Nothing is as inhuman as engineering college)
[caption id="attachment_53701" align="aligncenter" width="453"] Spend quality time together[/caption]
Share a pleasant meal together
Grab a paratha/roll/apple together while you run for class in your pyjamas. Grab a quick bite for lunch in-between classes. Pour each other coffee in your Styrofoam cups as you decide which assignment to tackle first. And as you finally trudge to the night canteen to get yourselves some Maggi, remember that conversation is really important. So make sure you keep it fun & interesting at the dinner table. Topics like not having a job yet, having a better/worse job, complaining about your job, bitching about pay, location, roles etc. are proven to really help ignite that spark.
Attending Class Together
Go together to class. Sit next to each other and hold hands while you text away under your desks, oblivious of the ground-breaking theories of international management that are being propounded in front of you. Zone out and drool on your desks side-by-side. It will really help you feel connected.
[caption id="attachment_53698" align="aligncenter" width="432"] Don't do it alone. Find somebody to share[/caption]
Do Her Assignments
Be a gentleman and do her assignments/projects for her, thereby giving her some time to herself. This will go a long way in showing how much you care. But make sure not to get friend-zoned. Also, shoddy work will ensure that next time she finds somebody else to do it for her, so put in all your effort.
Music to Set the Mood
Some soft, romantic music is very critical in setting the right mood. Though it is important to find some common ground and play some tunes that both of you would enjoy, it’s very difficult to go wrong with some of the timeless classics like Chikni Chameli or Baby Doll. After all, nothing says I love you quite like loud proclamations of shaking your posterior.
Be a Stalker
Just because everyone can’t be lucky enough to have a valentine, doesn’t mean that you should be denied the wonderful experience. Stare at him/her sleeping in class, try to grab the seat next to them at mealtimes, park yourself outside their hostels hoping to catch a glimpse of them in the balcony, like their baby pictures on Facebook. Basically, just do everything to show how much you care in as creepy a way as possible.
[caption id="attachment_53700" align="aligncenter" width="650"] The Single Ones![/caption]
And Remember…
Every epic love story has its villain. So be really careful not to get caught by the dean lest he get you married or worse, inform your parents!!
Have a loving day.
- Nadeem
Nadeem is still trying to make sense of Life, the Universe and Everything now coming to the end of his wonderful MBA journey. You can read more of his work at nadeemraj.insideiim.com
He's an amateur storyteller at 42shadesoctarine.wordpress.com
Drop him a line on Twitter or Facebook. He doesn’t usually bite.
Jatin Nagpal
Brilliant article! All the best.
23 Jun 2019, 08.09 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
Thanks Jatin!
23 Jun 2019, 10.38 PM |
Kingshuk Das
When I came across this article of yours I didn't think I would make it this far. Being an average student just like you, I too had my doubts and insecurities about my capabilities. But after reading this I think I'm ready to shrug off the fact being average is no good at all. Cause average is just another word.
24 Jun 2019, 01.32 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
Thanks & ATB for your future endeavours!
24 Jun 2019, 01.44 PM |
Angad Singh
This article is an eyeopener and reality for many. Very relatable Reeju!
24 Jun 2019, 02.19 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
Thanks Angad!
24 Jun 2019, 06.36 PM |
Kabilan S
All the best senior!!. I read both the stories of your series that was published here. Being able to understand your story because I studied from SJMSOM is totally different from relating to your academic interest or being average. This write up is a proper guide for people with the same interest.
24 Jun 2019, 03.06 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
Thanks, and hope the article provides perspective on the different career choices you can make once you get started with the corporate life. And you'd be surprised to know that I'm not the only SoMite to choose this path. ATB for your journey post MBA!
24 Jun 2019, 06.34 PM |
Glen Abraham
An Engineer from a Tier 2 University, seeking the best blend of parameters for his dream MBA college.
I read all the prior articles in one stretch. I was amazed by what I read, going through your journey certainly gives perspective. Of all the things it also gives the courage to take a step out of the endless loop of job hopping pre/post-MBA as well. This was a pleasure to read. Thank you.
24 Jun 2019, 03.30 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
That was the intention actually to provide a better perspective into my journey, and hence the links to the previous articles. Hope you had a good read. ATB!
24 Jun 2019, 06.40 PM |
I am a teacher.
All the best.
25 Jun 2019, 10.43 AM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
Thank you!
25 Jun 2019, 10.49 AM |
girish joshi
Concisely Proved " YOU ARE NOT HERE TO BE AN AVERAGE YOU ARE HERE TO BE AWESOME" and your story was awesome!!!!!
25 Jun 2019, 11.31 AM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
Thanks Girish!
25 Jun 2019, 01.27 PM |
ganesh menon
This was indeed such a page turner! One question, iam a cat aspirant myself, could you mind writing in a detailed preparation that you had used for cat?
25 Jun 2019, 01.20 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Reeju Guha
You can refer to my article "Being Average" for details on CAT preparation. The link is provided in this article. Thanks & ATB!!
25 Jun 2019, 01.28 PM |
Akshay is a various reader and loves reading fictional novels especially the ones by George Orwell and Paulo Coelho. He is supposed to be an Electronics & Communications engineer by degree. This year he is joining IIM K for his MBA.
That was really a great read. Any tips on how can a person utilize those 2 years in MBA for building his profile for PhD.
24 Nov 2020, 02.13 AM