The end of GDP?: Does the Gross Domestic Product really reflect a country's development index? What about countries that are happier without being ultra-developed in the sense of the word? What about Bhutan's Gross Happiness Index? Genuine Progress Indicator? Trace the history of GDP with this article and decide for yourself. (NewYorker)
In the pink of health - Fortis Healthcare: India's second-largest hospital chain, Fortis Healthcare Ltd, has not had the plainest sailing over the past few years. While it has established itself firmly in India, it has had to sacrifice its international dreams. Read Fortis' journey as it has grown to become a household name in India. (Forbes India)
The future of Indian Music Industry: If you swear by music, be prepared to hold conversation about the details of the music industry business. Read this article that equips you with some ammo on the future prospects of the Indian music scene. (Music Business Worldwide)
Happy mind-chomp!
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