Challenges are difficulties which one faces in life. When I come across a challenge I try to keep myself calm and find out ways to overcome those challenges. I think I am a very optimistic person I look at the positive side to it. I have faced many challenges in my life like dealing with family problems, covering costs for my start up when it wasn’t earning enough revenues, jumping off a bridge ( bungee jumping), issue related to body image, stereotyping etc. but I have always managed to overcome my challenges. I believe in keeping calm, talking to my mentor for guidance and staying determined. My biggest challenge was when I had to earn revenues for my start up. The expenses were higher than expected and I had to make sure I sell my product. So initially I was very disappointed because I didn’t expect it to be so hard to find you potential customers. I thought maybe for a few months I will make losses and then eventually I will start making profits. But it didn’t not turn out that way. So I decided to take guidance from a few people who I know were running their startups successfully, I read books and also took guidance from my mentor. I tried various strategies and finally I ended up recovering my costs. I believe had I got discouraged and given up it would have surely been easy but facing the challenge helped me build my confidence.