A Race With Myself- How I overcame challenges to achieve my ambitions in life so far.
The biggest challenges in life, I have noticed, always come from within and not from around us. As difficult as external circumstances may be, if one has the determination to push forth, there is not much to stop them. More often than not, what holds us back is our own inhibition, questioning our own capabilities. The biggest challenge to me has always been about how to be better than I was yesterday. Wanting to do well in academics, in competitions, in sports was not enough, it was about putting in the work that was the hardest, knowing that failure was a possibility. But then it is better to fail better every successive time we try, than not to have tried at all. And that is what I did, slogged, persevered, practiced to be better- not better than others, but better than I was the previous day. I discovered I could do so much, once I silenced the voice in my head questioning my capability. I could play badminton, I was great at painting, I could top academics, I could speak in front of an audience. People appreciated my efforts and that in itself was victory. Today, I know that we run our own races. Not with others around us, but with our past and present selves. If you jump into someone else’s race and start running, you may not win. It is their track, they know it better than you do. Work instead on yourself, defeat your own inhibitions, it may be a harder race but the outcome is much more rewarding.