One surefire way to maximizing your chances of getting into your dream company is by cracking an internship there because it’s a lot easier to get a PPO than to get a Placement Offer. A lot easier! Crack Your Dream Summer Internship Offers With MBA Summer Placement Bootcamp By AltUni.
So we know that networking is essential for a successful career path, but where should we start? How can we find the people we want to connect with and what is the best approach to contact them? This article will explain to you how to effectively acquire and build a network of your own as an MBA student - How To Build A Successful MBA Career Through Networking - Tips And Tricks
So, you were relaxing and chilling in your undergraduate degree and ended up with low academics and those Purane Paap (Old Sins) won't stop haunting you? Well, you are not alone - Cover Up For Low Academics And Build A Star Profile - Tips From A 5 Pointer
Gain an edge over others this summer & get offers from your dream companies on Day Zero of the 2021 Summer Placement Season. Get domain-wise knowledge, interview preparation, CV & SoP enhancement from industry experts & students who’ve cracked PPOs & placements with InsideIIM AltUni’s MBA Summer Placement Bootcamp.