MBA- A crazy roller coaster ride that has its own set of ups and downs, twists and turns, suspense and tension. Yet, overall, an exhilarating experience, and one not meant for everyone. For those who are strong enough, and who are brave enough to venture into the dangerous waters of management studies, a life of constant effort and workload will soon become the norm. What does the MBA degree do to regular Joes like you and me to increase their employability so drastically? Some say the constant pressure and endless deadlines pushes students to the limits, helping them discover new sides of their personality. Others say the pedagogy and the subject matter of MBA give students a wider perspective of business, over and above their core job responsibilities, thus allowing them to become better managers of the future. But there is a third, more prevalent opinion. This third school of thought believes it is the networking, and strong ties one develops over these two years with corporate big wigs that truly makes a student a highly successful and an employable individual. It gives them a first-hand experience of how true managers and leaders think, providing a strong foothold to propel one’s career forward. A good, globally divested pool of contacts serve as a strong backbone and safety net, boosting the confidence to take bold strides. It is this confidence that is key to becoming a strong leader and a strong manager, as well as to become a better person. What better way to develop this network than spending one term of your 6-term MBA course abroad! The student exchange program was set up by the Indian Institute of Management Raipur with this objective in mind. Students get a chance to learn from and interact with different cultures, different teaching techniques, and different viewpoints. This not only broadens the thought horizons, but also serves as a means to make lasting connections. Let’s look at this a little bit more closely. What exactly are the benefits of doing a student exchange? We fondly refer to it as the five E’s: Exposure: As already mentioned, you get to make a whole bunch of contacts from a range of nationalities. You realise that not all stereotypes are true, whereas some uncommon stereotypes are truer than you’d like! Exploration: Travelling through the countries and seeing a multitude of sights is a big selling point of the student exchange. Learning the culture and mannerisms, small titbits of the local language, and seeing the rich cultural heritage that any self-respecting country the world over can boast about is truly an eye-opening experience, and one that really helps you find yourself, and your place in this world. You realise that things are not always just brown and grey as the newspapers lead you to believe, and you realise that speaking to complete strangers is perhaps one of the most interesting things ever. Education Quirks: You are taught by people who follow completely different pedagogy. Courses that do not have any exam, where the student is graded on his class notes alone. Courses where you are given marks depending on the poorest performer of your group. It’s an open market, and anything is game. What you once knew with absolute certainty will be decimated in the blink of an eye. What you once thought was impossible will become your habit. This instils in you a feeling that anything is possible, and vastly increases your decision making skills. Employment: Going on an exchange program is an effective way to get jobs abroad. Ever wanted to live in France? Search for a job there while you study! In fact, your host university will be glad to assist you in your search. Exhibit Talent: Going on an exchange program is a way of promoting your own country to others. You go in,make the craziest impression ever, and walk out. Everyone will realise what Indians are truly capable of, if they hadn’t done so already. For me, being the patriot that I am, this last option is of special significance. And I am sure it is the same for you as well. At IIM Raipur, we firmly believe in promoting the culture of student exchange. That is why, annually, about a third our students go on student exchange, to various universities across the world. Those interested in marketing head off to IESEG, in Lille, France. Those who have an entrepreneurial bent of mind make their way to Grenoble Ecole de Management, in Grenoble, France. Wanna tour USA? Join one of the best Universities in Latin America - IPADE, Mexico. Fashion your thing? Head over to ESC Troyes, in Champagne, France. Business and Law? Alba Graduate Business School, Athens, Greece. Finance? HHL, Leipzig, Germany. With the never ending list of options available, students are, in all fairness, spoilt for choice. And that’s a good thing, because that way one truly gets a program that helps round off the CV, by learning key courses from faculty and systems that are considered to be best in the world. The partner universities are all ranked within the top 10 of their respective countries, thus ensuring a pristine environment where students can engage in their educational pursuits. With strong integration, teams working around the clock ensuring the transition period is as smooth as possible for everyone, ensures no confusion about the required procedures and processes. All in all, there is a range of highly reputed universities to choose from, each offering something unique and particularly gainful to students. A beautiful and wonderful way to close out the sixth term of your MBA. So what are you waiting for? Crack (the CAT), Pack (your bags), and Attack (IIM Raipur gates)! Hoping to see you soon, Your senior batch!
18 April, 2016
5 minutes Read
Student Exchange Programme At IIM Raipur
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