It gives us, Embrace - The Admission Committee of School of Management & Entrepreneurship, immense pleasure in introducing Dean Prof. Atanu Ghosh to all our readers. Prof Atanu Ghosh is an alumnus of IIT Delhi and finished his MBA from IIM Ahmedabad and PhD from IIT Bombay. Prior to his association with SME-IITJ, he served as Dean of IIM Ahmedabad from Aug 2010 to Jun 2012 (on leave from IITB) and has been a faculty and researcher at SJMSOM, IIT Bombay from Sep 1999 till Aug 2020. His major areas of interests include Business Strategy, Leadership & Innovation, Services Marketing, and Customer satisfaction. He has more than 20 years of experience as an academic and nearly 18 years of senior-level corporate experience with many textile and apparel organizations in India and abroad; as well as on many consultancy assignments. Presented papers and delivered invited talks at many national and international conferences/ seminars /workshops and also at many institutions in India and abroad. Has conceptualized a new way of learning about leadership from the leaders of various walks of life and implemented it successfully. He has been the Project Leader of a worldwide study of Internet usage by the business sectors in India.
He authored the book titled “Strategies for Growth”, published by Random House India in 2010, as part of IIMA Business Book Series.
We sat down with our Dean for a chat regarding our school and this is what he had to say:-
Q What would you like to say to the students who are aiming to join SME, IIT Jodhpur?
A Jodhpur is today's destination. It is THE place to be. With institutes of national importance like NLU, NIFT, AIIMS, and IIT shaping up this vast and unique ecosystem coming up at Jodhpur, it is possibly the best chance for students to leverage this opportunity.
There is a high probability that a regular MBA might become a thing of the past in the near future. With the pandemic disrupting our lives and technology paving the way forward, there is a dire need for managers who are well equipped with technological know-how. This is where SME, IIT Jodhpur steps in. With a perfect blend of technology and management, SME offers a cutting-edge curriculum that is second to none in the entire country at the moment. With a brilliant ensemble of faculties at the campus, the only way is onwards and upwards. If you are looking to pursue Tech-MBA, planning to go for an international dual degree program and want to learn the latest technologies while doing management studies, SME, IIT Jodhpur is the place to be.
Q. How is SME, IIT Jodhpur changing the dynamics of what is expected from a regular b-school in India?
A. At SME, IIT Jodhpur, the focus on technology in our flagship program is our central distinction point from other B-schools. At the same time, the school focuses extensively on entrepreneurship and innovation. Our mandatory social sector attachment in our curriculum helps students get sensitised towards society and feel the other side of the world as well as the challenges they face in their day-to-day life. We aim to harness the entrepreneurial mindset of the students and give them a platform to transform their vision into reality. No B-school in India in its nascent stages has this incredible set of core faculties. Some b-schools take decades to reach a double-digit figure in terms of a number of faculties in their institute. However, SME in its inception year is operating with 17 core faculty members which is a considerable feat in itself. No advisory board in the Indian B-school fraternity has so many who's-who and prominent figures in their respective profession. These are the dynamics on which we are operating. Our vision and mission for the school are very clear, and our growth rate is the best amongst all the IITs. With more international collaborations on the cards, we are continually challenging the dynamics of management studies.
Q. What according to you has been the most fundamental change in management studies in this new normal?
A. Going online has obviously been the fundamental core change in the COVID era, and I believe there might be a blend of online and offline mode in the coming times. Things are coming back to normal, slowly yet steadily. Even though the online mode was temporary, it has also made a few things possible that the physical mode could not have. Breaking the capacity and physical space constraints is probably the most prominent offering that the online mode of teaching and learning has brought in. Another positive impact was that hosting the industry leaders in virtual classrooms became relatively more comfortable and without any logistical costs. The way of teaching and studying has become more dynamic than ever as it now involves a higher dependence on technology. We have to be on top of this change. Talking about how we interact in an online classroom, it is safe to say that not everyone is a big fan of one-way monologues. We need to inculcate the idea of breakout rooms in our pedagogy to have a healthy interaction amongst the students and teachers. I am a firm believer that the classes should be more participative, and interactive and online mode will gradually inculcate these changes in due time.
Q. With an incredible core faculty base and you spearheading SME to new heights, what does the future hold?
A. Not even for a second has COVID dampened our hopes and optimism and our aspirations are as high as the day we embarked on this journey together. The school is working hard in bringing in the best opportunities for the students and everyone is aligned in the same direction. Even though we are in infancy, we have overcome many hurdles and that just shows our determination in taking the school to new heights. The future has a lot in store for the school and the students. We have launched a variety of programs in record time and have the advantage of a larger IIT ecosystem. We have collaborations with the school of AI of IITJ as well as other departments to help students get an overall feel of the IIT system. Our innovation and incubation centre are now firmly established and we encourage students to venture into multidisciplinary environments. The whole world is shifting to technology and IITs are the most well-equipped institutions to facilitate students in leveraging the same. We are very optimistic about the future and we are just getting started.