B- School’….
Yes, this was the word which didn’t let me sleep for three years. But, it all changed two years back in 2017, when I was admitted to ‘my dream B- School’ (read my second home, the tree house).
They say that the two years you spend in a business school transforms you. It’s true! Given the deadlines to meet in the form of assignments, committee work and the deadlines of the ’committee’ that shouldn’t be named, it’s hectic. It does change you for good.
However, people do not emphasise the memories that one makes in the process, and these are those memories that one cherishes forever. Sometimes with teary eyes, sometimes with joy or ‘simply’ just because you remember those campus moments, the memories that you create on campus are ever-lasting and cannot be taken from you by anyone. In the two years, I made memories, in fact a lot of memories, and when I recollect those I feel overwhelmed, but I’d like to thank the person who made it possible for me, always.
In the Part 1 of this story, I have explained how my B-School lover helped me at every juncture of these two years. I’d like to dedicate the concluding part to my lover, my girl.
Your straight hair with a dimple smile always induced a sense of joy in my heart. Your presence in the classroom made every deadline tolerable for me. An epitome of positivity, you made me more humane, humble and lovable. Holding hands and walking along with me at every crucial turn gave me comfort for which I will always be thankful to you. While Bombay rains made me uncomfortable, your presence in those moments gave me joy that cannot be penned down.
The campus tea and late night walks in campus made me realize how I have that one person, who is just mine. Yes, my lover, you were that person. I cannot thank you enough for that. As “fresh” alumni of the institute batch mates may crave for time on campus, I crave for those times when we created “our special memories”.
Transition from shy smiles on the first day to teary eyes on the last day depicts the love that made us bind. Mornings won’t be the same without you, ordering food won’t be the same without you.
They say what’s one thing you want to change? I say nothing… I don’t want to change anything from past two years. You were perfect, we were perfect as we created memories for ‘us’.
You transformed me, you made me a better person, I am indebted to you, my lover. You held me in your arms whenever I fell. Your ‘tiny, comforting’ hands helped me sail through the two years.
The feeling, oh yes, the feeling of you being around is something I miss the most.
Today, we are in different cities, but the love for you has just grown by leaps and bounds. The love you showered on me will always be the love that binds us, and nobody can take that away from us, neither you nor me.
The paths we traverse now may be different, but the path of love was common in these two years.
Do I miss you? Oh yes! I do, I do… I miss you, I love you.
What am I doing, now? Sipping a cup of tea and going through our old photographs….
With Love,
Truly Yours
Parth Shekhar
3 Apr 2018, 11.51 PM
+Read Replies (1)
Anmol Gupta
He is a 2nd year PGPM student at IIM Rohtak. He completed his Summer Internship from Indus Valley Partners as a Business Analyst.
Indeed. Thanks Parth.. :)
4 Apr 2018, 01.11 PM |