Occasions like this help in motivating the staff-workers and instill a sense of pride in the process of letting them reassure that they are important and integral part of the college family. It nurtures the MBA students towards being socially more responsible and better human beings in life while stimulating their Emotional Quotient (EQ), considered a key element in professional lives.
It is an opportunity for all of us to express our gratitude towards them for their hard work and determination. Management acknowledges the contribution and also offers assistance and support they maybe need for their families and children. We, students, do our bit and let them know that students and faculty members are available if they seek any help to pursue any areas of self-development or if their kids may need any help in their studies.
Many of them come to the campus early and sometimes stay late as their work may demand; hence it feels great to contribute something from our end as these are the people who work tirelessly to keep our college function efficiently. I was fortunate to be a part of this occasion organized by Samarthan and personally, consider this as one of my most valuable and inspiring experiences.
Haritha Depuru
First-year student of Admission committee
IFMR GSB Krea University