With strong support, motivation and guidance provided by my mentors and guides, I was able to design my own Promotional contests to drive sales in Kolkata &Siliguri, where constant support and push was required on daily basis. Being on the market visit with the salesforce gave me hands-on experience on how the delivery of the products, the relationship of the salesman and the reputation of the distributor in the market is an integral part for the brand to evolve in the market. This provided me a holistic knowledge and practical experience of trade marketing, developing a GTM model, channel management and other intricacies of sales and distribution.
In addition to my functional learning, I realised the importance of sharp business acumen, creative problem solving, relationship building and understanding every stakeholder in running any business. This learning will help me in every stage of my life and in my career.
The feeling that I get now while having Britannia products is that I am also a part of their finished product!