For Many MBA Aspirants, MH-CET is like the last hope for the current academic year. The anxiety levels of all aspirants may just be going up. Its time to relax and perform. Some last minute tips for all the Aspirants.
Don’t study something new now: Do not look at topics which are new to you. It will pull you down on your confidence levels. The last thing you would wish is to lose confidence. So just revise the concepts you already know.
Good Full Night Sleep: It is very important to relax before the exam. Sleep well one day before the exam. Do not stress much. Eat well and try to be as composed as possible.
Try to attempt Maximum Questions: Do not get stuck to a question. Just go to the next question. There are many questions waiting for you to be answered. Just dont go behind a question to prove a point. Don’t leave any question unanswered since there is no negative marking. Speed is the key.
No question is more special or more important than others. The more the time you invest in specific questions, the less the time you have for other questions.
Do not waste time in solving Quant Questions: Use the options given to you. As soon as you see the question, do not start solving, arrive to a solution by eliminating the options.
Distribute your time and attempt based on your strengths and weaknesses. You must have given so many Mocks. By now you must have come to a conclusion as to which topic within a section is your strength/ weakness. Accordingly distribute your time and attempt!
Last 10 minutes: In the last 10 minutes, attempt all the remaining questions as the Flukes will also give you bonus points.
Technical Glitches: Report the problem with your test to the instructor as soon as possible. Do not waste time in figuring out what needs to be done.
Keep Calm: Believe in yourself. You are definitely smarter than you think you are. Dont think negative and be positive. This exam is not the end of the world !! Give your best.
All the best to all the CET Takers 2016 !!