Indian Institute of Management Rohtak hosted the 7th Biennial conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) from January 7 – 9, 2022. INDAM is among the most prominent management conferences in India. The conference was themed around the triple bottom line (TBL) that focuses on People and Planet in addition to Profits. The conference offered an exciting opportunity for professionals, academicians, policymakers, and thought leaders to share their contributions in various disciplines of management, preview current research, and grow professional networks. It had the participation of over 1000 delegates from across the world. The conference was inaugurated by Hon’ble Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Former Chief Justice of India and Member of Parliament. Mr. Gogoi in his keynote address said, “The ongoing Pandemic has impacted the 3 Ps- People, Planet and Profit. Mankind is passing through its most challenging moments, coming from different quarters such as melting glaciers, rise in sea level, dwindling forest area, forest changes, air pollution, and enormous health hazards. I would like to highlight that this is a problem more serious than the problems created by the ongoing Pandemic. I think there is an answer to these problems faced by the 3 Ps that can be found in the constitution.” He further added, “These provisions of the constitution are in chapter 4 which deals with directive principles. They are not enforceable in court but are supposed to be the guiding principles of state action. Perhaps what we need today is the constitutional debate as to how many of these guidelines are yardsticks to measure the welfare of a state.”
Nobel Laureate Henry Mintzberg Says India Can Show The World How To Rebalance The Planet
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